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A hexagonal Architecture implementation for Go lang web applications


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Hexagonal Architecture for go

A hexagonal Architecture implementation for Go Lang web applications

Understanding Hexagonal Architecture and Its Benefits in GoLang

In the realm of software development, creating robust and maintainable applications is a perpetual pursuit. One architectural paradigm that has gained traction for its ability to enhance code maintainability and flexibility is Hexagonal Architecture, often referred to as Ports and Adapters.


What is Hexagonal Architecture?

Hexagonal Architecture emphasizes a clear separation of concerns, creating software systems with well-defined boundaries. The core business logic remains decoupled from external dependencies.

Hexagonal Architecture Schema

Alt text

Core Principles

  • Ports: Represent interfaces or contracts defining the application's interaction with the external world.
  • Adapters: Implement interfaces defined in ports, connecting the application to external resources.

Implementation in GoLang

GoLang's simplicity and flexibility align well with Hexagonal Architecture. The language's interface support enables building systems with clear boundaries.


  • Core Domain Logic: Houses business logic, entities, and use cases.
  • Ports: Interfaces defining core logic's interaction with external components.
  • Adapters: Implementations of port interfaces linking core logic to databases, APIs, or other services.
  • Dependency Injection: GoLang's interface support facilitates dependency injection for testing and component replacement.

Benefits in GoLang

Testability and Maintainability

  • Isolation of Concerns: Separation allows easier unit testing and maintenance.
  • Replaceable Adapters: Easy switching of adapters without impacting core logic.

Flexibility and Scalability

  • Loose Coupling: Allows swapping or upgrading components without system-wide impact.
  • Easier Extension: Adding features becomes manageable within defined boundaries.

Clean Code and Readability

  • Clear Structure: Encourages organized codebases, aiding readability.
  • Focused Logic: Separating concerns helps focus on core business logic.


Hexagonal Architecture offers a structured approach to building software systems, promoting maintainability, testability, and flexibility. Leveraging this architecture in GoLang facilitates modular, adaptable, and maintainable codebases, aligning with the language's principles.

Project Structure Overview

Directory Structure

  • /libs: Contains the libarries implementaion for many common components being used in the project.

  • /cmd: Contains the main entry point for your application. Each service or component could have its own subdirectory here.

  • /internal: Holds the internal packages of the application.

    • /driving : Driving actors of the architecture like user, external app etc
      • /adapters: Contains adapters for external systems or frameworks.
        • /http: Adapter handling incoming HTTP requests.
      • /usecases: Contains implementations of use cases that orchestrate the business logic.
    • /driven : Driven actors of the architecture like user, external app etc
      • /adapters: Contains adapters for external systems or frameworks.
        • /database: Adapter interacting with the database.
        • /http: Adapter handling incoming HTTP requests.
      • /usecases: Contains implementations of use cases that orchestrate the business logic.
    • /domain: Contains the core business logic and domain model.
      • /model: Contains domain models or entities.
      • your_domain.go: Defines interfaces (ports) that interact with the domain.
  • /test: Houses all test-related files.


This project implements a web-based API for a task management system using GoLang. It focuses on providing RESTful endpoints for creating, updating, and organizing tasks. The aim is to create a scalable and efficient task management solution for small to medium-sized teams.


  • RESTful API for task CRUD operations
  • User authentication and authorization
  • Task prioritization and categorization
  • Database persistence for task storage
  • Scalable architecture for handling increased loads

Table of Contents

Getting Started

To get started with this project:

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd hexarchgo
  3. Set up the database:

    • Create a PostgreSQL database named tasks_db.
    • Update the database connection details in config/config.go.
  4. Run the application:

    go run main.go

Pending Functionality

  • Grpc gateway implemenation

  • Swagger UI implemenation

  • No Sql Database integartion with utils

  • Dockerfile for containerization

  • Codecov integration

  • JWT Authentication

  • Rate Limiting

  • Monitoring and Logging tools (Prometheus, Grafana, Zipkin etc.)

  • Kubernetes Deployment

  • Helm Chart for K8S deployment

  • Cloud Provider Integrations (AWS, GCP)

  • Distributed Tracing Tools (Zipkin, Jaeger)

  • Retry Mechanism Implementation

  • CI/CD pipeline setup (Github Actions, Gitlab CI or Jenkins?)


A hexagonal Architecture implementation for Go lang web applications







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