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[bug 720226] Wiki permissions overhaul.
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This moves all the permission checks related to documents and
revisions to a mixin in

All permissions are now checked off the document as:
    document.allows(user, 'action')

Includes a migration to remove no longer needed delete_document_*
permissions by locale.
  • Loading branch information
rlr committed May 22, 2013
1 parent 4a20731 commit 8cd1303
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Showing 11 changed files with 262 additions and 84 deletions.
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions apps/wiki/
Expand Up @@ -257,10 +257,9 @@ def save(self, creator, document, based_on_id=None, base_rev=None,
if based_on_id:
new_rev.based_on_id = based_on_id

# If this revision is in the default locale and the user doesn't
# have edit_keywords permission, keep the old value.
if (base_rev and document.locale == settings.WIKI_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE and
not creator.has_perm('wiki.edit_keywords')):
# If the document doesn't allow the revision creator to edit the
# keywords, keep the old value.
if base_rev and not document.allows(creator, 'edit_keywords'):
new_rev.keywords = base_rev.keywords
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32 changes: 2 additions & 30 deletions apps/wiki/
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
from wiki.permissions import DocumentPermissionMixin

log = logging.getLogger('')
Expand All @@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ class _NotDocumentView(Exception):

class Document(NotificationsMixin, ModelBase, BigVocabTaggableMixin,
SearchMixin, DocumentPermissionMixin):
"""A localized knowledgebase document, not revision-specific."""
title = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True)
slug = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,35 +398,6 @@ def redirect_document(self):
def __unicode__(self):
return '[%s] %s' % (self.locale, self.title)

def allows_revision_by(self, user):
"""Return whether `user` is allowed to create new revisions of me.
The motivation behind this method is that templates and other types of
docs may have different permissions.
# TODO: Add tests for templateness or whatever is required.
# Leaving this method signature untouched for now in case we do need
# to use it in the future. ~james
return True

def allows_editing_by(self, user):
"""Return whether `user` is allowed to edit document-level metadata.
If the Document doesn't have a current_revision (nothing approved) then
all the Document fields are still editable. Once there is an approved
Revision, the Document fields can only be edited by privileged users.
return (not self.current_revision or

def allows_deleting_by(self, user):
"""Return whether `user` is allowed to delete this document."""
return (user.has_perm('wiki.delete_document') or

def allows_vote(self, request):
"""Return whether `user` can vote on this document."""
return (not self.is_archived and self.current_revision and
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131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions apps/wiki/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
import logging

from django.conf import settings

log = logging.getLogger('')

# Why is this a mixin if it can only be used for the Document model?
# Good question! My only good reason is to keep the permission related
# code organized and contained in one place.
class DocumentPermissionMixin(object):
"""Adds of permission checking methods to the Document model."""

def allows(self, user, action):
"""Check if the user has the permission on the document."""

# If this is kicking up a KeyError it's probably because you typoed!
return getattr(self, '_allows_%s' % action)(user)

def _allows_create_revision(self, user):
"""Can the user create a revision for the document?"""
# For now (ever?), creating revisions isn't restricted at all.
return True

def _allows_edit(self, user):
"""Can the user edit the document?"""
# Document editing isn't restricted until it has an approved
# revision.
if not self.current_revision:
return True

# Locale leaders and reviewers can edit in their locale.
locale = self.locale
if _is_leader(locale, user) or _is_reviewer(locale, user):
return True

# And finally, fallback to the actual django permission.
return user.has_perm('wiki.change_document')

def _allows_delete(self, user):
"""Can the user delete the document?"""
# Locale leaders can delete documents in their locale.
locale = self.locale
if _is_leader(locale, user):
return True

# Fallback to the django permission.
return user.has_perm('wiki.delete_document')

def _allows_archive(self, user):
"""Can the user archive the document?"""
# Just use the django permission.
return user.has_perm('wiki.archive_document')

def _allows_edit_keywords(self, user):
"""Can the user edit the document's keywords?"""
# If the document is in the default locale, just use the
# django permission.
# Editing keywords isn't restricted in other locales.
return (self.locale != settings.WIKI_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE or

def _allows_edit_needs_change(self, user):
"""Can the user edit the needs change fields for the document?"""
# If the document is in the default locale, just use the
# django permission.
# Needs change isn't used for other locales (yet?).
return (self.locale == settings.WIKI_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE and

def _allows_mark_ready_for_l10n(self, user):
""""Can the user mark the document as ready for localization?"""
# If the document is localizable and the user has the django
# permission, then the user can mark as ready for l10n.
return (self.is_localizable and

def _allows_review_revision(self, user):
"""Can the user review a revision for the document?"""
# Locale leaders and reviewers can review revisions in their
# locale.
locale = self.locale
if _is_leader(locale, user) or _is_reviewer(locale, user):
return True

# Fallback to the django permission.
return user.has_perm('wiki.review_revision')

def _allows_delete_revision(self, user):
"""Can the user delete a document's revisions?"""
# Locale leaders and reviewers can delete revisions in their
# locale.
locale = self.locale
if _is_leader(locale, user) or _is_reviewer(locale, user):
return True

# Fallback to the django permission.
return user.has_perm('wiki.delete_revision')

def _is_leader(locale, user):
"""Checks if the user is a leader for the given locale.
Returns False if the locale doesn't exist. This will should only happen
if we forgot to insert a new locale when enabling it or during testing.
from wiki.models import Locale
locale_team = Locale.objects.get(locale=locale)
except Locale.DoesNotExist:
log.warning('Locale not created for %s' % locale)
return False

return user in locale_team.leaders.all()

def _is_reviewer(locale, user):
"""Checks if the user is a reviewer for the given locale.
Returns False if the locale doesn't exist. This will should only happen
if we forgot to insert a new locale when enabling it or during testing.
from wiki.models import Locale
locale_team = Locale.objects.get(locale=locale)
except Locale.DoesNotExist:
log.warning('Locale not created for %s' % locale)
return False

return user in locale_team.reviewers.all()
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/wiki/templates/wiki/edit.html
Expand Up @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ <h1>{{ _('<em>Editing</em> {title}')|fe(title=document.title) }}</h1>
{% for field in revision_form.visible_fields() %}
{% if not in ['comment', 'content'] %}
{% if not == 'keywords' or user.has_perm('wiki.edit_keywords') %}
{% if not == 'keywords' or document.allows(user, 'edit_keywords') %}
{{ field|label_with_help }}{{ field|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% elif == 'content' %}
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions apps/wiki/templates/wiki/history.html
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ <h1 class="title">{{ _('History of {title}')|fe(title=document.title) }}</h1>
{% include 'wiki/includes/ready_for_l10n_modal.html' %}

<section id="contributors" class="editable">
{% if user.has_perm('wiki.change_document') %}
{% if document.allows(user, 'edit') %}
<a class="edit" href="#contributors">{{ _('Edit contributors') }}</a>
{% endif %}
<h1>{{ _('Document contributors') }}</h1>
Expand All @@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ <h1>{{ _('Document contributors') }}</h1>
{{ display_name(u) }}
{% if user.has_perm('wiki.change_document') %}
{% if document.allows(user, 'edit') %}
<div class="remove edit-mode">
<a href="{{ url('wiki.remove_contributor', document.slug, }}" title="{{ _('Remove user from contributors') }}">&#x2716;</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if user.has_perm('wiki.change_document') %}
{% if document.allows(user, 'edit') %}
<form id="add-contributor-form" class="edit-mode" action="{{ url('wiki.add_contributor', document.slug) }}" method="POST">
{{ csrf() }}
{{ errorlist(contributor_form) }}
Expand All @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ <h1>{{ _('Document contributors') }}</h1>
{% endif %}

{% if document.allows_deleting_by(user) %}
{% if document.allows(user, 'delete') %}
<div id="delete-doc">
<a href="{{ url('wiki.document_delete', document.slug) }}">Delete this document</a>
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions apps/wiki/templates/wiki/includes/review_form.html
Expand Up @@ -46,15 +46,15 @@
<textarea id="id-approve-comment" required name="comment">{% if form.initial %}{{ form.initial.comment }}{% else %}{{ }}{% endif %}</textarea>
{% endif %}
{% if document.is_localizable and user.has_perm('wiki.mark_ready_for_l10n') %}
{% if document.allows(user, 'mark_ready_for_l10n') %}
<div class="ready-for-l10n">
{{ form.is_ready_for_localization }}
{{ form.is_ready_for_localization.label }}
{% endif %}
{% if document.locale == settings.WIKI_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE and user.has_perm('wiki.edit_needs_change') %}
{% if document.allows(user, 'edit_needs_change') %}
<div class="needs-change">
{{ form.needs_change }}
{{ form.needs_change|label_with_help }}
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions apps/wiki/templates/wiki/includes/revision_list.html
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
{% endif %}
<div class="comment">{{ _('Comment') }}</div>
<div class="edit"></div>
{% if document.current_revision != rev and user.has_perm('wiki.delete_revision') %}
{% if document.current_revision != rev and document.allows(user, 'delete_revision') %}
<div class="delete"></div>
{% endif %}
Expand All @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<div class="status">
{% if not rev.reviewed %}
{% if not reached_current and user.has_perm('wiki.review_revision') %}
{% if not reached_current and document.allows(user, 'review_revision') %}
<a href="{{ url('wiki.review_revision', document.slug,, locale=document.locale) }}">{{ _('Review') }}</a>
{% else %}
<span class="unreviewed">{{ _('Unreviewed', 'revision') }}</span>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
{% set reached_ready_for_l10n = True %}
<a class="yes" title="{{ _('This revision is ready for localization.') }}"></a>
{% elif rev.can_be_readied_for_localization() %}
{% if not reached_ready_for_l10n and user.has_perm('wiki.mark_ready_for_l10n') %}
{% if not reached_ready_for_l10n and document.allows(user, 'mark_ready_for_l10n') %}
<a class="markasready" id="rev-{{ }}-l10n-no" data-revdate="{{ rev.created }}" data-url="{{ url('wiki.mark_ready_for_l10n_revision', document.slug,, locale=document.locale) }}" title="{{ _('This revision is not ready for localization.') }}"></a>
{% else %}
<a class="no" title="{{ _('This revision is not ready for localization.') }}"></a>
Expand All @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
<a href="{{ url('wiki.new_revision_based_on', document.slug,, locale=document.locale) }}" title="{{ _('Edit article based on this revision') }}"></a>
{% endif %}
{% if document.current_revision != rev and user.has_perm('wiki.delete_revision') %}
{% if document.current_revision != rev and document.allows(user, 'delete_revision') %}
<div class="delete">
<a href="{{ url('wiki.delete_revision', document.slug,, locale=document.locale) }}" title="{{ _('Delete this revision') }}"></a>
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions apps/wiki/templates/wiki/includes/sidebar_modules.html
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
<a href="{{ url('wiki.discuss.threads', document.slug) }}">{{ _('Discussion') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if document and not document.is_archived and (document.allows_revision_by(user) or document.allows_editing_by(user)) %}
{% if document and not document.is_archived and (document.allows(user, 'create_revision') or document.allows(user, 'edit')) %}
<li class="edit{% if active == 'edit' %} active{% endif %}">
{% if active == 'edit' %}
<span>{{ _('Edit Article') }}</span>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
<a href="{{ url('wiki.discuss.threads', document.slug) }}">{{ _('Discussion') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if document and not document.is_archived and (document.allows_revision_by(user) or document.allows_editing_by(user)) %}
{% if document and not document.is_archived and (document.allows(user, 'create_revision') or document.allows(user, 'edit')) %}
<li{% if active == 'edit' %} class="selected"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ url('wiki.edit_document', document.slug) }}">{{ _('Edit Article') }}</a>
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