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File metadata and controls

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The Socorro Crash Reporting system consists of two pieces, the Socorro Server and the Socorro UI.

Socorro Server

server-chapter is a Python API and a collection of applications and web services that use the API. The applications together embody a set of servers to take crash dumps generated by remote clients, process using the breakpad_stackdump application and save the results in HBase. Additional processes aggregate and filter data for storage in a relational database.

The server consists of these components:

  • collector-chapter
  • Hadoop/HBase
  • processor-chapter
  • [[SocorroRegistrar]]
  • [[SocorroWebServices]]

Socorro UI

ui-chapter is a Web application to access and analyze the database contents via search and generated reports.

Data Flow

Crash dumps are accepted by the collector-chapter, a mod_wsgi application running under Apache. Collector stores the crashes into HBase.

Using Hadoop jobs, the crash dumps in HBase are converted into searchable json files using processor-chapter.

The processor-chapter s are also long running applications that live on Hadoop processing nodes. They accept tasks from map reduce jobs and employ the stackwalk_server? to convert crashes into json files stored back into HBase. Filtering through these converted crashes using the throttling-chapter rules initially applied by the collector-chapter.

The ui-chapter allows developers to browse the crash information from the relational database. In addition to being able to examine specific individual crash reports, there are trend reports that show which crashes are the most common as well as the status of bugs about those crashes in Bugzilla.

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