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A start to karma implementation with redis backend.
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Karma actions defined for answer, first answer, solution, helpful vote
* Behind 'karma' waffle switch
* /admin/karma page shows top contributors, allows user key lookup, and initializing karma.
* REDIS_TEST_BACKENDS settings used for tests
* SkipTest tests that depend on redis when the test backend(s) arent defined
* Added redis-test.conf
  • Loading branch information
rlr committed Jul 1, 2011
1 parent 03d14c0 commit 44e96f0
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Showing 23 changed files with 629 additions and 3 deletions.
Empty file added apps/karma/
Empty file.
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions apps/karma/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

from celery.decorators import task
import waffle

from sumo.utils import redis_client

KEY_PREFIX = 'karma' # Prefix for the Redis keys used.

class KarmaAction(object):
"""Abstract base class for karma actions."""
action_type = None # For example 'first-answer'.
points = 0 # Number of points the action is worth.

def __init__(self, user,, redis=None):
if not waffle.switch_is_active('karma'):
if isinstance(user, User):
self.userid =
self.userid = user
if isinstance(day, datetime): # Gracefully handle a datetime. =
else: = day
if not redis:
self.redis = redis_client(name='karma')
self.redis = redis

def save(self):
"""Save the action information to redis."""
if waffle.switch_is_active('karma'):

def _save(self):
key = hash_key(self.userid)

# Point counters:
# Increment total points
self.redis.hincrby(key, 'points:total', self.points)
# Increment points daily count
self.redis.hincrby(key, 'points:{d}'.format(, self.points)
# Increment points monthly count
self.redis.hincrby(key, 'points:{y}-{m:02d}'.format(,, self.points)
# Increment points yearly count
self.redis.hincrby(key, 'points:{y}'.format(, self.points)

# Action counters:
# Increment action total count
self.redis.hincrby(key, '{t}:total'.format(t=self.action_type), 1)
# Increment action daily count
self.redis.hincrby(key, '{t}:{d}'.format(
t=self.action_type,, 1)
# Increment action monthly count
self.redis.hincrby(key, '{t}:{y}-{m:02d}'.format(
t=self.action_type,,, 1)
# Increment action yearly count
self.redis.hincrby(key, '{t}:{y}'.format(
t=self.action_type,, 1)

# TODO: move this to it's own file?
class KarmaManager(object):
"""Manager for querying karma data in Redis."""
def __init__(self):
self.redis = redis_client(name='karma')

# Updaters:
def update_top_alltime(self):
"""Updated the top contributors alltime sorted set."""
key = '{p}:points:total'.format(p=KEY_PREFIX)
# TODO: Maintain a user id list in Redis?
for userid in User.objects.values_list('id', flat=True):
pts = self.total_points(userid)
if pts:
self.redis.zadd(key, userid, pts)

def update_top_week(self):
"""Updated the top contributors past week sorted set."""
key = '{p}:points:week'.format(p=KEY_PREFIX)
for userid in User.objects.values_list('id', flat=True):
pts = self.week_points(userid)
if pts:
self.redis.zadd(key, userid, pts)

# def update_trending...

# Getters:
def top_alltime(self, count=10):
"""Returns the top users based on alltime points."""
return self._top_points(count, 'total')

def top_week(self, count=10):
"""Returns the top users based on points in the last 7 days."""
return self._top_points(count, 'week')

def _top_points(self, count, suffix):
ids = self.redis.zrevrange('{p}:points:{s}'.format(
p=KEY_PREFIX, s=suffix), 0, count - 1)
users = list(User.objects.filter(id__in=ids))
users.sort(key=lambda user: ids.index(str(
return users

def total_points(self, user):
"""Returns the total points for a given user."""
count = self.redis.hget(hash_key(user), 'points:total')
return int(count) if count else 0

def week_points(self, user):
"""Returns total points from the last 7 days for a given user."""
today =
days = [today - timedelta(days=d + 1) for d in range(7)]
counts = self.redis.hmget(hash_key(user),
['points:{d}'.format(d=d) for d in days])
fn = lambda x: int(x) if x else 0
count = sum([fn(c) for c in counts])
return count

def daily_points(self, user, days_back=30):
"""Returns a list of points from the past `days_back` days."""
today =
days = [today - timedelta(days=d) for d in range(days_back)]
counts = self.redis.hmget(hash_key(user),
['points:{d}'.format(d=d) for d in days])
fn = lambda x: int(x) if x else 0
return [fn(c) for c in counts]

def monthly_points(self, user, months_back=12):
"""Returns a list of points from the past `months_back` months."""
# TODO: Tricky?

def total_count(self, action, user):
"""Returns the total count of an action for a given user."""
count = self.redis.hget(
hash_key(user), '{t}:total'.format(t=action.action_type))
return int(count) if count else 0

def day_count(self, action, user,
"""Returns the total count of an action for a given user and day."""
count = self.redis.hget(
hash_key(user), '{t}:{d}'.format(d=date, t=action.action_type))
return int(count) if count else 0

def week_count(self, action, user):
"""Returns total count of an action for a given user (last 7 days)."""
# TODO: DRY this up with week_points and daily_points.
today =
days = [today - timedelta(days=d + 1) for d in range(7)]
counts = self.redis.hmget(hash_key(user), ['{t}:{d}'.format(
t=action.action_type, d=d) for d in days])
fn = lambda x: int(x) if x else 0
count = sum([fn(c) for c in counts])
return count

def month_count(self, action, user, year, month):
"""Returns the total count of an action for a given user and month."""
count = self.redis.hget(
'{t}:{y}-{m:02d}'.format(t=action.action_type, y=year, m=month))
return int(count) if count else 0

def year_count(self, action, user, year):
"""Returns the total count of an action for a given user and year."""
count = self.redis.hget(
hash_key(user), '{t}:{y}'.format(y=year, t=action.action_type))
return int(count) if count else 0

def user_data(self, user):
"""Returns all the data stored for the given user."""
return self.redis.hgetall(hash_key(user))

def hash_key(user):
"""Returns the hash key for a given user."""
if isinstance(user, User):
userid =
userid = user
return "{p}:{u}".format(p=KEY_PREFIX, u=userid)
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions apps/karma/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
from django.contrib import admin, messages
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext

from karma.actions import KarmaManager
from karma.tasks import init_karma, update_top_contributors
from questions.karma_actions import (AnswerAction, AnswerMarkedHelpfulAction,
FirstAnswerAction, SolutionAction)

def karma(request):
"""Admin view that displays karma related data."""
if request.POST.get('init'):
messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS,
'init_karma task queued!')
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)

if request.POST.get('update-top'):
messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS,
'update_top_contributors task queued!')
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path)

kmgr = KarmaManager()
top_alltime = [_user_karma_alltime(u, kmgr) for u in kmgr.top_alltime()]
top_week = [_user_karma_week(u, kmgr) for u in kmgr.top_week()]

username = request.GET.get('username')
user_karma = None
if username:
user = User.objects.get(username=username)
d = kmgr.user_data(user)
user_karma = [{'key': k, 'value': d[k]} for k in sorted(d.keys())]
except User.DoesNotExist:

return render_to_response('karma/admin/karma.html',
{'title': 'Karma',
'top_alltime': top_alltime,
'top_week': top_week,
'username': username,
'user_karma': user_karma},
RequestContext(request, {}))'karma', karma, 'Karma')

def _user_karma_alltime(user, kmgr):
return {
'user': user,
'points': kmgr.total_points(user),
'answers': kmgr.total_count(AnswerAction, user),
'first_answers': kmgr.total_count(FirstAnswerAction, user),
'helpful_votes': kmgr.total_count(AnswerMarkedHelpfulAction, user),
'solutions': kmgr.total_count(SolutionAction, user),

def _user_karma_week(user, kmgr):
return {
'user': user,
'points': kmgr.week_points(user),
'answers': kmgr.week_count(AnswerAction, user),
'first_answers': kmgr.week_count(FirstAnswerAction, user),
'helpful_votes': kmgr.week_count(AnswerMarkedHelpfulAction, user),
'solutions': kmgr.week_count(SolutionAction, user),
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions apps/karma/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import cronjobs
import waffle

from karma.actions import KarmaManager

def update_top_contributors():
""""Update the top contributor lists"""
if not waffle.switch_is_active('karma'):

kmgr = KarmaManager()
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions apps/karma/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
# Everything is in REDIS
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions apps/karma/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
from celery.decorators import task
import waffle

from karma.actions import redis_client
from karma.cron import update_top_contributors as _update_top_contributors
from questions.karma_actions import (AnswerAction, AnswerMarkedHelpfulAction,
FirstAnswerAction, SolutionAction)
from questions.models import Question, AnswerVote
from sumo.utils import chunked

def init_karma():
"""Flushes the karma redis backend and populates with fresh data.
Goes through all questions/answers/votes and save karma actions for them.
if not waffle.switch_is_active('karma'):


questions = Question.objects.all()
for chunk in chunked(questions.values_list('pk', flat=True), 200):

votes = AnswerVote.objects.filter(helpful=True)
for chunk in chunked(votes.values_list('pk', flat=True), 1000):

def update_top_contributors():
"""Updates the top contributor sorted sets."""

def _process_question_chunk(data, **kwargs):
"""Save karma data for a chunk of questions."""
redis = redis_client('karma')
q_qs = Question.objects.select_related('solution').defer('content')
for question in q_qs.filter(pk__in=data):
first = True
a_qs = question.answers.order_by('created').select_related('creator')
for answer in a_qs.values_list('creator', 'created'):
AnswerAction(answer[0], answer[1], redis).save()
if first:
FirstAnswerAction(answer[0], answer[1], redis).save()
first = False
soln = question.solution
if soln:
SolutionAction(soln.creator, soln.created, redis).save()

def _process_answer_vote_chunk(data, **kwargs):
"""Save karma data for a chunk of answer votes."""
redis = redis_client('karma')
v_qs = AnswerVote.objects.select_related('answer')
for vote in v_qs.filter(pk__in=data):
vote.answer.creator_id, vote.created, redis).save()

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