diff --git a/.eslintrc b/.eslintrc deleted file mode 100644 index d5c733f79f..0000000000 --- a/.eslintrc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ ---- -env: - node: true - -rules: - brace-style: [2, 1tbs] - camelcase: 2 - comma-dangle: [2, never] - comma-spacing: [2, {before: false, after: true}] - comma-style: [2, last] - computed-property-spacing: [2, never] - consistent-return: 0 - consistent-this: [1, self] - curly: [2, all] - default-case: 2 - dot-location: [2, property] - dot-notation: [2, { allowKeywords: true, allowPattern: "^long$" }] - eol-last: 2 - eqeqeq: 2 - func-style: [2, declaration] - guard-for-in: 2 # TODO: Change to error - handle-callback-err: [2, ^(err|error)$] - indent: [2, 2, { SwitchCase: 1 }] - key-spacing: [2, { beforeColon: false, afterColon: true }] - max-len: [0, 80, 2] # TODO: Change to error - max-params: [1, 4] - new-cap: 0 # TODO: Change to error - new-parens: 2 - no-alert: 2 - no-array-constructor: 0 - no-bitwise: 0 - no-caller: 2 - no-catch-shadow: 2 - no-cond-assign: [1, except-parens] # TODO: Change to error - no-console: 0 - no-constant-condition: 0 - no-control-regex: 2 - no-debugger: 1 - no-delete-var: 2 - no-dupe-args: 2 - no-dupe-keys: 2 - no-duplicate-case: 2 - no-else-return: 2 - no-empty: 2 - no-empty-character-class: 2 - no-eq-null: 0 - no-eval: 2 - no-ex-assign: 2 - no-extend-native: 2 - no-extra-bind: 2 - no-extra-boolean-cast: 2 - no-extra-semi: 2 - no-fallthrough: 2 - no-floating-decimal: 0 - no-func-assign: 2 - no-implied-eval: 2 - no-inner-declarations: [2, functions] - no-invalid-regexp: 2 - no-irregular-whitespace: 2 - no-iterator: 2 - no-labels: 2 - no-lone-blocks: 2 - no-lonely-if: 2 - no-loop-func: 2 - no-mixed-requires: [0, false] - no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: [2, false] - no-multi-spaces: 2 - no-multi-str: 2 - no-multiple-empty-lines: [2, { max: 1 }] - no-native-reassign: 2 - no-negated-in-lhs: 2 - no-nested-ternary: 2 - no-new: 2 - no-new-func: 2 - no-new-object: 2 - no-new-require: 2 - no-new-wrappers: 2 - no-obj-calls: 2 - no-octal: 2 - no-octal-escape: 2 - no-path-concat: 2 - no-process-exit: 2 - no-proto: 1 # TODO: Change to error - no-redeclare: 2 - no-regex-spaces: 2 - no-return-assign: 2 - no-script-url: 2 - no-self-compare: 2 - no-sequences: 2 - no-shadow: 0 - no-shadow-restricted-names: 2 - no-spaced-func: 2 - no-sparse-arrays: 2 - no-trailing-spaces: 2 - no-undef: 2 - no-undef-init: 2 - no-underscore-dangle: 0 # TODO: Change to error - no-unneeded-ternary: 2 - no-unreachable: 2 - no-unused-expressions: 0 - no-unused-vars: [2, { vars: all, args: after-used }] - no-use-before-define: 0 - no-void: 2 - no-with: 2 - object-curly-spacing: [2, always] - one-var: [2, never] - operator-assignment: [2, always] - operator-linebreak: [2, before] - padded-blocks: [2, never] - quote-props: [2, as-needed] - quotes: [2, single, avoid-escape] - radix: 2 - semi: [2, always] - semi-spacing: [2, { before: false, after: true }] - space-before-blocks: [2, always] - space-before-function-paren: [2, never] - space-in-parens: [2, never] - space-infix-ops: 2 - keyword-spacing: 2 - space-unary-ops: [2, { words: true, nonwords: false }] - spaced-comment: [2, always, { exceptions: ['!'] }] - strict: [0, global] # TODO: Change to error - use-isnan: 2 - valid-jsdoc: [0, { requireReturn: false }] # TODO: Change to warning - valid-typeof: 2 - vars-on-top: 0 - wrap-iife: 2 - wrap-regex: 2 - yoda: [2, never] diff --git a/.eslintrc.js b/.eslintrc.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..71f9d63aa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/.eslintrc.js @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +module.exports = { + "extends": "semistandard" +}; diff --git a/bin/_mocha b/bin/_mocha index b355e28352..3b2db1729e 100755 --- a/bin/_mocha +++ b/bin/_mocha @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ program._name = 'mocha'; program .command('init ') .description('initialize a client-side mocha setup at ') - .action(function(path) { + .action(function (path) { var mkdir = require('mkdirp'); mkdir.sync(path); var css = fs.readFileSync(join(__dirname, '..', 'mocha.css')); @@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ program // --globals -program.on('globals', function(val) { +program.on('globals', function (val) { globals = globals.concat(list(val)); }); // --reporters -program.on('reporters', function() { +program.on('reporters', function () { console.log(); console.log(' dot - dot matrix'); console.log(' doc - html documentation'); @@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ program.on('reporters', function() { // --interfaces -program.on('interfaces', function() { +program.on('interfaces', function () { console.log(''); - interfaceNames.forEach(function(interfaceName) { + interfaceNames.forEach(function (interfaceName) { console.log(' ' + interfaceName); }); console.log(''); @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ program.on('interfaces', function() { module.paths.push(cwd, join(cwd, 'node_modules')); -program.on('require', function(mod) { +program.on('require', function (mod) { var abs = exists(mod) || exists(mod + '.js'); if (abs) { mod = resolve(mod); @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity; // TODO: config var reporterOptions = {}; if (program.reporterOptions !== undefined) { - program.reporterOptions.split(',').forEach(function(opt) { + program.reporterOptions.split(',').forEach(function (opt) { var L = opt.split('='); if (L.length > 2 || L.length === 0) { throw new Error("invalid reporter option '" + opt + "'"); @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ if (program.retries) { // custom compiler support var extensions = ['js']; -program.compilers.forEach(function(c) { +program.compilers.forEach(function (c) { var idx = c.indexOf(':'); var ext = c.slice(0, idx); var mod = c.slice(idx + 1); @@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ program.compilers.forEach(function(c) { // requires -requires.forEach(function(mod) { +requires.forEach(function (mod) { require(mod); }); @@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ if (!args.length) { args.push('test'); } -args.forEach(function(arg) { +args.forEach(function (arg) { var newFiles; try { newFiles = utils.lookupFiles(arg, extensions, program.recursive); @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ if (!files.length) { // resolve -files = files.map(function(path) { +files = files.map(function (path) { return resolve(path); }); @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ var rerun; if (program.watch) { console.log(); hideCursor(); - process.on('SIGINT', function() { + process.on('SIGINT', function () { showCursor(); console.log('\n'); process.exit(130); @@ -407,11 +407,11 @@ if (program.watch) { var watchFiles = utils.files(cwd, [ 'js' ].concat(program.watchExtensions)); var runAgain = false; - loadAndRun = function loadAndRun() { + loadAndRun = function loadAndRun () { try { mocha.files = files; runAgain = false; - runner = mocha.run(function() { + runner = mocha.run(function () { runner = null; if (runAgain) { rerun(); @@ -422,15 +422,15 @@ if (program.watch) { } }; - purge = function purge() { - watchFiles.forEach(function(file) { + purge = function purge () { + watchFiles.forEach(function (file) { delete require.cache[file]; }); }; loadAndRun(); - rerun = function rerun() { + rerun = function rerun () { purge(); stop(); if (!program.grep) { @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ if (program.watch) { loadAndRun(); }; - utils.watch(watchFiles, function() { + utils.watch(watchFiles, function () { runAgain = true; if (runner) { runner.abort(); @@ -457,17 +457,17 @@ if (program.watch) { runner = mocha.run(program.exit ? exit : exitLater); } -function exitLater(code) { - process.on('exit', function() { +function exitLater (code) { + process.on('exit', function () { process.exit(Math.min(code, 255)); }); } -function exit(code) { +function exit (code) { // flush output for Node.js Windows pipe bug // https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/6247 is just one bug example // https://github.com/visionmedia/mocha/issues/333 has a good discussion - function done() { + function done () { if (!(draining--)) { process.exit(Math.min(code, 255)); } @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ function exit(code) { var draining = 0; var streams = [process.stdout, process.stderr]; - streams.forEach(function(stream) { + streams.forEach(function (stream) { // submit empty write request and wait for completion draining += 1; stream.write('', done); @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ function exit(code) { done(); } -process.on('SIGINT', function() { +process.on('SIGINT', function () { runner.abort(); // This is a hack: @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ process.on('SIGINT', function() { * Parse list. */ -function list(str) { +function list (str) { return str.split(/ *, */); } @@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ function list(str) { * Hide the cursor. */ -function hideCursor() { +function hideCursor () { process.stdout.write('\u001b[?25l'); } @@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ function hideCursor() { * Show the cursor. */ -function showCursor() { +function showCursor () { process.stdout.write('\u001b[?25h'); } @@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ function showCursor() { * Stop play()ing. */ -function stop() { +function stop () { process.stdout.write('\u001b[2K'); clearInterval(play.timer); } @@ -531,12 +531,12 @@ function stop() { * Play the given array of strings. */ -function play(arr, interval) { +function play (arr, interval) { var len = arr.length; interval = interval || 100; var i = 0; - play.timer = setInterval(function() { + play.timer = setInterval(function () { var str = arr[i++ % len]; process.stdout.write('\u001b[0G' + str); }, interval); diff --git a/bin/mocha b/bin/mocha index 0c16f0ee94..1d5c205b06 100755 --- a/bin/mocha +++ b/bin/mocha @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ var args = [path.join(__dirname, '_mocha')]; // Must be loaded here to handle node-specific options getOptions(); -process.argv.slice(2).forEach(function(arg) { +process.argv.slice(2).forEach(function (arg) { var flag = arg.split('=')[0]; switch (flag) { @@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ process.argv.slice(2).forEach(function(arg) { }); var proc = spawn(process.execPath, args, { stdio: 'inherit' }); -proc.on('exit', function(code, signal) { - process.on('exit', function() { +proc.on('exit', function (code, signal) { + process.on('exit', function () { if (signal) { process.kill(process.pid, signal); } else { @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ proc.on('exit', function(code, signal) { }); // terminate children. -process.on('SIGINT', function() { +process.on('SIGINT', function () { proc.kill('SIGINT'); // calls runner.abort() proc.kill('SIGTERM'); // if that didn't work, we're probably in an infinite loop, so make it die. }); diff --git a/browser-entry.js b/browser-entry.js index 789e686ae6..5fe416daa8 100644 --- a/browser-entry.js +++ b/browser-entry.js @@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ var originalOnerrorHandler = global.onerror; * Revert to original onerror handler if previously defined. */ -process.removeListener = function(e, fn) { +process.removeListener = function (e, fn) { if (e === 'uncaughtException') { if (originalOnerrorHandler) { global.onerror = originalOnerrorHandler; } else { - global.onerror = function() {}; + global.onerror = function () {}; } var i = Mocha.utils.indexOf(uncaughtExceptionHandlers, fn); if (i !== -1) { @@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ process.removeListener = function(e, fn) { * Implements uncaughtException listener. */ -process.on = function(e, fn) { +process.on = function (e, fn) { if (e === 'uncaughtException') { - global.onerror = function(err, url, line) { + global.onerror = function (err, url, line) { fn(new Error(err + ' (' + url + ':' + line + ')')); return !mocha.allowUncaught; }; @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ mocha.suite.removeAllListeners('pre-require'); var immediateQueue = []; var immediateTimeout; -function timeslice() { +function timeslice () { var immediateStart = new Date().getTime(); while (immediateQueue.length && (new Date().getTime() - immediateStart) < 100) { immediateQueue.shift()(); @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ function timeslice() { * High-performance override of Runner.immediately. */ -Mocha.Runner.immediately = function(callback) { +Mocha.Runner.immediately = function (callback) { immediateQueue.push(callback); if (!immediateTimeout) { immediateTimeout = setTimeout(timeslice, 0); @@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ Mocha.Runner.immediately = function(callback) { * This is useful when running tests in a browser because window.onerror will * only receive the 'message' attribute of the Error. */ -mocha.throwError = function(err) { - Mocha.utils.forEach(uncaughtExceptionHandlers, function(fn) { +mocha.throwError = function (err) { + Mocha.utils.forEach(uncaughtExceptionHandlers, function (fn) { fn(err); }); throw err; @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ mocha.throwError = function(err) { * Normally this would happen in Mocha.prototype.loadFiles. */ -mocha.ui = function(ui) { +mocha.ui = function (ui) { Mocha.prototype.ui.call(this, ui); this.suite.emit('pre-require', global, null, this); return this; @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ mocha.ui = function(ui) { * Setup mocha with the given setting options. */ -mocha.setup = function(opts) { +mocha.setup = function (opts) { if (typeof opts === 'string') { opts = { ui: opts }; } @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ mocha.setup = function(opts) { * Run mocha, returning the Runner. */ -mocha.run = function(fn) { +mocha.run = function (fn) { var options = mocha.options; mocha.globals('location'); @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ mocha.run = function(fn) { mocha.invert(); } - return Mocha.prototype.run.call(mocha, function(err) { + return Mocha.prototype.run.call(mocha, function (err) { // The DOM Document is not available in Web Workers. var document = global.document; if (document && document.getElementById('mocha') && options.noHighlighting !== true) { diff --git a/karma.conf.js b/karma.conf.js index 4aa108b27d..72161a065f 100644 --- a/karma.conf.js +++ b/karma.conf.js @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ var path = require('path'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var baseBundleDirpath = path.join(__dirname, '.karma'); -module.exports = function(config) { +module.exports = function (config) { var bundleDirpath; var cfg = { frameworks: [ @@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ module.exports = function(config) { }, browserify: { debug: true, - configure: function configure(b) { + configure: function configure (b) { b.ignore('glob') .ignore('fs') .ignore('path') .ignore('supports-color') - .on('bundled', function(err, content) { + .on('bundled', function (err, content) { if (!err && bundleDirpath) { // write bundle to directory for debugging fs.writeFileSync(path.join(bundleDirpath, @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ module.exports = function(config) { if (env.SAUCE_USERNAME && env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY) { // correlate build/tunnel with Travis sauceConfig = { - build: 'TRAVIS #' + env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER - + ' (' + env.TRAVIS_BUILD_ID + ')', + build: 'TRAVIS #' + env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER + + ' (' + env.TRAVIS_BUILD_ID + ')', tunnelIdentifier: env.TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER }; console.error('Configured SauceLabs'); @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ module.exports = function(config) { config.set(cfg); }; -function addSauceTests(cfg) { +function addSauceTests (cfg) { cfg.reporters.push('saucelabs'); cfg.customLaunchers = { diff --git a/lib/browser/debug.js b/lib/browser/debug.js index ba232896df..a4b3b3fdff 100644 --- a/lib/browser/debug.js +++ b/lib/browser/debug.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ -module.exports = function(type) { - return function() {}; +module.exports = function (type) { + return function () {}; }; diff --git a/lib/browser/events.js b/lib/browser/events.js index b4342f6202..5e410a342f 100644 --- a/lib/browser/events.js +++ b/lib/browser/events.js @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ var objToString = Object.prototype.toString; * @param {*} val The value to test. * @return {boolean} true if the value is an array, otherwise false. */ -function isArray(val) { +function isArray (val) { return objToString.call(val) === '[object Array]'; } @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ function isArray(val) { * * @api public */ -function EventEmitter() {} +function EventEmitter () {} /** * Add a listener. @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function EventEmitter() {} * @param {Function} fn Event handler. * @return {EventEmitter} Emitter instance. */ -EventEmitter.prototype.on = function(name, fn) { +EventEmitter.prototype.on = function (name, fn) { if (!this.$events) { this.$events = {}; } @@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter.prototype.on; * @param {Function} fn Event handler. * @return {EventEmitter} Emitter instance. */ -EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(name, fn) { +EventEmitter.prototype.once = function (name, fn) { var self = this; - function on() { + function on () { self.removeListener(name, on); fn.apply(this, arguments); } @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(name, fn) { * @param {Function} fn Event handler. * @return {EventEmitter} Emitter instance. */ -EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(name, fn) { +EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function (name, fn) { if (this.$events && this.$events[name]) { var list = this.$events[name]; @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(name, fn) { * @param {string} name Event name. * @return {EventEmitter} Emitter instance. */ -EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(name) { +EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function (name) { if (name === undefined) { this.$events = {}; return this; @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(name) { * @param {string} name Event name. * @return {EventEmitter} Emitter instance. */ -EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(name) { +EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function (name) { if (!this.$events) { this.$events = {}; } @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(name) { * @param {string} name Event name. * @return {boolean} true if at least one handler was invoked, else false. */ -EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(name) { +EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function (name) { if (!this.$events) { return false; } diff --git a/lib/browser/progress.js b/lib/browser/progress.js index 3186b6ec50..e71ba440e3 100644 --- a/lib/browser/progress.js +++ b/lib/browser/progress.js @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module.exports = Progress; /** * Initialize a new `Progress` indicator. */ -function Progress() { +function Progress () { this.percent = 0; this.size(0); this.fontSize(11); @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function Progress() { * @param {number} size * @return {Progress} Progress instance. */ -Progress.prototype.size = function(size) { +Progress.prototype.size = function (size) { this._size = size; return this; }; @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Progress.prototype.size = function(size) { * @param {string} text * @return {Progress} Progress instance. */ -Progress.prototype.text = function(text) { +Progress.prototype.text = function (text) { this._text = text; return this; }; @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Progress.prototype.text = function(text) { * @param {number} size * @return {Progress} Progress instance. */ -Progress.prototype.fontSize = function(size) { +Progress.prototype.fontSize = function (size) { this._fontSize = size; return this; }; @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Progress.prototype.fontSize = function(size) { * @param {string} family * @return {Progress} Progress instance. */ -Progress.prototype.font = function(family) { +Progress.prototype.font = function (family) { this._font = family; return this; }; @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Progress.prototype.font = function(family) { * @param {number} n * @return {Progress} Progress instance. */ -Progress.prototype.update = function(n) { +Progress.prototype.update = function (n) { this.percent = n; return this; }; @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Progress.prototype.update = function(n) { * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2d} ctx * @return {Progress} Progress instance. */ -Progress.prototype.draw = function(ctx) { +Progress.prototype.draw = function (ctx) { try { var percent = Math.min(this.percent, 100); var size = this._size; diff --git a/lib/browser/tty.js b/lib/browser/tty.js index 840d6699ee..7825e1c91c 100644 --- a/lib/browser/tty.js +++ b/lib/browser/tty.js @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -exports.isatty = function isatty() { +exports.isatty = function isatty () { return true; }; -exports.getWindowSize = function getWindowSize() { +exports.getWindowSize = function getWindowSize () { if ('innerHeight' in global) { return [global.innerHeight, global.innerWidth]; } diff --git a/lib/context.js b/lib/context.js index 6d82fcadf4..c049dc5471 100644 --- a/lib/context.js +++ b/lib/context.js @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module.exports = Context; * * @api private */ -function Context() {} +function Context () {} /** * Set or get the context `Runnable` to `runnable`. @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function Context() {} * @param {Runnable} runnable * @return {Context} */ -Context.prototype.runnable = function(runnable) { +Context.prototype.runnable = function (runnable) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._runnable; } @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Context.prototype.runnable = function(runnable) { * @param {number} ms * @return {Context} self */ -Context.prototype.timeout = function(ms) { +Context.prototype.timeout = function (ms) { if (!arguments.length) { return this.runnable().timeout(); } @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Context.prototype.timeout = function(ms) { * @param {boolean} enabled * @return {Context} self */ -Context.prototype.enableTimeouts = function(enabled) { +Context.prototype.enableTimeouts = function (enabled) { this.runnable().enableTimeouts(enabled); return this; }; @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Context.prototype.enableTimeouts = function(enabled) { * @param {number} ms * @return {Context} self */ -Context.prototype.slow = function(ms) { +Context.prototype.slow = function (ms) { this.runnable().slow(ms); return this; }; @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Context.prototype.slow = function(ms) { * @api private * @return {Context} self */ -Context.prototype.skip = function() { +Context.prototype.skip = function () { this.runnable().skip(); return this; }; @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Context.prototype.skip = function() { * @param {number} n * @return {Context} self */ -Context.prototype.retries = function(n) { +Context.prototype.retries = function (n) { if (!arguments.length) { return this.runnable().retries(); } @@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ Context.prototype.retries = function(n) { * @api private * @return {string} */ -Context.prototype.inspect = function() { - return JSON.stringify(this, function(key, val) { +Context.prototype.inspect = function () { + return JSON.stringify(this, function (key, val) { return key === 'runnable' || key === 'test' ? undefined : val; }, 2); }; diff --git a/lib/hook.js b/lib/hook.js index 0417e013cd..54260198ac 100644 --- a/lib/hook.js +++ b/lib/hook.js @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module.exports = Hook; * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ -function Hook(title, fn) { +function Hook (title, fn) { Runnable.call(this, title, fn); this.type = 'hook'; } @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ inherits(Hook, Runnable); * @return {Error} * @api public */ -Hook.prototype.error = function(err) { +Hook.prototype.error = function (err) { if (!arguments.length) { err = this._error; this._error = null; diff --git a/lib/interfaces/bdd.js b/lib/interfaces/bdd.js index 830a5fe67a..289f93797d 100644 --- a/lib/interfaces/bdd.js +++ b/lib/interfaces/bdd.js @@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ var Test = require('../test'); * * @param {Suite} suite Root suite. */ -module.exports = function(suite) { +module.exports = function (suite) { var suites = [suite]; - suite.on('pre-require', function(context, file, mocha) { + suite.on('pre-require', function (context, file, mocha) { var common = require('./common')(suites, context, mocha); context.before = common.before; @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { * and/or tests. */ - context.describe = context.context = function(title, fn) { + context.describe = context.context = function (title, fn) { return common.suite.create({ title: title, file: file, @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { * Pending describe. */ - context.xdescribe = context.xcontext = context.describe.skip = function(title, fn) { + context.xdescribe = context.xcontext = context.describe.skip = function (title, fn) { return common.suite.skip({ title: title, file: file, @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { * Exclusive suite. */ - context.describe.only = function(title, fn) { + context.describe.only = function (title, fn) { return common.suite.only({ title: title, file: file, @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { * acting as a thunk. */ - context.it = context.specify = function(title, fn) { + context.it = context.specify = function (title, fn) { var suite = suites[0]; if (suite.isPending()) { fn = null; @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { * Exclusive test-case. */ - context.it.only = function(title, fn) { + context.it.only = function (title, fn) { return common.test.only(mocha, context.it(title, fn)); }; @@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { * Pending test case. */ - context.xit = context.xspecify = context.it.skip = function(title) { + context.xit = context.xspecify = context.it.skip = function (title) { context.it(title); }; /** * Number of attempts to retry. */ - context.it.retries = function(n) { + context.it.retries = function (n) { context.retries(n); }; }); diff --git a/lib/interfaces/common.js b/lib/interfaces/common.js index 447458487b..aec6b0d29a 100644 --- a/lib/interfaces/common.js +++ b/lib/interfaces/common.js @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ var Suite = require('../suite'); * @param {Mocha} mocha * @return {Object} An object containing common functions. */ -module.exports = function(suites, context, mocha) { +module.exports = function (suites, context, mocha) { return { /** * This is only present if flag --delay is passed into Mocha. It triggers @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ module.exports = function(suites, context, mocha) { * @param {Suite} suite The root wuite. * @return {Function} A function which runs the root suite */ - runWithSuite: function runWithSuite(suite) { - return function run() { + runWithSuite: function runWithSuite (suite) { + return function run () { suite.run(); }; }, @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module.exports = function(suites, context, mocha) { * @param {string} name * @param {Function} fn */ - before: function(name, fn) { + before: function (name, fn) { suites[0].beforeAll(name, fn); }, @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module.exports = function(suites, context, mocha) { * @param {string} name * @param {Function} fn */ - after: function(name, fn) { + after: function (name, fn) { suites[0].afterAll(name, fn); }, @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ module.exports = function(suites, context, mocha) { * @param {string} name * @param {Function} fn */ - beforeEach: function(name, fn) { + beforeEach: function (name, fn) { suites[0].beforeEach(name, fn); }, @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ module.exports = function(suites, context, mocha) { * @param {string} name * @param {Function} fn */ - afterEach: function(name, fn) { + afterEach: function (name, fn) { suites[0].afterEach(name, fn); }, @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ module.exports = function(suites, context, mocha) { * @param {Object} opts * @returns {Suite} */ - only: function only(opts) { + only: function only (opts) { mocha.options.hasOnly = true; opts.isOnly = true; return this.create(opts); @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module.exports = function(suites, context, mocha) { * @param {Object} opts * @returns {Suite} */ - skip: function skip(opts) { + skip: function skip (opts) { opts.pending = true; return this.create(opts); }, @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ module.exports = function(suites, context, mocha) { * @param {boolean} [opts.isOnly] Is Suite exclusive? * @returns {Suite} */ - create: function create(opts) { + create: function create (opts) { var suite = Suite.create(suites[0], opts.title); suite.pending = Boolean(opts.pending); suite.file = opts.file; @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ module.exports = function(suites, context, mocha) { * @param {Function} test * @returns {*} */ - only: function(mocha, test) { + only: function (mocha, test) { test.parent._onlyTests = test.parent._onlyTests.concat(test); mocha.options.hasOnly = true; return test; @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ module.exports = function(suites, context, mocha) { * * @param {string} title */ - skip: function(title) { + skip: function (title) { context.test(title); }, @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ module.exports = function(suites, context, mocha) { * * @param {number} n */ - retries: function(n) { + retries: function (n) { context.retries(n); } } diff --git a/lib/interfaces/exports.js b/lib/interfaces/exports.js index 7db6e47c97..2bfa3fb4ad 100644 --- a/lib/interfaces/exports.js +++ b/lib/interfaces/exports.js @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ var Test = require('../test'); * * @param {Suite} suite Root suite. */ -module.exports = function(suite) { +module.exports = function (suite) { var suites = [suite]; suite.on('require', visit); - function visit(obj, file) { + function visit (obj, file) { var suite; for (var key in obj) { if (typeof obj[key] === 'function') { diff --git a/lib/interfaces/qunit.js b/lib/interfaces/qunit.js index 22e8080e2e..1e567a0af6 100644 --- a/lib/interfaces/qunit.js +++ b/lib/interfaces/qunit.js @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ var Test = require('../test'); * * @param {Suite} suite Root suite. */ -module.exports = function(suite) { +module.exports = function (suite) { var suites = [suite]; - suite.on('pre-require', function(context, file, mocha) { + suite.on('pre-require', function (context, file, mocha) { var common = require('./common')(suites, context, mocha); context.before = common.before; @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { * Describe a "suite" with the given `title`. */ - context.suite = function(title) { + context.suite = function (title) { if (suites.length > 1) { suites.shift(); } @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { * Exclusive Suite. */ - context.suite.only = function(title) { + context.suite.only = function (title) { if (suites.length > 1) { suites.shift(); } @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { * acting as a thunk. */ - context.test = function(title, fn) { + context.test = function (title, fn) { var test = new Test(title, fn); test.file = file; suites[0].addTest(test); @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { * Exclusive test-case. */ - context.test.only = function(title, fn) { + context.test.only = function (title, fn) { return common.test.only(mocha, context.test(title, fn)); }; diff --git a/lib/interfaces/tdd.js b/lib/interfaces/tdd.js index 445e992213..b9802f85b7 100644 --- a/lib/interfaces/tdd.js +++ b/lib/interfaces/tdd.js @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ var Test = require('../test'); * * @param {Suite} suite Root suite. */ -module.exports = function(suite) { +module.exports = function (suite) { var suites = [suite]; - suite.on('pre-require', function(context, file, mocha) { + suite.on('pre-require', function (context, file, mocha) { var common = require('./common')(suites, context, mocha); context.setup = common.beforeEach; @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { * Describe a "suite" with the given `title` and callback `fn` containing * nested suites and/or tests. */ - context.suite = function(title, fn) { + context.suite = function (title, fn) { return common.suite.create({ title: title, file: file, @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { /** * Pending suite. */ - context.suite.skip = function(title, fn) { + context.suite.skip = function (title, fn) { return common.suite.skip({ title: title, file: file, @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { /** * Exclusive test-case. */ - context.suite.only = function(title, fn) { + context.suite.only = function (title, fn) { return common.suite.only({ title: title, file: file, @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { * Describe a specification or test-case with the given `title` and * callback `fn` acting as a thunk. */ - context.test = function(title, fn) { + context.test = function (title, fn) { var suite = suites[0]; if (suite.isPending()) { fn = null; @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ module.exports = function(suite) { * Exclusive test-case. */ - context.test.only = function(title, fn) { + context.test.only = function (title, fn) { return common.test.only(mocha, context.test(title, fn)); }; diff --git a/lib/mocha.js b/lib/mocha.js index a649715191..b923227048 100644 --- a/lib/mocha.js +++ b/lib/mocha.js @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ exports.Test = require('./test'); * @param {string} name * @return {string} */ -function image(name) { +function image (name) { return path.join(__dirname, '../images', name + '.png'); } @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ function image(name) { * @param {Object} options * @api public */ -function Mocha(options) { +function Mocha (options) { options = options || {}; this.files = []; this.options = options; @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ function Mocha(options) { * @api public * @param {boolean} [bail] */ -Mocha.prototype.bail = function(bail) { +Mocha.prototype.bail = function (bail) { if (!arguments.length) { bail = true; } @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.bail = function(bail) { * @api public * @param {string} file */ -Mocha.prototype.addFile = function(file) { +Mocha.prototype.addFile = function (file) { this.files.push(file); return this; }; @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.addFile = function(file) { * @param {string|Function} reporter name or constructor * @param {Object} reporterOptions optional options */ -Mocha.prototype.reporter = function(reporter, reporterOptions) { +Mocha.prototype.reporter = function (reporter, reporterOptions) { if (typeof reporter === 'function') { this._reporter = reporter; } else { @@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ Mocha.prototype.reporter = function(reporter, reporterOptions) { } } if (!_reporter && reporter === 'teamcity') { - console.warn('The Teamcity reporter was moved to a package named ' - + 'mocha-teamcity-reporter ' - + '(https://npmjs.org/package/mocha-teamcity-reporter).'); + console.warn('The Teamcity reporter was moved to a package named ' + + 'mocha-teamcity-reporter ' + + '(https://npmjs.org/package/mocha-teamcity-reporter).'); } if (!_reporter) { throw new Error('invalid reporter "' + reporter + '"'); @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.reporter = function(reporter, reporterOptions) { * @api public * @param {string} bdd */ -Mocha.prototype.ui = function(name) { +Mocha.prototype.ui = function (name) { name = name || 'bdd'; this._ui = exports.interfaces[name]; if (!this._ui) { @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.ui = function(name) { } this._ui = this._ui(this.suite); - this.suite.on('pre-require', function(context) { + this.suite.on('pre-require', function (context) { exports.afterEach = context.afterEach || context.teardown; exports.after = context.after || context.suiteTeardown; exports.beforeEach = context.beforeEach || context.setup; @@ -211,10 +211,10 @@ Mocha.prototype.ui = function(name) { * * @api private */ -Mocha.prototype.loadFiles = function(fn) { +Mocha.prototype.loadFiles = function (fn) { var self = this; var suite = this.suite; - this.files.forEach(function(file) { + this.files.forEach(function (file) { file = path.resolve(file); suite.emit('pre-require', global, file, self); suite.emit('require', require(file), file, self); @@ -228,10 +228,10 @@ Mocha.prototype.loadFiles = function(fn) { * * @api private */ -Mocha.prototype._growl = function(runner, reporter) { +Mocha.prototype._growl = function (runner, reporter) { var notify = require('growl'); - runner.on('end', function() { + runner.on('end', function () { var stats = reporter.stats; if (stats.failures) { var msg = stats.failures + ' of ' + runner.total + ' tests failed'; @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ Mocha.prototype._growl = function(runner, reporter) { * @param str * @returns {Mocha} */ -Mocha.prototype.fgrep = function(str) { +Mocha.prototype.fgrep = function (str) { return this.grep(new RegExp(escapeRe(str))); }; @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.fgrep = function(str) { * @param {RegExp|string} re * @return {Mocha} */ -Mocha.prototype.grep = function(re) { +Mocha.prototype.grep = function (re) { if (utils.isString(re)) { // extract args if it's regex-like, i.e: [string, pattern, flag] var arg = re.match(/^\/(.*)\/(g|i|)$|.*/); @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.grep = function(re) { * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ -Mocha.prototype.invert = function() { +Mocha.prototype.invert = function () { this.options.invert = true; return this; }; @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.invert = function() { * @param {boolean} ignore * @return {Mocha} */ -Mocha.prototype.ignoreLeaks = function(ignore) { +Mocha.prototype.ignoreLeaks = function (ignore) { this.options.ignoreLeaks = Boolean(ignore); return this; }; @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.ignoreLeaks = function(ignore) { * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ -Mocha.prototype.checkLeaks = function() { +Mocha.prototype.checkLeaks = function () { this.options.ignoreLeaks = false; return this; }; @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.checkLeaks = function() { * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ -Mocha.prototype.fullTrace = function() { +Mocha.prototype.fullTrace = function () { this.options.fullStackTrace = true; return this; }; @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.fullTrace = function() { * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ -Mocha.prototype.growl = function() { +Mocha.prototype.growl = function () { this.options.growl = true; return this; }; @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.growl = function() { * @param {Array|string} globals * @return {Mocha} */ -Mocha.prototype.globals = function(globals) { +Mocha.prototype.globals = function (globals) { this.options.globals = (this.options.globals || []).concat(globals); return this; }; @@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.globals = function(globals) { * @param {boolean} colors * @return {Mocha} */ -Mocha.prototype.useColors = function(colors) { +Mocha.prototype.useColors = function (colors) { if (colors !== undefined) { this.options.useColors = colors; } @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.useColors = function(colors) { * @param {boolean} inlineDiffs * @return {Mocha} */ -Mocha.prototype.useInlineDiffs = function(inlineDiffs) { +Mocha.prototype.useInlineDiffs = function (inlineDiffs) { this.options.useInlineDiffs = inlineDiffs !== undefined && inlineDiffs; return this; }; @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.useInlineDiffs = function(inlineDiffs) { * @param {number} timeout * @return {Mocha} */ -Mocha.prototype.timeout = function(timeout) { +Mocha.prototype.timeout = function (timeout) { this.suite.timeout(timeout); return this; }; @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.timeout = function(timeout) { * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ -Mocha.prototype.retries = function(n) { +Mocha.prototype.retries = function (n) { this.suite.retries(n); return this; }; @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.retries = function(n) { * @param {number} slow * @return {Mocha} */ -Mocha.prototype.slow = function(slow) { +Mocha.prototype.slow = function (slow) { this.suite.slow(slow); return this; }; @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.slow = function(slow) { * @param {boolean} enabled * @return {Mocha} */ -Mocha.prototype.enableTimeouts = function(enabled) { +Mocha.prototype.enableTimeouts = function (enabled) { this.suite.enableTimeouts(arguments.length && enabled !== undefined ? enabled : true); return this; }; @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.enableTimeouts = function(enabled) { * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ -Mocha.prototype.asyncOnly = function() { +Mocha.prototype.asyncOnly = function () { this.options.asyncOnly = true; return this; }; @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.asyncOnly = function() { * * @api public */ -Mocha.prototype.noHighlighting = function() { +Mocha.prototype.noHighlighting = function () { this.options.noHighlighting = true; return this; }; @@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.noHighlighting = function() { * @return {Mocha} * @api public */ -Mocha.prototype.allowUncaught = function() { +Mocha.prototype.allowUncaught = function () { this.options.allowUncaught = true; return this; }; @@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.allowUncaught = function() { * Delay root suite execution. * @returns {Mocha} */ -Mocha.prototype.delay = function delay() { +Mocha.prototype.delay = function delay () { this.options.delay = true; return this; }; @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.delay = function delay() { * @param {Function} fn * @return {Runner} */ -Mocha.prototype.run = function(fn) { +Mocha.prototype.run = function (fn) { if (this.files.length) { this.loadFiles(); } @@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ Mocha.prototype.run = function(fn) { } exports.reporters.Base.inlineDiffs = options.useInlineDiffs; - function done(failures) { + function done (failures) { if (reporter.done) { reporter.done(failures, fn); } else { diff --git a/lib/ms.js b/lib/ms.js index 12fddc18ae..fed85f8c14 100644 --- a/lib/ms.js +++ b/lib/ms.js @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ var y = d * 365.25; * @param {Object} options * @return {string|number} */ -module.exports = function(val, options) { +module.exports = function (val, options) { options = options || {}; if (typeof val === 'string') { return parse(val); @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module.exports = function(val, options) { * @param {string} str * @return {number} */ -function parse(str) { +function parse (str) { var match = (/^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(ms|seconds?|s|minutes?|m|hours?|h|days?|d|years?|y)?$/i).exec(str); if (!match) { return; @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ function parse(str) { * @param {number} ms * @return {string} */ -function shortFormat(ms) { +function shortFormat (ms) { if (ms >= d) { return Math.round(ms / d) + 'd'; } @@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ function shortFormat(ms) { * @param {number} ms * @return {string} */ -function longFormat(ms) { - return plural(ms, d, 'day') - || plural(ms, h, 'hour') - || plural(ms, m, 'minute') - || plural(ms, s, 'second') - || ms + ' ms'; +function longFormat (ms) { + return plural(ms, d, 'day') || + plural(ms, h, 'hour') || + plural(ms, m, 'minute') || + plural(ms, s, 'second') || + ms + ' ms'; } /** @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ function longFormat(ms) { * @param {number} n * @param {string} name */ -function plural(ms, n, name) { +function plural (ms, n, name) { if (ms < n) { return; } diff --git a/lib/pending.js b/lib/pending.js index c847e04e3f..47be376928 100644 --- a/lib/pending.js +++ b/lib/pending.js @@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ module.exports = Pending; * * @param {string} message */ -function Pending(message) { +function Pending (message) { this.message = message; } diff --git a/lib/reporters/base.js b/lib/reporters/base.js index c754c5231f..df201ef69a 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/base.js +++ b/lib/reporters/base.js @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ if (process.platform === 'win32') { * @return {string} * @api private */ -var color = exports.color = function(type, str) { +var color = exports.color = function (type, str) { if (!exports.useColors) { return String(str); } @@ -127,23 +127,23 @@ if (isatty) { */ exports.cursor = { - hide: function() { + hide: function () { isatty && process.stdout.write('\u001b[?25l'); }, - show: function() { + show: function () { isatty && process.stdout.write('\u001b[?25h'); }, - deleteLine: function() { + deleteLine: function () { isatty && process.stdout.write('\u001b[2K'); }, - beginningOfLine: function() { + beginningOfLine: function () { isatty && process.stdout.write('\u001b[0G'); }, - CR: function() { + CR: function () { if (isatty) { exports.cursor.deleteLine(); exports.cursor.beginningOfLine(); @@ -160,13 +160,13 @@ exports.cursor = { * @api public */ -exports.list = function(failures) { +exports.list = function (failures) { console.log(); - failures.forEach(function(test, i) { + failures.forEach(function (test, i) { // format - var fmt = color('error title', ' %s) %s:\n') - + color('error message', ' %s') - + color('error stack', '\n%s\n'); + var fmt = color('error title', ' %s) %s:\n') + + color('error message', ' %s') + + color('error stack', '\n%s\n'); // msg var msg; @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ exports.list = function(failures) { * @api public */ -function Base(runner) { +function Base (runner) { var stats = this.stats = { suites: 0, tests: 0, passes: 0, pending: 0, failures: 0 }; var failures = this.failures = []; @@ -247,21 +247,21 @@ function Base(runner) { runner.stats = stats; - runner.on('start', function() { + runner.on('start', function () { stats.start = new Date(); }); - runner.on('suite', function(suite) { + runner.on('suite', function (suite) { stats.suites = stats.suites || 0; suite.root || stats.suites++; }); - runner.on('test end', function() { + runner.on('test end', function () { stats.tests = stats.tests || 0; stats.tests++; }); - runner.on('pass', function(test) { + runner.on('pass', function (test) { stats.passes = stats.passes || 0; if (test.duration > test.slow()) { @@ -275,19 +275,19 @@ function Base(runner) { stats.passes++; }); - runner.on('fail', function(test, err) { + runner.on('fail', function (test, err) { stats.failures = stats.failures || 0; stats.failures++; test.err = err; failures.push(test); }); - runner.on('end', function() { + runner.on('end', function () { stats.end = new Date(); stats.duration = new Date() - stats.start; }); - runner.on('pending', function() { + runner.on('pending', function () { stats.pending++; }); } @@ -298,16 +298,16 @@ function Base(runner) { * * @api public */ -Base.prototype.epilogue = function() { +Base.prototype.epilogue = function () { var stats = this.stats; var fmt; console.log(); // passes - fmt = color('bright pass', ' ') - + color('green', ' %d passing') - + color('light', ' (%s)'); + fmt = color('bright pass', ' ') + + color('green', ' %d passing') + + color('light', ' (%s)'); console.log(fmt, stats.passes || 0, @@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ Base.prototype.epilogue = function() { // pending if (stats.pending) { - fmt = color('pending', ' ') - + color('pending', ' %d pending'); + fmt = color('pending', ' ') + + color('pending', ' %d pending'); console.log(fmt, stats.pending); } @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ Base.prototype.epilogue = function() { * @param {string} len * @return {string} */ -function pad(str, len) { +function pad (str, len) { str = String(str); return Array(len - str.length + 1).join(' ') + str; } @@ -355,26 +355,26 @@ function pad(str, len) { * @param {boolean} escape * @return {string} Diff */ -function inlineDiff(err, escape) { +function inlineDiff (err, escape) { var msg = errorDiff(err, 'WordsWithSpace', escape); // linenos var lines = msg.split('\n'); if (lines.length > 4) { var width = String(lines.length).length; - msg = lines.map(function(str, i) { + msg = lines.map(function (str, i) { return pad(++i, width) + ' |' + ' ' + str; }).join('\n'); } // legend - msg = '\n' - + color('diff removed', 'actual') - + ' ' - + color('diff added', 'expected') - + '\n\n' - + msg - + '\n'; + msg = '\n' + + color('diff removed', 'actual') + + ' ' + + color('diff added', 'expected') + + '\n\n' + + msg + + '\n'; // indent msg = msg.replace(/^/gm, ' '); @@ -389,9 +389,9 @@ function inlineDiff(err, escape) { * @param {boolean} escape * @return {string} The diff. */ -function unifiedDiff(err, escape) { +function unifiedDiff (err, escape) { var indent = ' '; - function cleanUp(line) { + function cleanUp (line) { if (escape) { line = escapeInvisibles(line); } @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ function unifiedDiff(err, escape) { if (line[0] === '-') { return indent + colorLines('diff removed', line); } - if (line.match(/\@\@/)) { + if (line.match(/@@/)) { return null; } if (line.match(/\\ No newline/)) { @@ -409,16 +409,16 @@ function unifiedDiff(err, escape) { } return indent + line; } - function notBlank(line) { + function notBlank (line) { return typeof line !== 'undefined' && line !== null; } var msg = diff.createPatch('string', err.actual, err.expected); var lines = msg.split('\n').splice(4); - return '\n ' - + colorLines('diff added', '+ expected') + ' ' - + colorLines('diff removed', '- actual') - + '\n\n' - + lines.map(cleanUp).filter(notBlank).join('\n'); + return '\n ' + + colorLines('diff added', '+ expected') + ' ' + + colorLines('diff removed', '- actual') + + '\n\n' + + lines.map(cleanUp).filter(notBlank).join('\n'); } /** @@ -430,10 +430,10 @@ function unifiedDiff(err, escape) { * @param {boolean} escape * @return {string} */ -function errorDiff(err, type, escape) { +function errorDiff (err, type, escape) { var actual = escape ? escapeInvisibles(err.actual) : err.actual; var expected = escape ? escapeInvisibles(err.expected) : err.expected; - return diff['diff' + type](actual, expected).map(function(str) { + return diff['diff' + type](actual, expected).map(function (str) { if (str.added) { return colorLines('diff added', str.value); } @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ function errorDiff(err, type, escape) { * @param {string} line * @return {string} */ -function escapeInvisibles(line) { +function escapeInvisibles (line) { return line.replace(/\t/g, '') .replace(/\r/g, '') .replace(/\n/g, '\n'); @@ -465,8 +465,8 @@ function escapeInvisibles(line) { * @param {string} str * @return {string} */ -function colorLines(name, str) { - return str.split('\n').map(function(str) { +function colorLines (name, str) { + return str.split('\n').map(function (str) { return color(name, str); }).join('\n'); } @@ -484,6 +484,6 @@ var objToString = Object.prototype.toString; * @param {Object} b * @return {boolean} */ -function sameType(a, b) { +function sameType (a, b) { return objToString.call(a) === objToString.call(b); } diff --git a/lib/reporters/doc.js b/lib/reporters/doc.js index 9f5c3f8a37..506ce6d68d 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/doc.js +++ b/lib/reporters/doc.js @@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ exports = module.exports = Doc; * @param {Runner} runner * @api public */ -function Doc(runner) { +function Doc (runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var indents = 2; - function indent() { + function indent () { return Array(indents).join(' '); } - runner.on('suite', function(suite) { + runner.on('suite', function (suite) { if (suite.root) { return; } @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ function Doc(runner) { console.log('%s
', indent()); }); - runner.on('suite end', function(suite) { + runner.on('suite end', function (suite) { if (suite.root) { return; } @@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ function Doc(runner) { --indents; }); - runner.on('pass', function(test) { + runner.on('pass', function (test) { console.log('%s
', indent(), utils.escape(test.title)); var code = utils.escape(utils.clean(test.body)); console.log('%s
', indent(), code); }); - runner.on('fail', function(test, err) { + runner.on('fail', function (test, err) { console.log('%s
', indent(), utils.escape(test.title)); var code = utils.escape(utils.clean(test.body)); console.log('%s
', indent(), code); diff --git a/lib/reporters/dot.js b/lib/reporters/dot.js index f8b4b41fe0..e2a359ce86 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/dot.js +++ b/lib/reporters/dot.js @@ -18,25 +18,25 @@ exports = module.exports = Dot; * @api public * @param {Runner} runner */ -function Dot(runner) { +function Dot (runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this; - var width = Base.window.width * .75 | 0; + var width = Base.window.width * 0.75 | 0; var n = -1; - runner.on('start', function() { + runner.on('start', function () { process.stdout.write('\n'); }); - runner.on('pending', function() { + runner.on('pending', function () { if (++n % width === 0) { process.stdout.write('\n '); } process.stdout.write(color('pending', Base.symbols.comma)); }); - runner.on('pass', function(test) { + runner.on('pass', function (test) { if (++n % width === 0) { process.stdout.write('\n '); } @@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ function Dot(runner) { } }); - runner.on('fail', function() { + runner.on('fail', function () { if (++n % width === 0) { process.stdout.write('\n '); } process.stdout.write(color('fail', Base.symbols.bang)); }); - runner.on('end', function() { + runner.on('end', function () { console.log(); self.epilogue(); }); diff --git a/lib/reporters/html.js b/lib/reporters/html.js index 51ba1ca722..bf46b5e18b 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/html.js +++ b/lib/reporters/html.js @@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ exports = module.exports = HTML; * Stats template. */ -var statsTemplate = ''; +var statsTemplate = ''; /** * Initialize a new `HTML` reporter. @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ var statsTemplate = '
    ' * @api public * @param {Runner} runner */ -function HTML(runner) { +function HTML (runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this; @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ function HTML(runner) { } // pass toggle - on(passesLink, 'click', function(evt) { + on(passesLink, 'click', function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); unhide(); var name = (/pass/).test(report.className) ? '' : ' pass'; @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ function HTML(runner) { }); // failure toggle - on(failuresLink, 'click', function(evt) { + on(failuresLink, 'click', function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); unhide(); var name = (/fail/).test(report.className) ? '' : ' fail'; @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ function HTML(runner) { progress.size(40); } - runner.on('suite', function(suite) { + runner.on('suite', function (suite) { if (suite.root) { return; } @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ function HTML(runner) { el.appendChild(stack[0]); }); - runner.on('suite end', function(suite) { + runner.on('suite end', function (suite) { if (suite.root) { updateStats(); return; @@ -131,17 +131,17 @@ function HTML(runner) { stack.shift(); }); - runner.on('pass', function(test) { + runner.on('pass', function (test) { var url = self.testURL(test); - var markup = '
  • %e%ems ' - + '

  • '; + var markup = '
  • %e%ems ' + + '

  • '; var el = fragment(markup, test.speed, test.title, test.duration, url); self.addCodeToggle(el, test.body); appendToStack(el); updateStats(); }); - runner.on('fail', function(test) { + runner.on('fail', function (test) { var el = fragment('
  • %e

  • ', test.title, self.testURL(test)); var stackString; // Note: Includes leading newline @@ -181,20 +181,20 @@ function HTML(runner) { updateStats(); }); - runner.on('pending', function(test) { + runner.on('pending', function (test) { var el = fragment('
  • %e

  • ', test.title); appendToStack(el); updateStats(); }); - function appendToStack(el) { + function appendToStack (el) { // Don't call .appendChild if #mocha-report was already .shift()'ed off the stack. if (stack[0]) { stack[0].appendChild(el); } } - function updateStats() { + function updateStats () { // TODO: add to stats var percent = stats.tests / runner.total * 100 | 0; if (progress) { @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ function HTML(runner) { * @param {string} s * @return {string} A new URL. */ -function makeUrl(s) { +function makeUrl (s) { var search = window.location.search; // Remove previous grep query parameter if present @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ function makeUrl(s) { * * @param {Object} [suite] */ -HTML.prototype.suiteURL = function(suite) { +HTML.prototype.suiteURL = function (suite) { return makeUrl(suite.fullTitle()); }; @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ HTML.prototype.suiteURL = function(suite) { * * @param {Object} [test] */ -HTML.prototype.testURL = function(test) { +HTML.prototype.testURL = function (test) { return makeUrl(test.fullTitle()); }; @@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ HTML.prototype.testURL = function(test) { * @param {HTMLLIElement} el * @param {string} contents */ -HTML.prototype.addCodeToggle = function(el, contents) { +HTML.prototype.addCodeToggle = function (el, contents) { var h2 = el.getElementsByTagName('h2')[0]; - on(h2, 'click', function() { + on(h2, 'click', function () { pre.style.display = pre.style.display === 'none' ? 'block' : 'none'; }); @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ HTML.prototype.addCodeToggle = function(el, contents) { * * @param {string} msg */ -function error(msg) { +function error (msg) { document.body.appendChild(fragment('
    ', msg)); } @@ -276,12 +276,12 @@ function error(msg) { * * @param {string} html */ -function fragment(html) { +function fragment (html) { var args = arguments; var div = document.createElement('div'); var i = 1; - div.innerHTML = html.replace(/%([se])/g, function(_, type) { + div.innerHTML = html.replace(/%([se])/g, function (_, type) { switch (type) { case 's': return String(args[i++]); case 'e': return escape(args[i++]); @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ function fragment(html) { * * @param {text} classname */ -function hideSuitesWithout(classname) { +function hideSuitesWithout (classname) { var suites = document.getElementsByClassName('suite'); for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) { var els = suites[i].getElementsByClassName(classname); @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ function hideSuitesWithout(classname) { /** * Unhide .hidden suites. */ -function unhide() { +function unhide () { var els = document.getElementsByClassName('suite hidden'); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; ++i) { els[i].className = els[i].className.replace('suite hidden', 'suite'); @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ function unhide() { * @param {HTMLElement} el * @param {string} contents */ -function text(el, contents) { +function text (el, contents) { if (el.textContent) { el.textContent = contents; } else { @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ function text(el, contents) { /** * Listen on `event` with callback `fn`. */ -function on(el, event, fn) { +function on (el, event, fn) { if (el.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener(event, fn, false); } else { diff --git a/lib/reporters/json-stream.js b/lib/reporters/json-stream.js index f07f8657c0..a528abf857 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/json-stream.js +++ b/lib/reporters/json-stream.js @@ -17,28 +17,28 @@ exports = module.exports = List; * @api public * @param {Runner} runner */ -function List(runner) { +function List (runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this; var total = runner.total; - runner.on('start', function() { + runner.on('start', function () { console.log(JSON.stringify(['start', { total: total }])); }); - runner.on('pass', function(test) { + runner.on('pass', function (test) { console.log(JSON.stringify(['pass', clean(test)])); }); - runner.on('fail', function(test, err) { + runner.on('fail', function (test, err) { test = clean(test); test.err = err.message; test.stack = err.stack || null; console.log(JSON.stringify(['fail', test])); }); - runner.on('end', function() { + runner.on('end', function () { process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(['end', self.stats])); }); } @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function List(runner) { * @param {Object} test * @return {Object} */ -function clean(test) { +function clean (test) { return { title: test.title, fullTitle: test.fullTitle(), diff --git a/lib/reporters/json.js b/lib/reporters/json.js index cd9ec286b7..42bcd96d4c 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/json.js +++ b/lib/reporters/json.js @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ exports = module.exports = JSONReporter; * @api public * @param {Runner} runner */ -function JSONReporter(runner) { +function JSONReporter (runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this; @@ -25,23 +25,23 @@ function JSONReporter(runner) { var failures = []; var passes = []; - runner.on('test end', function(test) { + runner.on('test end', function (test) { tests.push(test); }); - runner.on('pass', function(test) { + runner.on('pass', function (test) { passes.push(test); }); - runner.on('fail', function(test) { + runner.on('fail', function (test) { failures.push(test); }); - runner.on('pending', function(test) { + runner.on('pending', function (test) { pending.push(test); }); - runner.on('end', function() { + runner.on('end', function () { var obj = { stats: self.stats, tests: tests.map(clean), @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ function JSONReporter(runner) { * @param {Object} test * @return {Object} */ -function clean(test) { +function clean (test) { return { title: test.title, fullTitle: test.fullTitle(), @@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ function clean(test) { * @param {Error} err * @return {Object} */ -function errorJSON(err) { +function errorJSON (err) { var res = {}; - Object.getOwnPropertyNames(err).forEach(function(key) { + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(err).forEach(function (key) { res[key] = err[key]; }, err); return res; diff --git a/lib/reporters/landing.js b/lib/reporters/landing.js index b66b2000c1..c5da809d7a 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/landing.js +++ b/lib/reporters/landing.js @@ -37,28 +37,28 @@ Base.colors.runway = 90; * @api public * @param {Runner} runner */ -function Landing(runner) { +function Landing (runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this; - var width = Base.window.width * .75 | 0; + var width = Base.window.width * 0.75 | 0; var total = runner.total; var stream = process.stdout; var plane = color('plane', '✈'); var crashed = -1; var n = 0; - function runway() { + function runway () { var buf = Array(width).join('-'); return ' ' + color('runway', buf); } - runner.on('start', function() { + runner.on('start', function () { stream.write('\n\n\n '); cursor.hide(); }); - runner.on('test end', function(test) { + runner.on('test end', function (test) { // check if the plane crashed var col = crashed === -1 ? width * ++n / total | 0 : crashed; @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ function Landing(runner) { stream.write('\u001b[0m'); }); - runner.on('end', function() { + runner.on('end', function () { cursor.show(); console.log(); self.epilogue(); diff --git a/lib/reporters/list.js b/lib/reporters/list.js index 0e5f910d1f..e154b069fa 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/list.js +++ b/lib/reporters/list.js @@ -19,35 +19,35 @@ exports = module.exports = List; * @api public * @param {Runner} runner */ -function List(runner) { +function List (runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this; var n = 0; - runner.on('start', function() { + runner.on('start', function () { console.log(); }); - runner.on('test', function(test) { + runner.on('test', function (test) { process.stdout.write(color('pass', ' ' + test.fullTitle() + ': ')); }); - runner.on('pending', function(test) { - var fmt = color('checkmark', ' -') - + color('pending', ' %s'); + runner.on('pending', function (test) { + var fmt = color('checkmark', ' -') + + color('pending', ' %s'); console.log(fmt, test.fullTitle()); }); - runner.on('pass', function(test) { - var fmt = color('checkmark', ' ' + Base.symbols.dot) - + color('pass', ' %s: ') - + color(test.speed, '%dms'); + runner.on('pass', function (test) { + var fmt = color('checkmark', ' ' + Base.symbols.dot) + + color('pass', ' %s: ') + + color(test.speed, '%dms'); cursor.CR(); console.log(fmt, test.fullTitle(), test.duration); }); - runner.on('fail', function(test) { + runner.on('fail', function (test) { cursor.CR(); console.log(color('fail', ' %d) %s'), ++n, test.fullTitle()); }); diff --git a/lib/reporters/markdown.js b/lib/reporters/markdown.js index 680c55d709..01c76a7eea 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/markdown.js +++ b/lib/reporters/markdown.js @@ -23,29 +23,29 @@ exports = module.exports = Markdown; * @api public * @param {Runner} runner */ -function Markdown(runner) { +function Markdown (runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var level = 0; var buf = ''; - function title(str) { + function title (str) { return Array(level).join('#') + ' ' + str; } - function mapTOC(suite, obj) { + function mapTOC (suite, obj) { var ret = obj; var key = SUITE_PREFIX + suite.title; obj = obj[key] = obj[key] || { suite: suite }; - suite.suites.forEach(function(suite) { + suite.suites.forEach(function (suite) { mapTOC(suite, obj); }); return ret; } - function stringifyTOC(obj, level) { + function stringifyTOC (obj, level) { ++level; var buf = ''; var link; @@ -63,25 +63,25 @@ function Markdown(runner) { return buf; } - function generateTOC(suite) { + function generateTOC (suite) { var obj = mapTOC(suite, {}); return stringifyTOC(obj, 0); } generateTOC(runner.suite); - runner.on('suite', function(suite) { + runner.on('suite', function (suite) { ++level; var slug = utils.slug(suite.fullTitle()); buf += '' + '\n'; buf += title(suite.title) + '\n'; }); - runner.on('suite end', function() { + runner.on('suite end', function () { --level; }); - runner.on('pass', function(test) { + runner.on('pass', function (test) { var code = utils.clean(test.body); buf += test.title + '.\n'; buf += '\n```js\n'; @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ function Markdown(runner) { buf += '```\n\n'; }); - runner.on('end', function() { + runner.on('end', function () { process.stdout.write('# TOC\n'); process.stdout.write(generateTOC(runner.suite)); process.stdout.write(buf); diff --git a/lib/reporters/min.js b/lib/reporters/min.js index 2b48212ca8..f0e690ab5a 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/min.js +++ b/lib/reporters/min.js @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ exports = module.exports = Min; * @api public * @param {Runner} runner */ -function Min(runner) { +function Min (runner) { Base.call(this, runner); - runner.on('start', function() { + runner.on('start', function () { // clear screen process.stdout.write('\u001b[2J'); // set cursor position diff --git a/lib/reporters/nyan.js b/lib/reporters/nyan.js index ba1b0509d9..a8c0b85278 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/nyan.js +++ b/lib/reporters/nyan.js @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ exports = module.exports = NyanCat; * @api public */ -function NyanCat(runner) { +function NyanCat (runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this; - var width = Base.window.width * .75 | 0; + var width = Base.window.width * 0.75 | 0; var nyanCatWidth = this.nyanCatWidth = 11; this.colorIndex = 0; @@ -33,24 +33,24 @@ function NyanCat(runner) { this.trajectories = [[], [], [], []]; this.trajectoryWidthMax = (width - nyanCatWidth); - runner.on('start', function() { + runner.on('start', function () { Base.cursor.hide(); self.draw(); }); - runner.on('pending', function() { + runner.on('pending', function () { self.draw(); }); - runner.on('pass', function() { + runner.on('pass', function () { self.draw(); }); - runner.on('fail', function() { + runner.on('fail', function () { self.draw(); }); - runner.on('end', function() { + runner.on('end', function () { Base.cursor.show(); for (var i = 0; i < self.numberOfLines; i++) { write('\n'); @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ inherits(NyanCat, Base); * @api private */ -NyanCat.prototype.draw = function() { +NyanCat.prototype.draw = function () { this.appendRainbow(); this.drawScoreboard(); this.drawRainbow(); @@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ NyanCat.prototype.draw = function() { * @api private */ -NyanCat.prototype.drawScoreboard = function() { +NyanCat.prototype.drawScoreboard = function () { var stats = this.stats; - function draw(type, n) { + function draw (type, n) { write(' '); write(Base.color(type, n)); write('\n'); @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ NyanCat.prototype.drawScoreboard = function() { * @api private */ -NyanCat.prototype.appendRainbow = function() { +NyanCat.prototype.appendRainbow = function () { var segment = this.tick ? '_' : '-'; var rainbowified = this.rainbowify(segment); @@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ NyanCat.prototype.appendRainbow = function() { * @api private */ -NyanCat.prototype.drawRainbow = function() { +NyanCat.prototype.drawRainbow = function () { var self = this; - this.trajectories.forEach(function(line) { + this.trajectories.forEach(function (line) { write('\u001b[' + self.scoreboardWidth + 'C'); write(line.join('')); write('\n'); @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ NyanCat.prototype.drawRainbow = function() { * * @api private */ -NyanCat.prototype.drawNyanCat = function() { +NyanCat.prototype.drawNyanCat = function () { var self = this; var startWidth = this.scoreboardWidth + this.trajectories[0].length; var dist = '\u001b[' + startWidth + 'C'; @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ NyanCat.prototype.drawNyanCat = function() { * @return {string} */ -NyanCat.prototype.face = function() { +NyanCat.prototype.face = function () { var stats = this.stats; if (stats.failures) { return '( x .x)'; @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ NyanCat.prototype.face = function() { * @param {number} n */ -NyanCat.prototype.cursorUp = function(n) { +NyanCat.prototype.cursorUp = function (n) { write('\u001b[' + n + 'A'); }; @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ NyanCat.prototype.cursorUp = function(n) { * @param {number} n */ -NyanCat.prototype.cursorDown = function(n) { +NyanCat.prototype.cursorDown = function (n) { write('\u001b[' + n + 'B'); }; @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ NyanCat.prototype.cursorDown = function(n) { * @api private * @return {Array} */ -NyanCat.prototype.generateColors = function() { +NyanCat.prototype.generateColors = function () { var colors = []; for (var i = 0; i < (6 * 7); i++) { @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ NyanCat.prototype.generateColors = function() { * @param {string} str * @return {string} */ -NyanCat.prototype.rainbowify = function(str) { +NyanCat.prototype.rainbowify = function (str) { if (!Base.useColors) { return str; } @@ -256,6 +256,6 @@ NyanCat.prototype.rainbowify = function(str) { * * @param {string} string A message to write to stdout. */ -function write(string) { +function write (string) { process.stdout.write(string); } diff --git a/lib/reporters/progress.js b/lib/reporters/progress.js index 5349ca8936..d4c2144b3e 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/progress.js +++ b/lib/reporters/progress.js @@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ Base.colors.progress = 90; * @param {Runner} runner * @param {Object} options */ -function Progress(runner, options) { +function Progress (runner, options) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this; - var width = Base.window.width * .50 | 0; + var width = Base.window.width * 0.50 | 0; var total = runner.total; var complete = 0; var lastN = -1; @@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ function Progress(runner, options) { options.verbose = false; // tests started - runner.on('start', function() { + runner.on('start', function () { console.log(); cursor.hide(); }); // tests complete - runner.on('test end', function() { + runner.on('test end', function () { complete++; var percent = complete / total; @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ function Progress(runner, options) { // tests are complete, output some stats // and the failures if any - runner.on('end', function() { + runner.on('end', function () { cursor.show(); console.log(); self.epilogue(); diff --git a/lib/reporters/spec.js b/lib/reporters/spec.js index 28993a8f32..ce5894d247 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/spec.js +++ b/lib/reporters/spec.js @@ -18,55 +18,55 @@ exports = module.exports = Spec; * @api public * @param {Runner} runner */ -function Spec(runner) { +function Spec (runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var self = this; var indents = 0; var n = 0; - function indent() { + function indent () { return Array(indents).join(' '); } - runner.on('start', function() { + runner.on('start', function () { console.log(); }); - runner.on('suite', function(suite) { + runner.on('suite', function (suite) { ++indents; console.log(color('suite', '%s%s'), indent(), suite.title); }); - runner.on('suite end', function() { + runner.on('suite end', function () { --indents; if (indents === 1) { console.log(); } }); - runner.on('pending', function(test) { + runner.on('pending', function (test) { var fmt = indent() + color('pending', ' - %s'); console.log(fmt, test.title); }); - runner.on('pass', function(test) { + runner.on('pass', function (test) { var fmt; if (test.speed === 'fast') { - fmt = indent() - + color('checkmark', ' ' + Base.symbols.ok) - + color('pass', ' %s'); + fmt = indent() + + color('checkmark', ' ' + Base.symbols.ok) + + color('pass', ' %s'); console.log(fmt, test.title); } else { - fmt = indent() - + color('checkmark', ' ' + Base.symbols.ok) - + color('pass', ' %s') - + color(test.speed, ' (%dms)'); + fmt = indent() + + color('checkmark', ' ' + Base.symbols.ok) + + color('pass', ' %s') + + color(test.speed, ' (%dms)'); console.log(fmt, test.title, test.duration); } }); - runner.on('fail', function(test) { + runner.on('fail', function (test) { console.log(indent() + color('fail', ' %d) %s'), ++n, test.title); }); diff --git a/lib/reporters/tap.js b/lib/reporters/tap.js index d9b1b953aa..13c82c1d36 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/tap.js +++ b/lib/reporters/tap.js @@ -16,32 +16,32 @@ exports = module.exports = TAP; * @api public * @param {Runner} runner */ -function TAP(runner) { +function TAP (runner) { Base.call(this, runner); var n = 1; var passes = 0; var failures = 0; - runner.on('start', function() { + runner.on('start', function () { var total = runner.grepTotal(runner.suite); console.log('%d..%d', 1, total); }); - runner.on('test end', function() { + runner.on('test end', function () { ++n; }); - runner.on('pending', function(test) { + runner.on('pending', function (test) { console.log('ok %d %s # SKIP -', n, title(test)); }); - runner.on('pass', function(test) { + runner.on('pass', function (test) { passes++; console.log('ok %d %s', n, title(test)); }); - runner.on('fail', function(test, err) { + runner.on('fail', function (test, err) { failures++; console.log('not ok %d %s', n, title(test)); if (err.stack) { @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function TAP(runner) { } }); - runner.on('end', function() { + runner.on('end', function () { console.log('# tests ' + (passes + failures)); console.log('# pass ' + passes); console.log('# fail ' + failures); @@ -63,6 +63,6 @@ function TAP(runner) { * @param {Object} test * @return {String} */ -function title(test) { +function title (test) { return test.fullTitle().replace(/#/g, ''); } diff --git a/lib/reporters/xunit.js b/lib/reporters/xunit.js index 1cfd8f4f51..fb3b846966 100644 --- a/lib/reporters/xunit.js +++ b/lib/reporters/xunit.js @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ exports = module.exports = XUnit; * @api public * @param {Runner} runner */ -function XUnit(runner, options) { +function XUnit (runner, options) { Base.call(this, runner); var stats = this.stats; @@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ function XUnit(runner, options) { self.fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(options.reporterOptions.output); } - runner.on('pending', function(test) { + runner.on('pending', function (test) { tests.push(test); }); - runner.on('pass', function(test) { + runner.on('pass', function (test) { tests.push(test); }); - runner.on('fail', function(test) { + runner.on('fail', function (test) { tests.push(test); }); - runner.on('end', function() { + runner.on('end', function () { self.write(tag('testsuite', { name: 'Mocha Tests', tests: stats.tests, @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ function XUnit(runner, options) { time: (stats.duration / 1000) || 0 }, false)); - tests.forEach(function(t) { + tests.forEach(function (t) { self.test(t); }); @@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ inherits(XUnit, Base); * @param failures * @param {Function} fn */ -XUnit.prototype.done = function(failures, fn) { +XUnit.prototype.done = function (failures, fn) { if (this.fileStream) { - this.fileStream.end(function() { + this.fileStream.end(function () { fn(failures); }); } else { @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ XUnit.prototype.done = function(failures, fn) { * * @param {string} line */ -XUnit.prototype.write = function(line) { +XUnit.prototype.write = function (line) { if (this.fileStream) { this.fileStream.write(line + '\n'); } else if (typeof process === 'object' && process.stdout) { @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ XUnit.prototype.write = function(line) { * * @param {Test} test */ -XUnit.prototype.test = function(test) { +XUnit.prototype.test = function (test) { var attrs = { classname: test.parent.fullTitle(), name: test.title, @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ XUnit.prototype.test = function(test) { * @param content * @return {string} */ -function tag(name, attrs, close, content) { +function tag (name, attrs, close, content) { var end = close ? '/>' : '>'; var pairs = []; var tag; diff --git a/lib/runnable.js b/lib/runnable.js index 52ee900b22..e93db596a8 100644 --- a/lib/runnable.js +++ b/lib/runnable.js @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module.exports = Runnable; * @param {string} title * @param {Function} fn */ -function Runnable(title, fn) { +function Runnable (title, fn) { this.title = title; this.fn = fn; this.body = (fn || '').toString(); @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Runnable.prototype = create(EventEmitter.prototype, { * @param {number|string} ms * @return {Runnable|number} ms or Runnable instance. */ -Runnable.prototype.timeout = function(ms) { +Runnable.prototype.timeout = function (ms) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._timeout; } @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.timeout = function(ms) { * @param {number|string} ms * @return {Runnable|number} ms or Runnable instance. */ -Runnable.prototype.slow = function(ms) { +Runnable.prototype.slow = function (ms) { if (typeof ms === 'undefined') { return this._slow; } @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.slow = function(ms) { * @param {boolean} enabled * @return {Runnable|boolean} enabled or Runnable instance. */ -Runnable.prototype.enableTimeouts = function(enabled) { +Runnable.prototype.enableTimeouts = function (enabled) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._enableTimeouts; } @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.enableTimeouts = function(enabled) { * * @api public */ -Runnable.prototype.skip = function() { +Runnable.prototype.skip = function () { throw new Pending('sync skip'); }; @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.skip = function() { * * @api private */ -Runnable.prototype.isPending = function() { +Runnable.prototype.isPending = function () { return this.pending || (this.parent && this.parent.isPending()); }; @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.isPending = function() { * * @api private */ -Runnable.prototype.retries = function(n) { +Runnable.prototype.retries = function (n) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._retries; } @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.retries = function(n) { * * @api private */ -Runnable.prototype.currentRetry = function(n) { +Runnable.prototype.currentRetry = function (n) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._currentRetry; } @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.currentRetry = function(n) { * @api public * @return {string} */ -Runnable.prototype.fullTitle = function() { +Runnable.prototype.fullTitle = function () { return this.parent.fullTitle() + ' ' + this.title; }; @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.fullTitle = function() { * * @api private */ -Runnable.prototype.clearTimeout = function() { +Runnable.prototype.clearTimeout = function () { clearTimeout(this.timer); }; @@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ Runnable.prototype.clearTimeout = function() { * @api private * @return {string} */ -Runnable.prototype.inspect = function() { - return JSON.stringify(this, function(key, val) { +Runnable.prototype.inspect = function () { + return JSON.stringify(this, function (key, val) { if (key[0] === '_') { return; } @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.inspect = function() { * * @api private */ -Runnable.prototype.resetTimeout = function() { +Runnable.prototype.resetTimeout = function () { var self = this; var ms = this.timeout() || 1e9; @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.resetTimeout = function() { return; } this.clearTimeout(); - this.timer = setTimeout(function() { + this.timer = setTimeout(function () { if (!self._enableTimeouts) { return; } @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.resetTimeout = function() { * @api private * @param {string[]} globals */ -Runnable.prototype.globals = function(globals) { +Runnable.prototype.globals = function (globals) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._allowedGlobals; } @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.globals = function(globals) { * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ -Runnable.prototype.run = function(fn) { +Runnable.prototype.run = function (fn) { var self = this; var start = new Date(); var ctx = this.ctx; @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.run = function(fn) { } // called multiple times - function multiple(err) { + function multiple (err) { if (emitted) { return; } @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.run = function(fn) { } // finished - function done(err) { + function done (err) { var ms = self.timeout(); if (self.timedOut) { return; @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ Runnable.prototype.run = function(fn) { this.resetTimeout(); // allows skip() to be used in an explicit async context - this.skip = function asyncSkip() { + this.skip = function asyncSkip () { done(new Pending('async skip call')); // halt execution. the Runnable will be marked pending // by the previous call, and the uncaught handler will ignore @@ -335,18 +335,18 @@ Runnable.prototype.run = function(fn) { done(utils.getError(err)); } - function callFn(fn) { + function callFn (fn) { var result = fn.call(ctx); if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') { self.resetTimeout(); result - .then(function() { + .then(function () { done(); // Return null so libraries like bluebird do not warn about // subsequently constructed Promises. return null; }, - function(reason) { + function (reason) { done(reason || new Error('Promise rejected with no or falsy reason')); }); } else { @@ -358,15 +358,15 @@ Runnable.prototype.run = function(fn) { } } - function callFnAsync(fn) { - var result = fn.call(ctx, function(err) { + function callFnAsync (fn) { + var result = fn.call(ctx, function (err) { if (err instanceof Error || toString.call(err) === '[object Error]') { return done(err); } if (err) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(err) === '[object Object]') { - return done(new Error('done() invoked with non-Error: ' - + JSON.stringify(err))); + return done(new Error('done() invoked with non-Error: ' + + JSON.stringify(err))); } return done(new Error('done() invoked with non-Error: ' + err)); } diff --git a/lib/runner.js b/lib/runner.js index dc03ec451a..3b071a4e1a 100644 --- a/lib/runner.js +++ b/lib/runner.js @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ module.exports = Runner; * @param {boolean} [delay] Whether or not to delay execution of root suite * until ready. */ -function Runner(suite, delay) { +function Runner (suite, delay) { var self = this; this._globals = []; this._abort = false; @@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ function Runner(suite, delay) { this.started = false; this.total = suite.total(); this.failures = 0; - this.on('test end', function(test) { + this.on('test end', function (test) { self.checkGlobals(test); }); - this.on('hook end', function(hook) { + this.on('hook end', function (hook) { self.checkGlobals(hook); }); this._defaultGrep = /.*/; @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ inherits(Runner, EventEmitter); * @param {boolean} invert * @return {Runner} Runner instance. */ -Runner.prototype.grep = function(re, invert) { +Runner.prototype.grep = function (re, invert) { debug('grep %s', re); this._grep = re; this._invert = invert; @@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ Runner.prototype.grep = function(re, invert) { * @param {Suite} suite * @return {number} */ -Runner.prototype.grepTotal = function(suite) { +Runner.prototype.grepTotal = function (suite) { var self = this; var total = 0; - suite.eachTest(function(test) { + suite.eachTest(function (test) { var match = self._grep.test(test.fullTitle()); if (self._invert) { match = !match; @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ Runner.prototype.grepTotal = function(suite) { * @return {Array} * @api private */ -Runner.prototype.globalProps = function() { +Runner.prototype.globalProps = function () { var props = keys(global); // non-enumerables @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Runner.prototype.globalProps = function() { * @param {Array} arr * @return {Runner} Runner instance. */ -Runner.prototype.globals = function(arr) { +Runner.prototype.globals = function (arr) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._globals; } @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ Runner.prototype.globals = function(arr) { * * @api private */ -Runner.prototype.checkGlobals = function(test) { +Runner.prototype.checkGlobals = function (test) { if (this.ignoreLeaks) { return; } @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ Runner.prototype.checkGlobals = function(test) { * @param {Test} test * @param {Error} err */ -Runner.prototype.fail = function(test, err) { +Runner.prototype.fail = function (test, err) { if (test.isPending()) { return; } @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ Runner.prototype.fail = function(test, err) { * @param {Hook} hook * @param {Error} err */ -Runner.prototype.failHook = function(hook, err) { +Runner.prototype.failHook = function (hook, err) { if (hook.ctx && hook.ctx.currentTest) { hook.originalTitle = hook.originalTitle || hook.title; hook.title = hook.originalTitle + ' for "' + hook.ctx.currentTest.title + '"'; @@ -278,12 +278,12 @@ Runner.prototype.failHook = function(hook, err) { * @param {Function} fn */ -Runner.prototype.hook = function(name, fn) { +Runner.prototype.hook = function (name, fn) { var suite = this.suite; var hooks = suite['_' + name]; var self = this; - function next(i) { + function next (i) { var hook = hooks[i]; if (!hook) { return fn(); @@ -295,12 +295,12 @@ Runner.prototype.hook = function(name, fn) { self.emit('hook', hook); if (!hook.listeners('error').length) { - hook.on('error', function(err) { + hook.on('error', function (err) { self.failHook(hook, err); }); } - hook.run(function(err) { + hook.run(function (err) { var testError = hook.error(); if (testError) { self.fail(self.test, testError); @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ Runner.prototype.hook = function(name, fn) { if (name === 'beforeEach' || name === 'afterEach') { self.test.pending = true; } else { - utils.forEach(suite.tests, function(test) { + utils.forEach(suite.tests, function (test) { test.pending = true; }); // a pending hook won't be executed twice. @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ Runner.prototype.hook = function(name, fn) { }); } - Runner.immediately(function() { + Runner.immediately(function () { next(0); }); }; @@ -343,11 +343,11 @@ Runner.prototype.hook = function(name, fn) { * @param {Array} suites * @param {Function} fn */ -Runner.prototype.hooks = function(name, suites, fn) { +Runner.prototype.hooks = function (name, suites, fn) { var self = this; var orig = this.suite; - function next(suite) { + function next (suite) { self.suite = suite; if (!suite) { @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ Runner.prototype.hooks = function(name, suites, fn) { return fn(); } - self.hook(name, function(err) { + self.hook(name, function (err) { if (err) { var errSuite = self.suite; self.suite = orig; @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ Runner.prototype.hooks = function(name, suites, fn) { * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ -Runner.prototype.hookUp = function(name, fn) { +Runner.prototype.hookUp = function (name, fn) { var suites = [this.suite].concat(this.parents()).reverse(); this.hooks(name, suites, fn); }; @@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ Runner.prototype.hookUp = function(name, fn) { * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ -Runner.prototype.hookDown = function(name, fn) { +Runner.prototype.hookDown = function (name, fn) { var suites = [this.suite].concat(this.parents()); this.hooks(name, suites, fn); }; @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ Runner.prototype.hookDown = function(name, fn) { * @return {Array} * @api private */ -Runner.prototype.parents = function() { +Runner.prototype.parents = function () { var suite = this.suite; var suites = []; while (suite.parent) { @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ Runner.prototype.parents = function() { * @param {Function} fn * @api private */ -Runner.prototype.runTest = function(fn) { +Runner.prototype.runTest = function (fn) { var self = this; var test = this.test; @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ Runner.prototype.runTest = function(fn) { return test.run(fn); } try { - test.on('error', function(err) { + test.on('error', function (err) { self.fail(test, err); }); test.run(fn); @@ -448,12 +448,12 @@ Runner.prototype.runTest = function(fn) { * @param {Suite} suite * @param {Function} fn */ -Runner.prototype.runTests = function(suite, fn) { +Runner.prototype.runTests = function (suite, fn) { var self = this; var tests = suite.tests.slice(); var test; - function hookErr(_, errSuite, after) { + function hookErr (_, errSuite, after) { // before/after Each hook for errSuite failed: var orig = self.suite; @@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ Runner.prototype.runTests = function(suite, fn) { if (self.suite) { // call hookUp afterEach - self.hookUp('afterEach', function(err2, errSuite2) { + self.hookUp('afterEach', function (err2, errSuite2) { self.suite = orig; // some hooks may fail even now if (err2) { @@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ Runner.prototype.runTests = function(suite, fn) { } } - function next(err, errSuite) { + function next (err, errSuite) { // if we bail after first err if (self.failures && suite._bail) { return fn(); @@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ Runner.prototype.runTests = function(suite, fn) { // execute test and hook(s) self.emit('test', self.test = test); - self.hookDown('beforeEach', function(err, errSuite) { + self.hookDown('beforeEach', function (err, errSuite) { if (test.isPending()) { self.emit('pending', test); self.emit('test end', test); @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ Runner.prototype.runTests = function(suite, fn) { return hookErr(err, errSuite, false); } self.currentRunnable = self.test; - self.runTest(function(err) { + self.runTest(function (err) { test = self.test; if (err) { var retry = test.currentRetry(); @@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ Runner.prototype.runTests = function(suite, fn) { * @param {Suite} suite * @param {Function} fn */ -Runner.prototype.runSuite = function(suite, fn) { +Runner.prototype.runSuite = function (suite, fn) { var i = 0; var self = this; var total = this.grepTotal(suite); @@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ Runner.prototype.runSuite = function(suite, fn) { this.emit('suite', this.suite = suite); - function next(errSuite) { + function next (errSuite) { if (errSuite) { // current suite failed on a hook from errSuite if (errSuite === suite) { @@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ Runner.prototype.runSuite = function(suite, fn) { // huge recursive loop and thus a maximum call stack error. // See comment in `this.runTests()` for more information. if (self._grep !== self._defaultGrep) { - Runner.immediately(function() { + Runner.immediately(function () { self.runSuite(curr, next); }); } else { @@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ Runner.prototype.runSuite = function(suite, fn) { } } - function done(errSuite) { + function done (errSuite) { self.suite = suite; self.nextSuite = next; @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ Runner.prototype.runSuite = function(suite, fn) { // remove reference to test delete self.test; - self.hook('afterAll', function() { + self.hook('afterAll', function () { self.emit('suite end', suite); fn(errSuite); }); @@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ Runner.prototype.runSuite = function(suite, fn) { this.nextSuite = next; - this.hook('beforeAll', function(err) { + this.hook('beforeAll', function (err) { if (err) { return done(); } @@ -673,9 +673,9 @@ Runner.prototype.runSuite = function(suite, fn) { * @param {Error} err * @api private */ -Runner.prototype.uncaught = function(err) { +Runner.prototype.uncaught = function (err) { if (err) { - debug('uncaught exception %s', err !== function() { + debug('uncaught exception %s', err !== function () { return this; }.call(err) ? err : (err.message || err)); } else { @@ -746,8 +746,8 @@ Runner.prototype.uncaught = function(err) { * * @param {Suite} suite */ -function cleanSuiteReferences(suite) { - function cleanArrReferences(arr) { +function cleanSuiteReferences (suite) { + function cleanArrReferences (arr) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { delete arr[i].fn; } @@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ function cleanSuiteReferences(suite) { * @param {Function} fn * @return {Runner} Runner instance. */ -Runner.prototype.run = function(fn) { +Runner.prototype.run = function (fn) { var self = this; var rootSuite = this.suite; @@ -793,16 +793,16 @@ Runner.prototype.run = function(fn) { filterOnly(rootSuite); } - fn = fn || function() {}; + fn = fn || function () {}; - function uncaught(err) { + function uncaught (err) { self.uncaught(err); } - function start() { + function start () { self.started = true; self.emit('start'); - self.runSuite(rootSuite, function() { + self.runSuite(rootSuite, function () { debug('finished running'); self.emit('end'); }); @@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ Runner.prototype.run = function(fn) { this.on('suite end', cleanSuiteReferences); // callback - this.on('end', function() { + this.on('end', function () { debug('end'); process.removeListener('uncaughtException', uncaught); fn(self.failures); @@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ Runner.prototype.run = function(fn) { * @api public * @return {Runner} Runner instance. */ -Runner.prototype.abort = function() { +Runner.prototype.abort = function () { debug('aborting'); this._abort = true; @@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ Runner.prototype.abort = function() { * @returns {Boolean} * @api private */ -function filterOnly(suite) { +function filterOnly (suite) { if (suite._onlyTests.length) { // If the suite contains `only` tests, run those and ignore any nested suites. suite.tests = suite._onlyTests; @@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ function filterOnly(suite) { } else { // Otherwise, do not run any of the tests in this suite. suite.tests = []; - utils.forEach(suite._onlySuites, function(onlySuite) { + utils.forEach(suite._onlySuites, function (onlySuite) { // If there are other `only` tests/suites nested in the current `only` suite, then filter that `only` suite. // Otherwise, all of the tests on this `only` suite should be run, so don't filter it. if (hasOnly(onlySuite)) { @@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ function filterOnly(suite) { } }); // Run the `only` suites, as well as any other suites that have `only` tests/suites as descendants. - suite.suites = filter(suite.suites, function(childSuite) { + suite.suites = filter(suite.suites, function (childSuite) { return indexOf(suite._onlySuites, childSuite) !== -1 || filterOnly(childSuite); }); } @@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ function filterOnly(suite) { * @returns {Boolean} * @api private */ -function hasOnly(suite) { +function hasOnly (suite) { return suite._onlyTests.length || suite._onlySuites.length || some(suite.suites, hasOnly); } @@ -898,8 +898,8 @@ function hasOnly(suite) { * @param {Array} globals * @return {Array} */ -function filterLeaks(ok, globals) { - return filter(globals, function(key) { +function filterLeaks (ok, globals) { + return filter(globals, function (key) { // Firefox and Chrome exposes iframes as index inside the window object if (/^\d+/.test(key)) { return false; @@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ function filterLeaks(ok, globals) { return false; } - var matched = filter(ok, function(ok) { + var matched = filter(ok, function (ok) { if (~ok.indexOf('*')) { return key.indexOf(ok.split('*')[0]) === 0; } @@ -939,10 +939,10 @@ function filterLeaks(ok, globals) { * @return {Array} * @api private */ -function extraGlobals() { +function extraGlobals () { if (typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.version === 'string') { var parts = process.version.split('.'); - var nodeVersion = utils.reduce(parts, function(a, v) { + var nodeVersion = utils.reduce(parts, function (a, v) { return a << 8 | v; }); diff --git a/lib/suite.js b/lib/suite.js index bf3e4e9fef..7f3c505485 100644 --- a/lib/suite.js +++ b/lib/suite.js @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ exports = module.exports = Suite; * @param {string} title * @return {Suite} */ -exports.create = function(parent, title) { +exports.create = function (parent, title) { var suite = new Suite(title, parent.ctx); suite.parent = parent; title = suite.fullTitle(); @@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ exports.create = function(parent, title) { * @param {string} title * @param {Context} parentContext */ -function Suite(title, parentContext) { +function Suite (title, parentContext) { if (!utils.isString(title)) { throw new Error('Suite `title` should be a "string" but "' + typeof title + '" was given instead.'); } this.title = title; - function Context() {} + function Context () {} Context.prototype = parentContext; this.ctx = new Context(); this.suites = []; @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ inherits(Suite, EventEmitter); * @api private * @return {Suite} */ -Suite.prototype.clone = function() { +Suite.prototype.clone = function () { var suite = new Suite(this.title); debug('clone'); suite.ctx = this.ctx; @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Suite.prototype.clone = function() { * @param {number|string} ms * @return {Suite|number} for chaining */ -Suite.prototype.timeout = function(ms) { +Suite.prototype.timeout = function (ms) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._timeout; } @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Suite.prototype.timeout = function(ms) { * @param {number|string} n * @return {Suite|number} for chaining */ -Suite.prototype.retries = function(n) { +Suite.prototype.retries = function (n) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._retries; } @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ Suite.prototype.retries = function(n) { * @param {boolean} enabled * @return {Suite|boolean} self or enabled */ -Suite.prototype.enableTimeouts = function(enabled) { +Suite.prototype.enableTimeouts = function (enabled) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._enableTimeouts; } @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Suite.prototype.enableTimeouts = function(enabled) { * @param {number|string} ms * @return {Suite|number} for chaining */ -Suite.prototype.slow = function(ms) { +Suite.prototype.slow = function (ms) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._slow; } @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ Suite.prototype.slow = function(ms) { * @param {boolean} bail * @return {Suite|number} for chaining */ -Suite.prototype.bail = function(bail) { +Suite.prototype.bail = function (bail) { if (!arguments.length) { return this._bail; } @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ Suite.prototype.bail = function(bail) { * * @api private */ -Suite.prototype.isPending = function() { +Suite.prototype.isPending = function () { return this.pending || (this.parent && this.parent.isPending()); }; @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Suite.prototype.isPending = function() { * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} for chaining */ -Suite.prototype.beforeAll = function(title, fn) { +Suite.prototype.beforeAll = function (title, fn) { if (this.isPending()) { return this; } @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ Suite.prototype.beforeAll = function(title, fn) { * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} for chaining */ -Suite.prototype.afterAll = function(title, fn) { +Suite.prototype.afterAll = function (title, fn) { if (this.isPending()) { return this; } @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ Suite.prototype.afterAll = function(title, fn) { * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} for chaining */ -Suite.prototype.beforeEach = function(title, fn) { +Suite.prototype.beforeEach = function (title, fn) { if (this.isPending()) { return this; } @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ Suite.prototype.beforeEach = function(title, fn) { * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} for chaining */ -Suite.prototype.afterEach = function(title, fn) { +Suite.prototype.afterEach = function (title, fn) { if (this.isPending()) { return this; } @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ Suite.prototype.afterEach = function(title, fn) { * @param {Suite} suite * @return {Suite} for chaining */ -Suite.prototype.addSuite = function(suite) { +Suite.prototype.addSuite = function (suite) { suite.parent = this; suite.timeout(this.timeout()); suite.retries(this.retries()); @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ Suite.prototype.addSuite = function(suite) { * @param {Test} test * @return {Suite} for chaining */ -Suite.prototype.addTest = function(test) { +Suite.prototype.addTest = function (test) { test.parent = this; test.timeout(this.timeout()); test.retries(this.retries()); @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ Suite.prototype.addTest = function(test) { * @api public * @return {string} */ -Suite.prototype.fullTitle = function() { +Suite.prototype.fullTitle = function () { if (this.parent) { var full = this.parent.fullTitle(); if (full) { @@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ Suite.prototype.fullTitle = function() { * @api public * @return {number} */ -Suite.prototype.total = function() { - return utils.reduce(this.suites, function(sum, suite) { +Suite.prototype.total = function () { + return utils.reduce(this.suites, function (sum, suite) { return sum + suite.total(); }, 0) + this.tests.length; }; @@ -382,9 +382,9 @@ Suite.prototype.total = function() { * @param {Function} fn * @return {Suite} */ -Suite.prototype.eachTest = function(fn) { +Suite.prototype.eachTest = function (fn) { utils.forEach(this.tests, fn); - utils.forEach(this.suites, function(suite) { + utils.forEach(this.suites, function (suite) { suite.eachTest(fn); }); return this; @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ Suite.prototype.eachTest = function(fn) { /** * This will run the root suite if we happen to be running in delayed mode. */ -Suite.prototype.run = function run() { +Suite.prototype.run = function run () { if (this.root) { this.emit('run'); } diff --git a/lib/test.js b/lib/test.js index 05d4ed86d5..b945560aa0 100644 --- a/lib/test.js +++ b/lib/test.js @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module.exports = Test; * @param {String} title * @param {Function} fn */ -function Test(title, fn) { +function Test (title, fn) { if (!isString(title)) { throw new Error('Test `title` should be a "string" but "' + typeof title + '" was given instead.'); } @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Test.prototype = create(Runnable.prototype, { constructor: Test }); -Test.prototype.clone = function() { +Test.prototype.clone = function () { var test = new Test(this.title, this.fn); test.timeout(this.timeout()); test.slow(this.slow()); diff --git a/lib/utils.js b/lib/utils.js index c7947cb05d..2a77f982ae 100644 --- a/lib/utils.js +++ b/lib/utils.js @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ exports.inherits = require('util').inherits; * @param {string} html * @return {string} */ -exports.escape = function(html) { +exports.escape = function (html) { return String(html) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/"/g, '"') @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ exports.escape = function(html) { * @param {Function} fn * @param {Object} scope */ -exports.forEach = function(arr, fn, scope) { +exports.forEach = function (arr, fn, scope) { for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { fn.call(scope, arr[i], i); } @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ exports.forEach = function(arr, fn, scope) { * @param {Object} obj * @return {boolean} */ -exports.isString = function(obj) { +exports.isString = function (obj) { return typeof obj === 'string'; }; @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ exports.isString = function(obj) { * @param {Object} scope * @return {Array} */ -exports.map = function(arr, fn, scope) { +exports.map = function (arr, fn, scope) { var result = []; for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { result.push(fn.call(scope, arr[i], i, arr)); @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ exports.map = function(arr, fn, scope) { * @param {number} start * @return {number} */ -var indexOf = exports.indexOf = function(arr, obj, start) { +var indexOf = exports.indexOf = function (arr, obj, start) { for (var i = start || 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { if (arr[i] === obj) { return i; @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ var indexOf = exports.indexOf = function(arr, obj, start) { * @param {Object} val Initial value. * @return {*} */ -var reduce = exports.reduce = function(arr, fn, val) { +var reduce = exports.reduce = function (arr, fn, val) { var rval = val; for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ var reduce = exports.reduce = function(arr, fn, val) { * @param {Function} fn * @return {Array} */ -exports.filter = function(arr, fn) { +exports.filter = function (arr, fn) { var ret = []; for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ exports.filter = function(arr, fn) { * @param {Function} fn * @return {Array} */ -exports.some = function(arr, fn) { +exports.some = function (arr, fn) { for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { if (fn(arr[i])) { return true; @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ exports.some = function(arr, fn) { * @param {Object} obj * @return {Array} keys */ -exports.keys = typeof Object.keys === 'function' ? Object.keys : function(obj) { +exports.keys = typeof Object.keys === 'function' ? Object.keys : function (obj) { var keys = []; var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; // for `window` on <=IE8 @@ -184,11 +184,11 @@ exports.keys = typeof Object.keys === 'function' ? Object.keys : function(obj) { * @param {Array} files * @param {Function} fn */ -exports.watch = function(files, fn) { +exports.watch = function (files, fn) { var options = { interval: 100 }; - files.forEach(function(file) { + files.forEach(function (file) { debug('file %s', file); - watchFile(file, options, function(curr, prev) { + watchFile(file, options, function (curr, prev) { if (prev.mtime < curr.mtime) { fn(file); } @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ exports.watch = function(files, fn) { * @param {Object} obj * @return {Boolean} */ -var isArray = typeof Array.isArray === 'function' ? Array.isArray : function(obj) { +var isArray = typeof Array.isArray === 'function' ? Array.isArray : function (obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]'; }; @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ exports.isArray = isArray; * @type {Function} */ if (typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && Buffer.prototype) { - Buffer.prototype.toJSON = Buffer.prototype.toJSON || function() { + Buffer.prototype.toJSON = Buffer.prototype.toJSON || function () { return Array.prototype.slice.call(this, 0); }; } @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ if (typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && Buffer.prototype) { * @param {string} path * @return {boolean} */ -function ignored(path) { +function ignored (path) { return !~ignore.indexOf(path); } @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ function ignored(path) { * @param {Array} [ret=[]] * @return {Array} */ -exports.files = function(dir, ext, ret) { +exports.files = function (dir, ext, ret) { ret = ret || []; ext = ext || ['js']; @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ exports.files = function(dir, ext, ret) { readdirSync(dir) .filter(ignored) - .forEach(function(path) { + .forEach(function (path) { path = join(dir, path); if (statSync(path).isDirectory()) { exports.files(path, ext, ret); @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ exports.files = function(dir, ext, ret) { * @param {string} str * @return {string} */ -exports.slug = function(str) { +exports.slug = function (str) { return str .toLowerCase() .replace(/ +/g, '-') @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ exports.slug = function(str) { * @param {string} str * @return {string} */ -exports.clean = function(str) { +exports.clean = function (str) { str = str .replace(/\r\n?|[\n\u2028\u2029]/g, '\n').replace(/^\uFEFF/, '') // (traditional)-> space/name parameters body (lambda)-> parameters body multi-statement/single keep body content @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ exports.clean = function(str) { var spaces = str.match(/^\n?( *)/)[1].length; var tabs = str.match(/^\n?(\t*)/)[1].length; - var re = new RegExp('^\n?' + (tabs ? '\t' : ' ') + '{' + (tabs ? tabs : spaces) + '}', 'gm'); + var re = new RegExp('^\n?' + (tabs ? '\t' : ' ') + '{' + (tabs || spaces) + '}', 'gm'); str = str.replace(re, ''); @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ exports.clean = function(str) { * @param {string} str * @return {string} */ -exports.trim = function(str) { +exports.trim = function (str) { return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }; @@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ exports.trim = function(str) { * @param {string} qs * @return {Object} */ -exports.parseQuery = function(qs) { - return reduce(qs.replace('?', '').split('&'), function(obj, pair) { +exports.parseQuery = function (qs) { + return reduce(qs.replace('?', '').split('&'), function (obj, pair) { var i = pair.indexOf('='); var key = pair.slice(0, i); var val = pair.slice(++i); @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ exports.parseQuery = function(qs) { * @param {string} js * @return {string} */ -function highlight(js) { +function highlight (js) { return js .replace(//g, '>') @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ function highlight(js) { * @api private * @param {string} name */ -exports.highlightTags = function(name) { +exports.highlightTags = function (name) { var code = document.getElementById('mocha').getElementsByTagName(name); for (var i = 0, len = code.length; i < len; ++i) { code[i].innerHTML = highlight(code[i].innerHTML); @@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ exports.highlightTags = function(name) { * @param {string} typeHint The type of the value * @returns {string} */ -function emptyRepresentation(value, typeHint) { +function emptyRepresentation (value, typeHint) { switch (typeHint) { case 'function': return '[Function]'; @@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ function emptyRepresentation(value, typeHint) { * type(global) // 'global' * type(new String('foo') // 'object' */ -var type = exports.type = function type(value) { +var type = exports.type = function type (value) { if (value === undefined) { return 'undefined'; } else if (value === null) { @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ var type = exports.type = function type(value) { * @param {*} value * @return {string} */ -exports.stringify = function(value) { +exports.stringify = function (value) { var typeHint = type(value); if (!~indexOf(['object', 'array', 'function'], typeHint)) { @@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ exports.stringify = function(value) { // IE7/IE8 has a bizarre String constructor; needs to be coerced // into an array and back to obj. if (typeHint === 'string' && typeof value === 'object') { - value = reduce(value.split(''), function(acc, char, idx) { + value = reduce(value.split(''), function (acc, char, idx) { acc[idx] = char; return acc; }, {}); @@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ exports.stringify = function(value) { * @param {number=} depth * @returns {*} */ -function jsonStringify(object, spaces, depth) { +function jsonStringify (object, spaces, depth) { if (typeof spaces === 'undefined') { // primitive types return _stringify(object); @@ -486,11 +486,11 @@ function jsonStringify(object, spaces, depth) { var end = isArray(object) ? ']' : '}'; var length = typeof object.length === 'number' ? object.length : exports.keys(object).length; // `.repeat()` polyfill - function repeat(s, n) { + function repeat (s, n) { return new Array(n).join(s); } - function _stringify(val) { + function _stringify (val) { switch (type(val)) { case 'null': case 'undefined': @@ -536,15 +536,15 @@ function jsonStringify(object, spaces, depth) { continue; // not my business } --length; - str += '\n ' + repeat(' ', space) - + (isArray(object) ? '' : '"' + i + '": ') // key - + _stringify(object[i]) // value - + (length ? ',' : ''); // comma + str += '\n ' + repeat(' ', space) + + (isArray(object) ? '' : '"' + i + '": ') + // key + _stringify(object[i]) + // value + (length ? ',' : ''); // comma } - return str + return str + // [], {} - + (str.length !== 1 ? '\n' + repeat(' ', --space) + end : end); + (str.length !== 1 ? '\n' + repeat(' ', --space) + end : end); } /** @@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ function jsonStringify(object, spaces, depth) { * @param {*} value The value to test. * @return {boolean} True if `value` is a buffer, otherwise false */ -exports.isBuffer = function(value) { +exports.isBuffer = function (value) { return typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && Buffer.isBuffer(value); }; @@ -577,13 +577,13 @@ exports.isBuffer = function(value) { * @param {string} [typeHint] Type hint * @return {(Object|Array|Function|string|undefined)} */ -exports.canonicalize = function canonicalize(value, stack, typeHint) { +exports.canonicalize = function canonicalize (value, stack, typeHint) { var canonicalizedObj; /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ var prop; /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */ typeHint = typeHint || type(value); - function withStack(value, fn) { + function withStack (value, fn) { stack.push(value); fn(); stack.pop(); @@ -602,8 +602,8 @@ exports.canonicalize = function canonicalize(value, stack, typeHint) { canonicalizedObj = value; break; case 'array': - withStack(value, function() { - canonicalizedObj = exports.map(value, function(item) { + withStack(value, function () { + canonicalizedObj = exports.map(value, function (item) { return exports.canonicalize(item, stack); }); }); @@ -622,8 +622,8 @@ exports.canonicalize = function canonicalize(value, stack, typeHint) { /* falls through */ case 'object': canonicalizedObj = canonicalizedObj || {}; - withStack(value, function() { - exports.forEach(exports.keys(value).sort(), function(key) { + withStack(value, function () { + exports.forEach(exports.keys(value).sort(), function (key) { canonicalizedObj[key] = exports.canonicalize(value[key], stack); }); }); @@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ exports.canonicalize = function canonicalize(value, stack, typeHint) { * @param {boolean} recursive Whether or not to recurse into subdirectories. * @return {string[]} An array of paths. */ -exports.lookupFiles = function lookupFiles(path, extensions, recursive) { +exports.lookupFiles = function lookupFiles (path, extensions, recursive) { var files = []; var re = new RegExp('\\.(' + extensions.join('|') + ')$'); @@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ exports.lookupFiles = function lookupFiles(path, extensions, recursive) { return; } - readdirSync(path).forEach(function(file) { + readdirSync(path).forEach(function (file) { file = join(path, file); try { var stat = statSync(file); @@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ exports.lookupFiles = function lookupFiles(path, extensions, recursive) { * @return {Error} */ -exports.undefinedError = function() { +exports.undefinedError = function () { return new Error('Caught undefined error, did you throw without specifying what?'); }; @@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ exports.undefinedError = function() { * @return {Error} */ -exports.getError = function(err) { +exports.getError = function (err) { return err || exports.undefinedError(); }; @@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ exports.getError = function(err) { * (i.e: strip Mocha and internal node functions from stack trace). * @returns {Function} */ -exports.stackTraceFilter = function() { +exports.stackTraceFilter = function () { // TODO: Replace with `process.browser` var is = typeof document === 'undefined' ? { node: true } : { browser: true }; var slash = path.sep; @@ -742,26 +742,26 @@ exports.stackTraceFilter = function() { slash = '/'; } - function isMochaInternal(line) { - return (~line.indexOf('node_modules' + slash + 'mocha' + slash)) - || (~line.indexOf('node_modules' + slash + 'mocha.js')) - || (~line.indexOf('bower_components' + slash + 'mocha.js')) - || (~line.indexOf(slash + 'mocha.js')); + function isMochaInternal (line) { + return (~line.indexOf('node_modules' + slash + 'mocha' + slash)) || + (~line.indexOf('node_modules' + slash + 'mocha.js')) || + (~line.indexOf('bower_components' + slash + 'mocha.js')) || + (~line.indexOf(slash + 'mocha.js')); } - function isNodeInternal(line) { - return (~line.indexOf('(timers.js:')) - || (~line.indexOf('(events.js:')) - || (~line.indexOf('(node.js:')) - || (~line.indexOf('(module.js:')) - || (~line.indexOf('GeneratorFunctionPrototype.next (native)')) - || false; + function isNodeInternal (line) { + return (~line.indexOf('(timers.js:')) || + (~line.indexOf('(events.js:')) || + (~line.indexOf('(node.js:')) || + (~line.indexOf('(module.js:')) || + (~line.indexOf('GeneratorFunctionPrototype.next (native)')) || + false; } - return function(stack) { + return function (stack) { stack = stack.split('\n'); - stack = reduce(stack, function(list, line) { + stack = reduce(stack, function (list, line) { if (isMochaInternal(line)) { return list; } @@ -789,6 +789,6 @@ exports.stackTraceFilter = function() { * @param {*} value * @returns {boolean} Whether or not `value` is a Promise */ -exports.isPromise = function isPromise(value) { +exports.isPromise = function isPromise (value) { return typeof value === 'object' && typeof value.then === 'function'; }; diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 4ec6546e6d..6dcd2de9ec 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -316,7 +316,11 @@ "devDependencies": { "browserify": "^13.0.0", "coffee-script": "^1.10.0", - "eslint": "^2.13.1", + "eslint": "^3.6.1", + "eslint-config-semistandard": "^7.0.0", + "eslint-config-standard": "^6.2.0", + "eslint-plugin-promise": "^2.0.1", + "eslint-plugin-standard": "^2.0.1", "expect.js": "^0.3.1", "karma": "^1.1.0", "karma-browserify": "^5.0.5", diff --git a/scripts/dedefine.js b/scripts/dedefine.js index c647c0e083..3e297586c9 100644 --- a/scripts/dedefine.js +++ b/scripts/dedefine.js @@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ var through = require('through2'); var defineRx = /typeof define === ['"]function['"] && define\.amd/g; -function createStream() { - return through.obj(function(chunk, enc, next) { +function createStream () { + return through.obj(function (chunk, enc, next) { this.push(String(chunk) .replace(defineRx, 'false')); next(); }); } -module.exports = function(b) { - function wrap() { +module.exports = function (b) { + function wrap () { b.pipeline.get('wrap').push(createStream()); } diff --git a/test/.eslintrc b/test/.eslintrc deleted file mode 100644 index 956287d60c..0000000000 --- a/test/.eslintrc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ ---- -env: - mocha: true -globals: - expect: false diff --git a/test/.eslintrc.js b/test/.eslintrc.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5654cb80df --- /dev/null +++ b/test/.eslintrc.js @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +module.exports = { + env: { + mocha: true + }, + globals: { + expect: false + } +};