This code accompanies our paper "Improving Speed and Security in Updatable Encryption Schemes" (
There are 3 main folders. The utils folder contains commonly used functions from third party code. The nested_aes folder contains code for the updated authenticated encryption based on nested authenticated encryption using AES GCM. The lwe folder contains implementations of the updated authenticated encryption based on an almost key-homomorphic PRF (KH-PRF) built from the RLWE problem. There are 8 subfolders. The folders 28, 60, 120, and 128 denote the number of bits for the modulus. The folder named 28_AB denotes the use of the Chinese remainder theorem for 2 28-bit primes. Similarly, 60_AB, 28_ABC, and 28_ABCD means the use of CRT for 2 60-bit primes, 3 28-bit primes, and 4 28-bit primes, respectively.
Each of these five folders (one AES and 4 LWE) folders contains a test file (test_aes_nested.c for AES and UAE_.c for LWE, where size is 28, 60, 120 or 128). In these files you may modify size, runs, and total_re_encrypts. The size variable is the size of the message in bytes, runs is how many times to run the test, and total_re_encrypts is the number of re_encrypts to be done.
This software is for performance testing ONLY! It is full of security vulnerabilities that could be exploited in any real-world deployment.
The purpose of this software is to evaluate the performance of the system, NOT to be used in a deployment scenario.