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Add platform inclusion overriding to the command line, making it poss…
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…ible to force one platform at a time without creating your own shipped-locales files. Also, some doc updates. r=coop
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bhearsum committed Oct 22, 2009
1 parent d3a7355 commit eb30f6a
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50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions buildbot-helpers/
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from urllib import urlencode
from urllib2 import urlopen
from urlparse import urljoin

class Forcer:
maxProperties = 3
"""A Forcer knows how to force a build through the Buildbot web interface
given the base URL to the master (masterUrl) and the builder name.
You can pass name, comments, branch, revision, or properties to
forceBuild() and they will be included in the POST
def __init__(self, masterUrl, builder, loud=True):
self.masterUrl = masterUrl
self.builder = builder
self.forceUrl = urljoin(masterUrl, 'builders/%s/force' % builder)
self.loud = loud

def getArgs(self, name, comments, branch, revision, properties):
if len(properties) > self.maxProperties:
raise Exception("*** ERROR: Cannot pass more than 3 properties")

args = {'username': name, 'comments': comments}
if branch:
args['branch'] = branch
if revision:
args['revision'] = revision
i = 1
for key,value in properties.iteritems():
p = "prop%d" % i
args['%sname' % p] = key
args['%svalue' % p] = value
i += 1
return args

def forceBuild(self, name="Unknown", comments="Unknown", branch=None,
revision=None, properties={}):
args = self.getArgs(name, comments, branch, revision, properties)
params = urlencode(args)
request = None
if self.loud:
print "Forcing %s with params: %s" % (self.forceUrl, str(args))
request = urlopen(self.forceUrl, params)
if self.loud:
print "*** ERROR ***"
# If we get past the try block, we assume success
192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions buildbot-helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@

from optparse import OptionParser
from urllib2 import urlopen
from urlparse import urljoin
from time import sleep

from buildbotcustom.l10n import ParseLocalesFile

from force_build import Forcer

# TODO: Add wince here?
ALL_PLATFORMS = ('linux', 'macosx', 'win32')

class L10nForcer:
ignoredLocales = ('en-US') # locales that are _always_ to be skipped

def __init__(self, masterUrl, toForce, releaseTag, name="Unknown",
comments="Unknown", delay=2, loud=True):
"""toForce is a dict whose keys are platform names and whose values
are a tuple of locales to force for that platform
self.forcers = {}
assert isinstance(toForce, dict), "toForce must be a dict!"
for value in toForce.itervalues():
assert isinstance(value, (tuple, list)), \
"toForce values must be a list or tuple"
for platform in toForce.iterkeys():
forcer = Forcer(masterUrl, '%s_repack' % platform, loud)
self.forcers[platform] = forcer
self.toForce = toForce = name
self.comments = comments
self.delay = delay
self.loud = loud
self.releaseTag = releaseTag

def getProperties(self, locale):
return {'en_revision': self.releaseTag,
'l10n_revision': self.releaseTag,
'locale': locale}

def forceBuilds(self):
for platform,locales in self.toForce.iteritems():
forcer = self.forcers[platform]
for locale in sorted(locales):
if locale in self.ignoredLocales:
properties = self.getProperties(locale)
# The Force Build form has on way to prevent builds from
# getting merged together. By putting each of them on a
# different branch, we can prevent this. It doesn't affect
# the builds in any way, but it could be confusing.
# Once we have a Scheduler we can use 'sendchange' with
# we should be able to stop doing this.
forcer.forceBuild(, comments=self.comments,
branch=locale, properties=properties)
if self.loud:
"*** Error when forcing %s %s" % (platform, locale)
# Don't raise the exception, keep going

def getShippedLocales(shippedLocales):
parsed = ParseLocalesFile(shippedLocales)
# Now we have to reverse it, because we want it a different way
properlyParsed = {}
properlyParsed[p] = []
for locale,platforms in parsed.iteritems():
if platforms:
for p in platforms:
# skip platforms we don't know about
if p not in properlyParsed.keys():
# map the bouncer/shipped-locales platforms to automation ones
if p == 'osx':
p = 'macosx'
for p in properlyParsed.iterkeys():
return properlyParsed

def filterPlatforms(shippedLocales, includedPlatforms):
# includedPlatforms is a list of platforms that we want to do builds for,
# therefore, we remove any platform NOT in that list from shippedLocales
for platform in shippedLocales.keys():
if platform not in includedPlatforms:
del shippedLocales[platform]
return shippedLocales

if __name__ == '__main__':
usage = """usage: %prog [options]
You must have buildbotcustom and buildbot in your PYTHONPATH to use this script.
To retrigger all l10n builds for all platforms for Firefox 3.5.4:
%prog -m -t FIREFOX_3_5_4_RELEASE -v -b releases/mozilla-1.9.1 -n [your name]
To retrigger all l10n builds for linux for Firefox 3.5.4:
%prog -m -t FIREFOX_3_5_4_RELEASE -v -b releases/mozilla-1.9.1 -p linux -n [your name]
To retrigger all l10n builds for linux and macosx for Firefox 3.5.4:
%prog -m -t FIREFOX_3_5_4_RELEASE -v -b releases/mozilla-1.9.1 -p linux -p macosx -n [your name]
To retrigger 'de' builds for every platform for Firefox 3.6b1:
echo "de" > de-only
%prog -m -t FIREFOX_3_6b1_RELEASE -v -s de-only -n [your name]
To retrigger 'af' on linux and 'zh-TW' on win32 and mac for Firefox 3.6b1:
echo "af linux" > my-locales
echo "zh-TW win32 osx" >> my-locales
%prog -m -t FIREFOX_3_6b1_RELEASE -v -s my-locales -n [your name]
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-n", "--name", action="store", dest="name",
help="Name to use when submitting.")
parser.add_option("-m", "--master", action="store", dest="master",
help="The base url of the master to submit to. " + \
"Eg, http://localhost:8010")
parser.add_option("-t", "--release-tag", action="store", dest="releaseTag",
help="The tag to build with. Eg, FIREFOX_3_5_3_RELEASE")
parser.add_option("-c", "--comments", action="store", dest="comments",
parser.add_option("-d", "--delay", action="store", dest="delay",
help="Amount of time (in seconds) to wait between each" +\
"POST. Defaults to 2 seconds")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="loud",
parser.add_option("-g", "--hg", action="store", dest="hg",
help="Root of the HG server. Defaults to " + \
" Only used when -s " + \
"isn't specified.")
parser.add_option("-b", "--branch", action="store", dest="branch",
help="The branch, relative to the HG server, to " + \
"locate shipped locales on. " + \
"Eg, releases/mozilla-1.9.1. Only used when " + \
"-s isn't specified.")
parser.add_option("-s", "--shipped-locales-file", action="store",
dest="shippedLocales", default=None,
help="When specified, this script will read in the "
"contents of the given file and force the "
"appropriate builds based on the contents. It is "
"assumed that the file is in shipped-locales format."
" If en-US is listed as a locale it will be ignored."
" If this option is absent shipped-locales will be "
"retrieved based on the -t, -g, and -b arguments "
"given. This will cause every locale for every "
"platform to be rebuilt. Use with caution.")
parser.add_option("-p", "--platform", action="append",
dest="platforms", default=None,
help="When specified, only platforms passed with -p will "
"have builds forced. By default, builds will be "
"forced for all platforms %s for " %
"locales without exceptions. Platform exceptions "
"will be obeyed regardless of -p options used. See "
"example usage for further details.")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

shippedLocales = None
if options.shippedLocales:
f = open(options.shippedLocales)
shippedLocales =
file = '%s/raw-file/%s/browser/locales/shipped-locales' % \
(options.branch, options.releaseTag)
url = urljoin(options.hg, file)
shippedLocales = urlopen(url).read()

platforms = options.platforms or ALL_PLATFORMS
for p in platforms:
assert p in ALL_PLATFORMS

toForce = filterPlatforms(getShippedLocales(shippedLocales), platforms)
forcer = L10nForcer(masterUrl=options.master, toForce=toForce,
comments=options.comments, delay=options.delay,

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