"Geocaching - Your Profile" cache finds list generator for Livejournal
This was originally a Vimscript macro, but I decided to rewrite it as a Ruby script using Nokogiri to parse the geocaching HTML to make it more robust.
Make sure you have the Nokogiri gem:
gem install nokogiri
First, log in to geocaching.com and download the "Your Profile" page at http://www.geocaching.com/my/
Then run the script on it:
ruby gyp.rb yourprofile.htm
By default, the script will extract the geocache finds from the most recent full weekend. (Saturday and Sunday) However, you can also specify a date range. For example:
ruby gyp.rb yourprofile.htm 2014-01-01 2014-01-07
gyp_oga.rb is an alternative script that uses Oga instead of Nokogiri.
To use it, first install the Oga gem:
gem install oga
Then run it the same way as gyp.rb:
ruby gyp_oga.rb yourprofile.htm