diff --git a/UPGRADE 2.1.md b/UPGRADE 2.1.md index 583527bd..23ad02b5 100644 --- a/UPGRADE 2.1.md +++ b/UPGRADE 2.1.md @@ -3,32 +3,32 @@ UPGRADE to Symfony 2.1 ### JQuery Chosen - [BC BREAK] Widget option cannot specify the choice type anymore, you have to append the widget in the type name instead : +[BC BREAK] Widget option cannot specify the choice type anymore, you have to append the widget in the type name instead : - Before : +Before : ``` php $formBuilder ->add('country', 'genemu_jquerychosen', array( 'widget' => 'country', )); ``` - Now : +Now : ``` php $formBuilder->add('country', 'genemu_jquerychosen_country'); ``` ### Routing - [BC BREAK] Routing is defined in xml files instead of annotations (to remove the depency with SensioFrameworkExtraBundle) +[BC BREAK] Routing is defined in xml files instead of annotations (to remove the depency with SensioFrameworkExtraBundle) - Before : +Before : ``` yml # app/config/routing.yml genemu_base64: resource: "@GenemuFormBundle/Controller/Base64Controller.php" type: annotation ``` - Now : +Now : ``` yml # app/config/routing.yml genemu_base64: