Release 2.0.1
- Auto-complete function in the creation of a specific risk (#29)
- Remove the category for operational risk (#26)
- update of the database
- the database of MONARC is now backed up before an upgrade
- Import bug : Format of duedate in recomandation (#30)
- Problem when a label of an impact contains a character such as '&' or '%' (#24)
- Lost operational risks of assets in library after a snapshot (#25)
- Problem setting a comment in new scale row (#24)
- hash of users' passwords were exposed through the API as reported by
Thomas LARCHER, Cyber Security Team of PwC Luxembourg.
Login and passwords for the MONARC VirtualBox image
- MONARC application: admin@admin.test:admin
- SSH login: monarc:password
- Mysql root login: root:6a2ae9a3c5ddabeb933c113d8be5bfe8f7b946bb3f7cb41d0464d3855c6451fb
- Mysql MONARC login: sqlmonarcuser:bf5ee4c5e26d8c65170db90783762c8d7cf2bb511fc732d1c0ce3ce68206ce47
sha512sum: a11b29c1c0b3272f6b78791b83d8d4e36633fe451f6cb92381cb646c0ad5b397777e2ece66a55ad993352a2a4124acf69f1e13c59f55b5eedff5c779fa36a0a1
sha1sum: 1edcde1cb4d421fc20b9e424673debea6b2ef7bc