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works except for non-closing loop at end
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mojombo committed Jul 10, 2008
1 parent d0f19c9 commit 90eaa64
Showing 1 changed file with 46 additions and 33 deletions.
79 changes: 46 additions & 33 deletions elibs/upload_pack.erl
Expand Up @@ -74,30 +74,41 @@ export_ok(Sock, Host, Path, FullPath) ->
make_port(Sock, Host, Path, FullPath) ->
Command = "git upload-pack " ++ FullPath,
Port = open_port({spawn, Command}, [binary]),
send_response_to_client(pipe:new(), pipe:new(), Port, Sock, Host, Path).
send_response_to_client(more, pipe:new(), pipe:new(), Port, Sock, Host, Path).

% Send a response to the client
send_response_to_client(RequestPipe, ResponsePipe, Port, Sock, Host, Path) ->
send_response_to_client(Status, RequestPipe, ResponsePipe, Port, Sock, Host, Path) ->
io:format("send response~n"),
stream_out(Port, Sock, ResponsePipe),
get_request_from_client(RequestPipe, ResponsePipe, Port, Sock, Host, Path)
stream_out(Port, Sock, ResponsePipe)
throw:{error, timeout} ->
get_request_from_client(RequestPipe, ResponsePipe, Port, Sock, Host, Path)
io:format("stream out timed out~n"),
case Status of
more ->
get_request_from_client(RequestPipe, ResponsePipe, Port, Sock, Host, Path);
done ->
send_response_to_client(done, RequestPipe, ResponsePipe, Port, Sock, Host, Path)

% Read a request from a client
get_request_from_client(RequestPipe, ResponsePipe, Port, Sock, Host, Path) ->
io:format("get request~n"),
case gather_request(Sock, RequestPipe) of
{ok, Request, RequestPipe2} ->
% io:format("req = ~p~n", [Request]),
{more, Request, RequestPipe2} ->
io:format("req = ~p~n", [Request]),
log_request(Request, Host, Path),
port_command(Port, Request),
send_response_to_client(more, RequestPipe2, ResponsePipe, Port, Sock, Host, Path);
{done, Request, RequestPipe2} ->
io:format("req = ~p~n", [Request]),
log_request(Request, Host, Path),
port_command(Port, Request),
{ok, RequestPipe3} = check_request_termination(RequestPipe2, Sock, Port),
send_response_to_client(RequestPipe3, ResponsePipe, Port, Sock, Host, Path);
send_response_to_client(done, RequestPipe2, ResponsePipe, Port, Sock, Host, Path);
{error, closed} ->
io:format("socket closed~n"),
ok = gen_tcp:close(Sock),
% port_command(Port, "0000"),
Expand All @@ -114,25 +125,25 @@ get_request_from_client(RequestPipe, ResponsePipe, Port, Sock, Host, Path) ->

check_request_termination(RequestPipe, Sock, Port) ->
case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 9, 10) of
{ok, "0009done\n"} ->
% io:format("success"),
port_command(Port, "0009done\n"),
{ok, RequestPipe};
_ ->
% io:format("~p~n", [A]),
case pipe:peek(9, RequestPipe) of
{ok, <<"0009done\n">>} ->
% io:format("success"),
port_command(Port, "0009done\n"),
{ok, _Data, P2} = pipe:read(9, RequestPipe),
{ok, P2};
_ ->
% io:format("~p~n", [B]),
{ok, RequestPipe}
% check_request_termination(RequestPipe, Sock, Port) ->
% case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 9, 10) of
% {ok, "0009done\n"} ->
% % io:format("success"),
% port_command(Port, "0009done\n"),
% {ok, RequestPipe};
% _ ->
% % io:format("~p~n", [A]),
% case pipe:peek(9, RequestPipe) of
% {ok, <<"0009done\n">>} ->
% % io:format("success"),
% port_command(Port, "0009done\n"),
% {ok, _Data, P2} = pipe:read(9, RequestPipe),
% {ok, P2};
% _ ->
% % io:format("~p~n", [B]),
% {ok, RequestPipe}
% end
% end.

% Safely unlink and close the port. If the port is not open, this is a noop.
safe_port_close(Port) ->
Expand All @@ -152,10 +163,12 @@ gather_request(Sock, DataSoFar, Pipe) ->
{ok, Data, P2} = read_chunk_from_socket(Sock, Pipe),
io:format("~p~n", [Data]),
TotalData = lists:append(DataSoFar, [Data]),
case pipe:size(P2) == 0 andalso (Data =:= <<"0000">> orelse Data =:= <<"0009done\n">>) of
Data =:= <<"0000">> ->
{more, binary_to_list(list_to_binary(TotalData)), P2};
Data =:= <<"0009done\n">> ->
{done, binary_to_list(list_to_binary(TotalData)), P2};
true ->
{ok, binary_to_list(list_to_binary(TotalData)), P2};
false ->
gather_request(Sock, TotalData, P2)
Expand All @@ -170,7 +183,7 @@ stream_out(Port, Sock, Pipe) ->
{ok, Data, P2} = read_chunk(Port, Pipe),
io:format("~p~n", [Data]),
gen_tcp:send(Sock, Data),
case pipe:size(P2) =:= 0 andalso (Data =:= <<"0000">> orelse Data =:= <<"0008NAK\n">>) of
case Data =:= <<"0000">> of
true -> done;
false -> stream_out(Port, Sock, P2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,7 +222,7 @@ read_chunk_body_from_socket(ChunkSizeHex, Sock, Pipe) ->

read_from_socket(Sock) ->
case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 0) of
case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 0, 100) of
{ok, Data} ->
io:format("socket = ~p~n", [Data]),
{data, list_to_binary(Data)};
Expand Down

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