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Added support for LSTM layers as well as Embedding layers.
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Also included a couple of activations: sigmoid, hard-sigmoid and tanh.
Some additional code to operate tensors included.
Full python export and test generators included for given layers and activations.
  • Loading branch information
Javier Vargas committed Jan 14, 2017
1 parent 71e4746 commit a17343d
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Showing 5 changed files with 676 additions and 13 deletions.
292 changes: 292 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,15 @@ bool KerasLayerActivation::LoadLayer(std::ifstream* file)
case kSoftPlus:
activation_type_ = kSoftPlus;
case kHardSigmoid:
activation_type_ = kHardSigmoid;
case kSigmoid:
activation_type_ = kSigmoid;
case kTanh:
activation_type_ = kTanh;
KASSERT(false, "Unsupported activation type %d", activation);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,6 +106,38 @@ bool KerasLayerActivation::Apply(Tensor* in, Tensor* out)
out->data_[i] = std::log(1.0 + std::exp(out->data_[i]));
case kHardSigmoid:
for (size_t i = 0; i < out->data_.size(); i++)
float x = (out->data_[i] * 0.2) + 0.5;

if ( x <= 0 )
out->data_[i] = 0.0;
else if ( x >= 1 )
out->data_[i] = 1.0;
out->data_[i] = x;
case kSigmoid:
for (size_t i = 0; i < out->data_.size(); i++)
float & x = out->data_[i];

if ( x >= 0 )
out->data_[i] = 1.0/(1.0 + std::exp(-x));
else {
float z = std::exp(x);
out->data_[i] = z/(1.0+z);
case kTanh:
for (size_t i = 0; i < out->data_.size(); i++)
out->data_[i] = std::tanh(out->data_[i]);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,6 +398,251 @@ bool KerasLayerMaxPooling2d::Apply(Tensor* in, Tensor* out)

bool KerasLayerLSTM::LoadLayer(std::ifstream* file)
KASSERT(file, "Invalid file stream");

unsigned int wi_rows = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &wi_rows), "Expected Wi rows");
KASSERT(wi_rows > 0, "Invalid Wi # rows");

unsigned int wi_cols = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &wi_cols), "Expected Wi cols");
KASSERT(wi_cols > 0, "Invalid Wi shape");

unsigned int ui_rows = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &ui_rows), "Expected Ui rows");
KASSERT(ui_rows > 0, "Invalid Ui # rows");

unsigned int ui_cols = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &ui_cols), "Expected Ui cols");
KASSERT(ui_cols > 0, "Invalid Ui shape");

unsigned int bi_shape = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &bi_shape), "Expected bi shape");
KASSERT(bi_shape > 0, "Invalid bi shape");

unsigned int wf_rows = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &wf_rows), "Expected Wf rows");
KASSERT(wf_rows > 0, "Invalid Wf # rows");

unsigned int wf_cols = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &wf_cols), "Expected Wf cols");
KASSERT(wf_cols > 0, "Invalid Wf shape");

unsigned int uf_rows = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &uf_rows), "Expected Uf rows");
KASSERT(uf_rows > 0, "Invalid Uf # rows");

unsigned int uf_cols = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &uf_cols), "Expected Uf cols");
KASSERT(uf_cols > 0, "Invalid Uf shape");

unsigned int bf_shape = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &bf_shape), "Expected bf shape");
KASSERT(bf_shape > 0, "Invalid bf shape");

unsigned int wc_rows = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &wc_rows), "Expected Wc rows");
KASSERT(wc_rows > 0, "Invalid Wc # rows");

unsigned int wc_cols = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &wc_cols), "Expected Wc cols");
KASSERT(wc_cols > 0, "Invalid Wc shape");

unsigned int uc_rows = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &uc_rows), "Expected Uc rows");
KASSERT(uc_rows > 0, "Invalid Uc # rows");

unsigned int uc_cols = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &uc_cols), "Expected Uc cols");
KASSERT(uc_cols > 0, "Invalid Uc shape");

unsigned int bc_shape = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &bc_shape), "Expected bc shape");
KASSERT(bc_shape > 0, "Invalid bc shape");

unsigned int wo_rows = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &wo_rows), "Expected Wo rows");
KASSERT(wo_rows > 0, "Invalid Wo # rows");

unsigned int wo_cols = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &wo_cols), "Expected Wo cols");
KASSERT(wo_cols > 0, "Invalid Wo shape");

unsigned int uo_rows = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &uo_rows), "Expected Uo rows");
KASSERT(uo_rows > 0, "Invalid Uo # rows");

unsigned int uo_cols = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &uo_cols), "Expected Uo cols");
KASSERT(uo_cols > 0, "Invalid Uo shape");

unsigned int bo_shape = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &bo_shape), "Expected bo shape");
KASSERT(bo_shape > 0, "Invalid bo shape");

/* Load Input Weights and Biases */
Wi_.Resize(wi_rows, wi_cols);
KASSERT(ReadFloats(file,, wi_rows * wi_cols), "Expected Wi weights");

Ui_.Resize(ui_rows, ui_cols);
KASSERT(ReadFloats(file,, ui_rows * ui_cols), "Expected Ui weights");

bi_.Resize(1, bi_shape);
KASSERT(ReadFloats(file,, bi_shape), "Expected bi biases");

/* Load Forget Weights and Biases */
Wf_.Resize(wf_rows, wf_cols);
KASSERT(ReadFloats(file,, wf_rows * wf_cols), "Expected Wf weights");

Uf_.Resize(uf_rows, uf_cols);
KASSERT(ReadFloats(file,, uf_rows * uf_cols), "Expected Uf weights");

bf_.Resize(1, bf_shape);
KASSERT(ReadFloats(file,, bf_shape), "Expected bf biases");

/* Load State Weights and Biases */
Wc_.Resize(wc_rows, wc_cols);
KASSERT(ReadFloats(file,, wc_rows * wc_cols), "Expected Wc weights");

Uc_.Resize(uc_rows, uc_cols);
KASSERT(ReadFloats(file,, uc_rows * uc_cols), "Expected Uc weights");

bc_.Resize(1, bc_shape);
KASSERT(ReadFloats(file,, bc_shape), "Expected bc biases");

/* Load Output Weights and Biases */
Wo_.Resize(wo_rows, wo_cols);
KASSERT(ReadFloats(file,, wo_rows * wo_cols), "Expected Wo weights");

Uo_.Resize(uo_rows, uo_cols);
KASSERT(ReadFloats(file,, uo_rows * uo_cols), "Expected Uo weights");

bo_.Resize(1, bo_shape);
KASSERT(ReadFloats(file,, bo_shape), "Expected bo biases");

KASSERT(innerActivation_.LoadLayer(file), "Failed to load inner activation");
KASSERT(activation_.LoadLayer(file), "Failed to load activation");

unsigned int return_sequences = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &return_sequences), "Expected return_sequences param");
returnSequences = return_sequences;

return true;

bool KerasLayerLSTM::Apply(Tensor* in, Tensor* out)
/*lets assume bo always keeps the output shape and we will always recive one single sample */
int outputDim = bo_.dims_[1];
Tensor ht_1 = Tensor(1, outputDim);
Tensor ct_1 = Tensor(1, outputDim);

K::fill(&ht_1, 0.0);
K::fill(&ct_1, 0.0);

int steps = in->dims_[0];

Tensor outputs, lastOutput;

if ( returnSequences ){
outputs.dims_ = {steps, outputDim};

for ( int s = 0; s < steps; s++ ){
Tensor x = K::select(in, s);

// bool success =
KASSERT(step(&x, &lastOutput, &ht_1, &ct_1), "Failed to execute step");

if ( returnSequences ){
outputs.data_.insert(outputs.data_.end(), lastOutput.data_.begin(), lastOutput.data_.end());

if (returnSequences)
*out = outputs;
*out = lastOutput;

return true;

bool KerasLayerEmbedding::LoadLayer(std::ifstream* file)
KASSERT(file, "Invalid file stream");

unsigned int weights_rows = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &weights_rows), "Expected weight rows");
KASSERT(weights_rows > 0, "Invalid weights # rows");

unsigned int weights_cols = 0;
KASSERT(ReadUnsignedInt(file, &weights_cols), "Expected weight cols");
KASSERT(weights_cols > 0, "Invalid weights shape");

weights_.Resize(weights_rows, weights_cols);
KASSERT(ReadFloats(file,, weights_rows * weights_cols), "Expected weights");

return true;

bool KerasLayerEmbedding::Apply(Tensor* in, Tensor* out)
int output_rows = in->dims_[1];
int output_cols = weights_.dims_[1];
out->dims_ = {output_rows, output_cols};

std::for_each(in->data_.begin(), in->data_.end(), [=](float i){
std::vector<float>::const_iterator first = this->weights_.data_.begin() + (i*output_cols);
std::vector<float>::const_iterator last = this->weights_.data_.begin() + (i+1)*output_cols;

out->data_.insert(out->data_.end(), first, last);

return true;

bool KerasLayerLSTM::step(Tensor* x, Tensor* out, Tensor* ht_1, Tensor* ct_1)
Tensor xi = K::add(K::dot(*x, Wi_), bi_);
Tensor xf = K::add(K::dot(*x, Wf_), bf_);
Tensor xc = K::add(K::dot(*x, Wc_), bc_);
Tensor xo = K::add(K::dot(*x, Wo_), bo_);

Tensor i_ = K::add(xi, K::dot(*ht_1, Ui_));
Tensor f_ = K::add(xf, K::dot(*ht_1, Uf_));
Tensor c_ = K::add(xc, K::dot(*ht_1, Uc_));
Tensor o_ = K::add(xo, K::dot(*ht_1, Uo_));

Tensor i, f, cc, o;

KASSERT(innerActivation_.Apply(&i_, &i), "Failed to apply inner activation on i");
KASSERT(innerActivation_.Apply(&f_, &f), "Failed to apply inner activation on f");
KASSERT(activation_.Apply(&c_, &cc), "Failed to apply activation on c_");
KASSERT(innerActivation_.Apply(&o_, &o), "Failed to apply inner activation on o");

*ct_1 = K::add(K::mult(f, *ct_1), K::mult(i, cc));

KASSERT(activation_.Apply(ct_1, &cc), "Failed to apply activation on c");
*out = *ht_1 = K::mult(o, cc);

return true;

bool KerasModel::LoadModel(const std::string& filename)
std::ifstream file(filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -392,6 +678,12 @@ bool KerasModel::LoadModel(const std::string& filename)
case kMaxPooling2D:
layer = new KerasLayerMaxPooling2d();
case kLSTM:
layer = new KerasLayerLSTM();
case kEmbedding:
layer = new KerasLayerEmbedding();
Expand Down

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