Auspex is small wrapper over java-11+ CompletableFuture
that mimics most
of manifold deferred
API, including
, catch
, finally
, loop/recur
, zip
, let-flow
and most of the
nice stuff. I'd like to emphasize, Auspex does not include manifold, you can
use both auspex and manifold together but the main goal of the library is not to
enable this.
returns a here represents the result of an asynchronous
computation, similary to a manifold.deferred and not like clojure.core/future
which also bundles an execution context.
Composition functions (then
, fmap
, complete!
, handle
, finally
) all
have an extra/optional executor
argument that allows to control where
computation happens, otherwise they will use the execution context of the
previous step. So if you specify an executor at a level be aware that
subsequent levels will re-use it unless you specify otherwise.
Some examples
(require '[qbits.auspex :as a])
(let [f (a/future)]
(a/success! f ::foo) -> true
;; returns ::foo
(let [f (a/future)]
(a/error! f (ex-info "Oh no" {})) -> true
;; returns ExceptionInfo Oh no
(let [f (a/future)]
(a/handle f (fn [x err]
(prn x err)))
(a/success! f ::foo)
;; prints nil ::foo
(let [f (-> (a/future (fn [] 0))
(a/then inc)
(a/then inc))]
;; returns 2
(let [f (-> (a/future (fn [] 0))
(a/then inc clojure.lang.Agent/soloExecutor)
(a/then inc clojure.lang.Agent/pooledExecutor))]
;; similar as before but with steps running on different executors
(let [f0 (a/future)
f (a/chain f0
;; chain returns a separate future, feeding f0 will set f0 to 0, f
;; will be the future with the composition result
(a/success! f0 0)
;; returns 3
;; returns 0
(let [f0 (a/future)
f (-> (a/chain f0
(fn [x] (throw (ex-info "Oh no" {})))
(a/catch (fn [_] "no big deal")))]
(a/success! f0 0)
;; prints no big deal
(let [f0 (a/future)
f (-> (a/chain f0
(fn [x] (throw (ex-info "Oh no" {})))
(a/catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo (fn [_] 10))
(a/finally (fn [] (prn "...and done"))))]
(a/success! f0 0)
;; returns 10
;; prints ...and done
@(a/zip (a/success-future 1)
(a/success-future 3))
;; returns (1 2 3)
@(a/one (a/future)
(a/success-future 2)
(a/success-future 3))
;; returns 2
@(a/timeout! (a/future (fn []
(Thread/sleep 50)
;; returns ::timed-out
@(a/loop [x []]
(if (< (count x) 5)
(a/recur (conj x (count x)))
;; returns [0 1 2 3 4]
@(a/loop [x 0]
(a/chain x
#(if (< % 5)
(a/recur %)
;; returns 5
@(a/let-flow [x (a/future (fn [] 0))
:when (= x 0)
y (+ x 1)
z (a/future (fn [] (inc y)))]
[x y z])
;; return [0 1 2]
Copyright © 2019 Max Penet
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.