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How Can I Speed Up Reload Times

dskaggs edited this page Jan 9, 2013 · 2 revisions

As of version 3.2, Model-Glue will load only the internals necessary to fulfill the current request, in contrast to the LoadItAllNow architecture of previous versions. This technique is called Memoization, an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by having function calls avoid repeating the calculation of results for previously-processed inputs. Also, Model-Glue will now optionally keep the internal state of your bean factory across reloads, saving you from reloading all of your ColdSpring-managed objects on each request.

Unless we change an element in the bean factory, it can be wasteful to reload it on each request. You can keep the bean factory loaded for as long as you want, and reload it as you wish by the URL reloadKey=reloadPassword command. To use this new functionality you need to add the following property definition to your application specific modelglue.modelGlueConfiguration bean in your ColdSpring.xml file:

<property name="reloadBeanFactory"><value>false</value></property>

For more information and pretty charts take a look at: ModelGlue 3.2 Reload Changes

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