diff --git a/admin/tool/uploadcourse/lang/en/tool_uploadcourse.php b/admin/tool/uploadcourse/lang/en/tool_uploadcourse.php index db95617ab7d94..7f3e9d7149791 100644 --- a/admin/tool/uploadcourse/lang/en/tool_uploadcourse.php +++ b/admin/tool/uploadcourse/lang/en/tool_uploadcourse.php @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ $string['invalidencoding'] = 'Invalid encoding'; $string['invalidmode'] = 'Invalid mode selected'; $string['invalideupdatemode'] = 'Invalid update mode selected'; -$string['invalidvisibilitymode'] = 'Invalid visibility mode given'; +$string['invalidvisibilitymode'] = 'Invalid visible mode'; $string['invalidroles'] = 'Invalid role names: {$a}'; $string['invalidshortname'] = 'Invalid shortname'; $string['missingmandatoryfields'] = 'Missing value for mandatory fields: {$a}'; diff --git a/grade/grading/form/rubric/lang/en/gradingform_rubric.php b/grade/grading/form/rubric/lang/en/gradingform_rubric.php index 655c8143afd20..3e09c9183ded0 100644 --- a/grade/grading/form/rubric/lang/en/gradingform_rubric.php +++ b/grade/grading/form/rubric/lang/en/gradingform_rubric.php @@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ $string['leveldefinition'] = 'Level {$a} definition'; $string['levelempty'] = 'Click to edit level'; $string['levelsgroup'] = 'Levels group'; -$string['lockzeropoints'] = 'Calculate grade based on the rubric having a minimum score of 0'; -$string['lockzeropoints_help'] = 'This setting only applies if the sum of the minimum number of points for each criterion is greater than 0. If ticked, the minimum achievable grade for the rubric will be greater than 0. If unticked, the minimum possible score for the rubric will be mapped to the minimum grade available for the activity (which is 0 unless a scale is used).'; +$string['lockzeropoints'] = 'Calculate grade having a minimum score of the minimum achievable grade for the rubric'; +$string['lockzeropoints_help'] = 'This setting only applies if the sum of the minimum number of points for each criterion is greater than 0. If ticked, the minimum achievable grade for the rubric will be the minimum achievable grade for the rubric. If unticked, the minimum possible score for the rubric will be mapped to the minimum grade available for the activity (which is 0 unless a scale is used).'; $string['name'] = 'Name'; $string['needregrademessage'] = 'The rubric definition was changed after this student had been graded. The student can not see this rubric until you check the rubric and update the grade.'; $string['notset'] = 'Not set'; diff --git a/lang/en/admin.php b/lang/en/admin.php index 400e094b72801..ef16b77141f41 100644 --- a/lang/en/admin.php +++ b/lang/en/admin.php @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ $string['configextramemorylimit'] = 'Some scripts like search, backup/restore or cron require more memory. Set higher values for large sites.'; $string['configfilterall'] = 'Filter all strings, including headings, titles, navigation bar and so on. This is mostly useful when using the multilang filter, otherwise it will just create extra load on your site for little gain.'; $string['configfiltermatchoneperpage'] = 'Automatic linking filters will only generate a single link for the first matching text instance found on the complete page. All others are ignored.'; -$string['configfiltermatchonepertext'] = 'Automatic linking filters will only generate a single link for the first matching text instance found in each item of text (e.g., resource, block) on the page. All others are ignored. This setting is ignored if the one per page setting is yes.'; +$string['configfiltermatchonepertext'] = 'Automatic linking filters will only generate a single link for the first matching text instance found in each item of text on the page. All others are ignored. This setting has no effect if \'Filter match once per page\' is enabled.'; $string['configfilteruploadedfiles'] = 'Process all uploaded HTML and text files with the filters before displaying them, only uploaded HTML files or none at all.'; $string['configforcelogin'] = 'Normally, the front page of the site and the course listings (but not courses) can be read by people without logging in to the site. If you want to force people to log in before they do ANYTHING on the site, then you should enable this setting.'; $string['configforceloginforprofiles'] = 'This setting forces people to log in as a real (non-guest) account before viewing any user\'s profile. If you disabled this setting, you may find that some users post advertising (spam) or other inappropriate content in their profiles, which is then visible to the whole world.'; diff --git a/lang/en/course.php b/lang/en/course.php index 38c51188ee845..cc82f2cf51b69 100644 --- a/lang/en/course.php +++ b/lang/en/course.php @@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ $string['target:coursegradetopass_help'] = 'This target describes whether the student is at risk of not achieving the minimum grade to pass the course.'; $string['target:noaccesssincecoursestart'] = 'Students who have not accessed the course yet'; $string['target:noaccesssincecoursestart_help'] = 'This target describes students who never accessed a course they are enrolled in.'; -$string['target:noaccesssincecoursestartinfo'] = 'The following students are enroled in a course which has started, but they have never accessed the course.'; +$string['target:noaccesssincecoursestartinfo'] = 'The following students are enrolled in a course which has started, but they have never accessed the course.'; $string['target:norecentaccesses'] = 'Students who have not accessed the course recently'; $string['target:norecentaccesses_help'] = 'This target identifies students who have not accessed a course they are enrolled in within the set analysis interval (by default the past month).'; $string['target:norecentaccessesinfo'] = 'The following students have not accessed a course they are enrolled in within the set analysis interval (by default the past month).'; $string['target:noteachingactivity'] = 'Courses at risk of not starting'; $string['target:noteachingactivity_help'] = 'This target describes whether courses due to start in the coming week will have teaching activity.'; -$string['target:noteachingactivityinfo'] = 'The following courses due to start in the upcoming days are at risk of not starting because they don\'t have teachers or students enroled'; +$string['target:noteachingactivityinfo'] = 'The following courses due to start in the upcoming days are at risk of not starting because they don\'t have teachers or students enrolled.'; $string['targetlabelstudentcompletionno'] = 'Student who is likely to meet the course completion conditions'; $string['targetlabelstudentcompletionyes'] = 'Student at risk of not meeting the course completion conditions'; $string['targetlabelstudentcompetenciesno'] = 'Student who is likely to achieve the competencies assigned to a course'; diff --git a/lang/en/error.php b/lang/en/error.php index 5ae9f6e969b6e..ef92a534a4074 100644 --- a/lang/en/error.php +++ b/lang/en/error.php @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ $string['cannotuseadminadminorteacher'] = 'You need to be a teacher or admin user to use this page'; $string['cannotusepage'] = 'Only teachers and administrators can use this page'; $string['cannotusepage2'] = 'Sorry, you may not use this page'; -$string['cannotviewcategory'] = 'You don\'t have permission to view courses here'; +$string['cannotviewcategory'] = 'You don\'t have permission to view this list of courses.'; $string['cannotviewprofile'] = 'You cannot view the profile of this user'; $string['cannotviewreport'] = 'You cannot view this report'; $string['cannotwritefile'] = 'Cannot write to file ({$a})'; diff --git a/lang/en/grades.php b/lang/en/grades.php index 649b684145fb2..f717e4f06c288 100644 --- a/lang/en/grades.php +++ b/lang/en/grades.php @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ $string['fullmode'] = 'Change to full view'; $string['generalsettings'] = 'General settings'; $string['grade'] = 'Grade'; -$string['grade_help'] = 'The grade to award this person for their work.'; +$string['grade_help'] = 'The grade to award the student for their work.'; $string['gradeadministration'] = 'Grade administration'; $string['gradealreadyupdated'] = '{$a} grades have not been imported because the grades in the import file are older than in the grader report. To proceed with the grade import anyway, use the force import option.'; $string['gradeanalysis'] = 'Grade analysis'; diff --git a/lang/en/h5p.php b/lang/en/h5p.php index e30993346319a..2fc0a622b5edb 100644 --- a/lang/en/h5p.php +++ b/lang/en/h5p.php @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ $string['editor'] = 'Editor'; $string['embed'] = 'Embed'; $string['embedtitle'] = 'View the embed code for this content.'; -$string['eventh5pviewed'] = 'H5P viewed'; +$string['eventh5pviewed'] = 'H5P content viewed'; $string['eventh5pdeleted'] = 'H5P deleted'; $string['fetchtypesfailure'] = 'No information could be obtained on the H5P content types available. H5P repository connection failure'; $string['fileExceedsMaxSize'] = 'One of the files inside the package exceeds the maximum file size allowed. ({$a->%file} {$a->%used} > {$a->%max})'; @@ -107,10 +107,7 @@ $string['invalidsemanticstype'] = 'H5P internal error: unknown content type "{$a->@type}" in semantics. Removing content!'; $string['invalidstring'] = 'Provided string is not valid according to regexp in semantics. (value: "{$a->%value}", regexp: "{$a->%regexp}")'; $string['librarydirectoryerror'] = 'Library directory name must match machineName or machineName-majorVersion.minorVersion (from library.json). (Directory: {$a->%directoryName} , machineName: {$a->%machineName}, majorVersion: {$a->%majorVersion}, minorVersion: {$a->%minorVersion})'; -$string['librariesmanagerdescription'] = '

H5P enables users to create interactive content by providing a range of content types.

'. - '

To ensure that only trusted H5P content types are used on your site, you need to either

'. - ''. - '

Note that users will only be able to use the H5P content types which are installed on your site.

'; +$string['librariesmanagerdescription'] = '

H5P enables users to create interactive content by providing a range of content types.

To ensure that only trusted H5P content types are used on your site, you need to either

Note that users will only be able to use the H5P content types which are installed on your site.

'; $string['license'] = 'License'; $string['licenseCC010'] = 'CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication'; $string['licenseCC010U'] = 'CC0 1.0 Universal'; diff --git a/lang/en/user.php b/lang/en/user.php index 9bb7077ac5fa8..61600142b7082 100644 --- a/lang/en/user.php +++ b/lang/en/user.php @@ -127,4 +127,4 @@ $string['privacy:sessionpath'] = 'Session data'; $string['target:upcomingactivitiesdue'] = 'Upcoming activities due'; $string['target:upcomingactivitiesdue_help'] = 'This target generates reminders for upcoming activities due.'; -$string['target:upcomingactivitiesdueinfo'] = 'This is the manager\'s view for all upcoming "activities due" insights. These students have received these insights directly.'; +$string['target:upcomingactivitiesdueinfo'] = 'All upcoming activities due insights are listed here. These students have received these insights directly.'; diff --git a/mod/forum/lang/en/forum.php b/mod/forum/lang/en/forum.php index a1fa7ba51056d..331e5c0d5dc2f 100644 --- a/mod/forum/lang/en/forum.php +++ b/mod/forum/lang/en/forum.php @@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ $string['postadded'] = '

Your post was successfully added.

You have {$a} to edit it if you want to make any changes.

'; $string['postaddedsuccess'] = 'Your post was successfully added.'; $string['postaddedtimeleft'] = 'You have {$a} to edit it if you want to make any changes.'; -$string['postbymailsuccess'] = 'Congratulations, your forum post with subject "{$a->subject}" was successfully added. You can view it at {$a->discussionurl}.'; -$string['postbymailsuccess_html'] = 'Congratulations, your forum post with subject "{$a->subject}" was successfully posted.'; +$string['postbymailsuccess'] = 'Your reply "{$a->subject}" was successfully posted: {$a->discussionurl}'; +$string['postbymailsuccess_html'] = 'Your reply {$a->subject} was successfully posted.'; $string['postbyuser'] = '{$a->post} by {$a->user}'; $string['postincontext'] = 'See this post in context'; $string['postmailinfolink'] = 'This is a copy of a message posted in {$a->coursename}. @@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ $string['notgraded'] = 'Not graded'; $string['nousersmatch'] = 'No user(s) found for given criteria'; $string['showmoreusers'] = 'Show more users'; -$string['viewconversation'] = 'View conversation'; +$string['viewconversation'] = 'View discussion'; $string['viewgrades'] = 'View grades'; // Deprecated since Moodle 3.8. diff --git a/mod/forum/report/summary/lang/en/forumreport_summary.php b/mod/forum/report/summary/lang/en/forumreport_summary.php index 71d51be0fa7b6..b741274894c7a 100644 --- a/mod/forum/report/summary/lang/en/forumreport_summary.php +++ b/mod/forum/report/summary/lang/en/forumreport_summary.php @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ $string['filter:datesname'] = 'Dates'; $string['filter:datesfrom'] = 'From {$a}'; $string['filter:datesfromto'] = '{$a->datefrom} - {$a->dateto}'; -$string['filter:datesorderwarning'] = 'Please ensure the "From" date selected is earlier than the "To" date selected.'; +$string['filter:datesorderwarning'] = 'The from date can\'t be earlier than the to date.'; $string['filter:datesto'] = 'To {$a}'; $string['filter:groupsbuttonlabel'] = 'Open the groups filter'; $string['filter:groupsname'] = 'Groups'; diff --git a/mod/quiz/lang/en/quiz.php b/mod/quiz/lang/en/quiz.php index 1ef7d86b07839..4b8ecf00218f2 100644 --- a/mod/quiz/lang/en/quiz.php +++ b/mod/quiz/lang/en/quiz.php @@ -381,8 +381,8 @@ $string['generalfeedback'] = 'General feedback'; $string['generalfeedback_help'] = 'General feedback is text which is shown after a question has been attempted. Unlike feedback for a specific question which depends on the response given, the same general feedback is always shown.'; $string['graceperiod'] = 'Submission grace period'; -$string['graceperiod_desc'] = 'If what to do when time expires is set to \'Allow a grace period to submit, but not change any responses\', this is the default amount of extra time that is allowed.'; -$string['graceperiod_help'] = 'If what to do when time expires is set to \'Allow a grace period to submit, but not change any responses\', this is the amount of extra time that is allowed.'; +$string['graceperiod_desc'] = 'If what to do when the time expires is set to \'There is a grace period...\', then this is the default amount of extra time that is allowed.'; +$string['graceperiod_help'] = 'If what to do when the time expires is set to \'There is a grace period...\', then this is the amount of extra time that is allowed.'; $string['graceperiodmin'] = 'Last submission grace period'; $string['graceperiodmin_desc'] = 'There is a potential problem right at the end of the quiz. On the one hand, we want to let students continue working right up until the last second - with the help of the timer that automatically submits the quiz when time runs out. On the other hand, the server may then be overloaded, and take some time to get to process the responses. Therefore, we will accept responses for up to this long after time expires, so they are not penalised for the server being slow. However, the student could cheat and get this many seconds to answer the quiz. You have to make a trade-off based on how much you trust the performance of your server during quizzes.'; $string['graceperiodtoosmall'] = 'The grace period must be more than {$a}.'; diff --git a/mod/workshop/lang/en/workshop.php b/mod/workshop/lang/en/workshop.php index 4b47480b8f95a..ecfb93d4e1ad3 100644 --- a/mod/workshop/lang/en/workshop.php +++ b/mod/workshop/lang/en/workshop.php @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ $string['configgradinggrade'] = 'Default maximum grade for assessment in workshops'; $string['configmaxbytes'] = 'Default maximum submission file size for all workshops on the site (subject to course limits and other local settings)'; $string['configstrategy'] = 'Default grading strategy for workshops'; -$string['createsubmission'] = 'Start preparing your submission'; +$string['createsubmission'] = 'Add submission'; $string['crontask'] = 'Background processing for workshop module'; $string['daysago'] = '{$a} days ago'; $string['daysleft'] = '{$a} days left';