This is .Net6 with EF Core update to Domain-Driven Design in Practice course sample by Vladimir Khorikov
I implemented different solution structure than the original sample solution. My solution is structured as the following
- Domain project: For all domain entities with their business logic. It is
project - Data project: For data access (DbContext & repositories implementations) & migrations (EF Core migrations) infrastructure.
- WpfClient project: For UI using WPF and MVVM.
- Domain.Tests project: For Domain unit tests using xUnit
I used Visual Studio 2022 with .Net6. The DddInPractice.Domain project is using netstandard2.1
You can find a a quick intro at blog post.
- Update connection string
- You need to set up the database first using EF Core
- Run the solution with WpfClient project as your startup project.
Connection string is hardcoded in:
To run database migrations. You need to have EF Core tools installed. Use this .Net CLI command.
Check If you have EF Core command-line tools:
dotnet ef
Install EF Core command-line tools:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Run Db Migrations for the solution:
dotnet ef database update --project src/DddInPractice.Data --startup-project src/DddInPractice.Data
Note that the above command assumes you are running the command from within the solution folder.