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47 lines (30 loc) · 1.18 KB

File metadata and controls

47 lines (30 loc) · 1.18 KB

How to contribute

Please submit pull requests on GitHub.

The project follows the PSR2 standard.

Set up your development environment

php composer.phar install
cp config/parameters.yml.dist config/parameters.yml
# Verify your environment is ready:

Pre-commit hook

When you do composer install it should set a Git pre-commit hook to help you follow the standards.

To install the Git pre-commit hook manually:

bash contrib/

How to run the tests

To run the test suite, just run phpunit or bin/phpunit.

The tests use a database called mongrate_test in your local MongoDB server.

How to create mongrate.phar

Run bin/create-phar.php and a new Phar file will be created.

The Phar cannot be compressed; otherwise the file cannot be run directly in bash.


Assuming you have an entry called mongratedownloads in your ~/.ssh/config:

scp build/mongrate.phar mongratedownloads:/home/mongrate/project/downloads/mongrate.phar
scp config/parameters.yml.dist mongratedownloads:/home/mongrate/project/downloads/sample-config.yml