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54 lines (35 loc) · 1.26 KB


File metadata and controls

54 lines (35 loc) · 1.26 KB


The ncolony configuration is stored in a directory, conf. There is no default -- this directory needs to be passed explicitly to the ncolony server as well as to the control command.

The usual command to modify this configuration is python -m ncolony ctl add (although remove is also useful, of course). In order to modify a command, add should be called with the same name. NColony will automatically restart the command when its configuration changes.


Running Sentry:

$ python -m ncolony ctl add sentry --cmd /myvenv/sentry \
    --arg start --arg --config=/etc/sentry.conf


from ncolony import ctllib

ctllib.add(name='sentry', cmd='/myenv/sentry',
           args=['start', '--config=/etc/sentry.conf'])

Running a Twisted demo server:

$ python -m ncolony ctl add demo-server --cmd /myvenv/twistd \
    --arg --nodaemon --arg web


from ncolony import ctllib

ctllib.add(name='demo-server', cmd='/myenv/twistd',
           args=['--nodaemon', 'web'])

Note the --nodaemon: programs run by ncolony should not daemonize, so that ncolony can properly monitor them.