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Max edited this page Aug 2, 2013 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the slim-libraries wiki!

Documentation will be relatively scarce for now, I have a lot of stuff to work on, but I will try to add some details about my rebol slim libraries here, when time permits.


The root of all is the slim.r file which must be run before all else:

do %libs/slim.r

Once that is loaded, you can easily access all of the other files by simply referring to them by name like so:

slim/open 'libname none

the second parameter is a version number, which can be none, when you want any version to be acceptable.

any file in the same folder as %slim.r will be accessible via slim/open. Any file in a sub-folder of the folder in which slim.r is found is considered a package, and any of its files are also accessible via slim/open.

temporary (very old) documentation can be found here:

Note that the version on is ancient and should not be used, but most of the documentation in the above links is still appropriate for this version on GitHub.

I will eventually re-write all of it here.

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