This document is a brief set of guidelines for writing Python code for Mozilla Webdev projects. Individual projects may override these rules; make sure you know the standards for your project!
- Follow PEP8.
- Follow Pocoo's extensions to PEP8, although these are a little less strictly enforced across Mozilla projects.
- Check your code against a linting tool. flake8 is highly recommended for this.
We expand on PEP8's suggestions for import statements.
Import one module per import statement:
import os import sys
import os, sys
Separate imports into groups with a line of whitespace: standard library; third-party; and local imports:
import os import sys from django.conf import settings import pyquery from myapp import models, views
Alphabetize your imports, it will make your code easier to scan. See how terrible this is:
import cows import kittens import bears
A simple sort:
import bears import cows import kittens
Imports on top, from
-imports below:
import x import y import z from bears import pandas from xylophone import bar from zoos import lions
That's loads easier to read than:
from bears import pandas import x from xylophone import bar import y import z from zoos import lions
Lastly, when importing things into your namespace from a package use an
alphabetized CONSTANT
, Class
, var
from models import DATE, TIME, Dog, Kitteh, upload_pets
If possible though, it may be easier to import the entire package, especially
for methods as it help answers the question, "where did you
come from?"
from foo import you def my_code(): you() # wait, is this defined in this file?
import foo def my_code(): # oh you...
.. seealso:: `baked <>`_ A tool for automatically checking the import order rules listed above.
- Use 4 spaces, not 2---it increases legibility considerably.
- Never use tabs---history has shown that we cannot handle them.
Use single quotes unless double (or triple) quotes would be an improvement:
'this is good' 'this\'s bad' "this's good" "this is inconsistent, but ok" """this's sometimes "necessary".""" '''nobody really does this'''
To continue a new line use a `()`
not `\`
Indenting code should be done in one of two ways: a hanging indent, or 4 space indent on the next line.
Good, using hanging indent. Note that the next line is lined up with the previous line delimiter:
log.msg('Something long log message and some vars: {0}, {1}' .format(variable_a, variable_b))
Good using 4 spaces:
accounts = PaymentAccounts.objects.filter( accounts__provider__type=2, something_else=True ) # A more compact alternative. accounts = PaymentAccounts.objects.filter( accounts__provider__type=2, something_else=True) accounts = (PaymentAccounts.objects .filter(accounts__provider__type=2) .exclude(something_else=False) )
Remember that comprehensibility is the goal here. If following one of the rules above would result in less readable code, don't follow it!