diff --git a/chapters/syntax.tex b/chapters/syntax.tex index b4964da08..d00a01819 100644 --- a/chapters/syntax.tex +++ b/chapters/syntax.tex @@ -48,7 +48,9 @@ \section{Lexical conventions}\label{lexical-conventions} Q-IDENT where they are treated as part of the STRING or Q-IDENT lexical unit. \item - String constant concatenation \lstinline!"a" "b"! becoming \lstinline!"ab"! (as in C) is replaced by the \lstinline!+! operator in Modelica. + Concatenation of string literals requires a binary expression. + For example, \lstinline!"a" + "b"! evaluates to \lstinline!"ab"!. + There is no support for the C/C++ style of concatenating adjacent string literal tokens (for example, \lstinline[language=C]!"a" "b"! becoming \lstinline[language=C]!"ab"!). \item Modelica uses the same comment syntax as C++ and Java (i.e., \lstinline!//! signals the start of a line comment and \lstinline!/* $\ldots$ */! is a multi-line comment); comments may contain any Unicode character. Modelica also has structured comments in the form of annotations and string comments.