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Release v0.44.1
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zaach committed Aug 25, 2015
1 parent a3559e5 commit 07618a5
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Showing 2 changed files with 68 additions and 1 deletion.
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,3 +1,70 @@
<a name="0.44.1"></a>
## 0.44.1 (2015-08-25)

### Bug Fixes

* **account:** handle unverified attempts to request profile data ([ba49d4b](
* **avatars:** allow users to change their avatar if they have/had one ([4efe6fd](
* **avatars:** use an error object instead of string to ensure it is not logged twice ([487abc5](
* **client:** Handle the `entryPoint` query parameter. ([67b54fc](, closes [#2885](
* **client:** Only make profile requests if a valid accessToken exists. ([f73ccde](
* **deps:** update dev dependencies ([e6ee68f](
* **deps:** update grunt-contrib-uglify to 0.9.2 ([7caf769](
* **deps:** update to express-able 0.4.4 ([0a22e00](
* **easteregg:** update easter egg SHA ([9a9f7e3](
* **firstrun:** increase response timeout for iframing ([89d8d08](
* **forms:** disable spellcheck ([cc03c33](, closes [#2910](
* **forms:** remove spellcheck from reset_password ([bfe7b0d](
* **input:** remove autocapitalize on iOS ([2ef1174](
* **metrics:** Provide more detailed logging for errors fetching /config ([e149da2](
* **metrics:** measure how helpful mailcheck is ([ff13860](, closes [#2819](
* **metrics:** move screen metrics to ga from datadog ([8c2731f](, closes [#2614](
* **profile:** avoid creating new instances of account ([981660c](
* **profile:** do not request an access token when saving an account ([59efae0](
* **reset:** improve the reset password caveat copy ([0d32d07](, closes [#2762](
* **sentry:** remove noise from referer header in sentry ([d6ad1cf](
* **server:** add server route for /unexpected_error ([c1342ef](
* **settings:** always show avatars and fix modal cancel buttons ([a1422a9](
* **settings:** clean up amd dependencies ([a885945](
* **settings:** escape display name ([0f21cdc](
* **settings:** fix avatar modal ([c2a8c6b](
* **settings:** fix gravatar permission screen within modal ([a1ad7cb](
* **settings:** fix lint errors and mocha failures ([46d49a0](
* **settings:** fix page titles and other nits ([36b3302](
* **settings:** fix short page styling ([cd19bb0](, closes [#2862](
* **settings:** move sub panel logic from settings to a separate subPanel component ([a5a56e8](
* **settings:** prevent flicker when leaving settings page ([55f8936](
* **settings:** refactor sub panel template so that it is not empty ([0d484e3](
* **src:** Fix a typo: `UNVERIFIED`=>`UNVERIFIED_ACCOUNT` ([b40b735](
* **strings:** change "Already have an account?" to "Have an account?" ([2d28f3e](, closes [#2753](
* **tests:** Fix the failing avatar functional tests. ([fb59c19](, closes [#2987](
* **tests:** Speed up the iframe origin tests. ([e908d70](, closes [#2986](
* **tests:** do not compare flushTime property in storage-metrics tests ([72cf1bc](, closes [#2984](
* **tests:** fix gravatar permission tests ([56d9e1c](
* **tests:** fix typo in tests ([aa496ed](
* **tests:** fix up flaky test for desktop credentials ([c078458](
* **tests:** remove misguided time-based assertion ([2782f0a](
* **tests:** restore functional tests ([72d4969](
* **tests:** switch from teardown and setup to improve stability ([6a33723](
* **travis:** install auth, oauth and profile servers for travis ([26e768e](
* **user:** cache the signed in account instance to reduce token fetching ([8737367](
* **view:** log errors in extended views initialize() ([b08b5ac](, closes [#2964](

### Features

* **client:** Cache busting on-demand load. ([88c8f32](
* **client:** Start on the FxFennecV1AuthenticationBroker ([3095f21](
* **coppa:** input based COPPA ([64bfe86](, closes [#2108](
* **deps:** update production dependencies ([ecbf309](
* **docs:** Document email validation errors for signin/signup. ([da90143](, closes [#2909](
* **l10n:** add en-GB as a supported locale. ([bacd99e](, closes [#2942](
* **metrics:** add queue time to analytics ([d62891d](, closes [#2903](
* **sentry:** include version in Sentry reports ([a53db95](, closes [#2724](
* **signup:** Password Strength Checker ([166b5e1](

<a name="0.44.0"></a>
# 0.44.0 (2015-08-24)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "fxa-content-server",
"version": "0.44.0",
"version": "0.44.1",
"description": "Firefox Accounts Content Server",
"scripts": {
"start": "grunt server",
Expand Down

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