Version 1.39.1
1405 commits
to master
since this release
Feature Updates:
- Adds runsensspec parameter to cluster.split. Default=T.
Bug Fixes:
- pre.cluster (without groups) not clustering properly. #301
- make.contigs fixes "off by one" name mismatch error. #303
- rename.file unable to automatically rename with output directory specified.
- cluster and cluster.split improper printing of list file when using name file option. Does not effect printing of the list file when clustered with count file.
- cluster and cluster.split improper printing of list file when using phylip file option. Does not effect printing of the list file when clustered with column file.
- Incorrect taxlevel printed in *.tax.summary file.
- Mac Version requires OSX 10.12 or higher
- Windows 10 or higher