Jan 15, 2020 Refer: https://github.com/SeemonJ/moses Also I get below errors (pl. see "ERRORS" below) when I run the command using Git Bash: sh scripts/run_all_models.sh And I am not sure exactly what to feed in here for ref_path and gen_path?: python scripts/eval.py --ref_path --gen_path Request your help to solve the errors and help with running above command and the others mentioned on https://github.com/SeemonJ/moses starting "Benchmarking your models". The instructions are not clear. Directory where the above command is run: Administrator@Deepak_Agrawal MINGW64 ~/Desktop/admin_moses_26Dec19 $ dir build dist LICENSE moses setup.py DA_26Dec19_New_Moses.ipynb Dockerfile MANIFEST.in moses-master.zip tests data images molsets.egg-info README.md torch-1.1.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl Deep-Drug-Coder install_moses.sh molvecgen scripts Administrator@Deepak_Agrawal MINGW64 ~/Desktop/admin_moses_26Dec19/scripts $ chmod +x run_all_models.sh ERRORS: Administrator@Deepak_Agrawal MINGW64 ~/Desktop/admin_moses_26Dec19/scripts $ sh run_all_models.sh + for MODEL in char_rnn vae aae + for SEED in 1 2 3 + for SEED in 1 2 3+ python scripts/run.py --model char_rnn --data data --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/char_rnn/char_rnn_1 --device cuda:1 --metrics data/samples/char_rnn/metrics_char_rnn_1.csv --seed 1 --gen_path data/samples/char_rnn/char_rrun_all_models.sh: line 6: python: command not found + for SEED in 1 2 3+ python scripts/run.py --model char_rnn --data data --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/char_rnn/char_rnn_2 --device cuda:2 --metrics data/samples/char_rnn/metrics_char_rnn_2.csv --seed 2 --gen_path data/samples/char_rnn/char_rnn_2.csv run_all_models.sh: line 6: python: command not found + for MODEL in char_rnn vae aae + for SEED in 1 2 3n.py --model char_rnn --data data --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/char_rnn/char_rnn_3 --device cuda:3 --run_all_models.sh: line 6: python: command not found --seed 3 --gen_path data/samples/char_rnn/char_rnn_3.csv + for SEED in 1 2 3+ python scripts/run.py --model vae --data data --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/vae/vae_1 --device cuda:1 --metrics data/samples/vae/metrics_vae_1.csv --seed 1 --gen_path data/samples/vae/vae_1.csv run_all_models.sh: line 6: python: command not found + for SEED in 1 2 3+ python scripts/run.py --model vae --data data --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/vae/vae_2 --device cuda:2 --metrics data/samples/vae/metrics_vae_2.csv --seed 2 --gen_path data/samples/vae/vae_2.csv run_all_models.sh: line 6: python: command not found + for MODEL in char_rnn vae aae+ python scripts/run.py --model vae --data data --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/vae/vae_3 --device cuda:3 --metrics data/samples/vae/metrics_vae_3.csv --seed 3 --gen_path data/samples/vae/vae_3.csv + for SEED in 1 2 3 run_all_models.sh: line 6: python: command not found + for SEED in 1 2 3+ python scripts/run.py --model aae --data data --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/aae/aae_1 --device cuda:1 --metrics data/samples/aae/metrics_aae_1.csv --seed 1 --gen_path data/samples/aae/aae_1.csv run_all_models.sh: line 6: python: command not found + for SEED in 1 2 3+ python scripts/run.py --model aae --data data --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/aae/aae_2 --device cuda:2 --metrics data/samples/aae/metrics_aae_2.csv --seed 2 --gen_path data/samples/aae/aae_2.csv run_all_models.sh: line 6: python: command not found + python scripts/run.py --model aae --data data --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/aae/aae_3 --device cuda:3 --metrics data/samples/aae/metrics_aae_3.csv --seed 3 --gen_path data/samples/aae/aae_3.csv run_all_models.sh: line 6: python: command not found Administrator@Deepak_Agrawal MINGW64 ~/Desktop/admin_moses_26Dec19/scripts $