- OS: CentOS 7
- cookbook: firewalld,postfix
# set root e-mail
default['aliases']['root_email'] = 'root@exz.su'
# set selinux permissive
default['selinux']['node'] = 'permissive'
# set non default ssh port
default['sshd']['port'] = '40022'
# set server hostname
default['postfix']['myhostname'] = 'se001.exz.su'
# do not change if you want use yandex
default['postfix']['relayhost'] = 'smtp.yandex.ru'
# set relay email
default['postfix']['relay_email'] = 'support@exz.su'
# set relay email password
default['postfix']['relay_email_password'] = ''
# do not change if you want send email from root
default['postfix']['generic_user_root'] = 'root'
- selinux - for change selenux mode
- firewalld - for enable firewalld, allow connect to ssh
- sshd - for configure sshd use non default port
- fail2ban - for protect ssh from bruteforce
- postfix - for sending notification
- aliases - for setup root email
- yum-cron - for check updates and sending notifications
# git clone https://github.com/mr-exz/chef_centos7_base.git
# cd chef_centos7_base
# kitchen converge
# kitchen login
If all correct you should get test email notification in default['aliases']['root_email']
# curl -sSL https://rvm.io/mpapis.asc | gpg --import -
# curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
# source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
# rvm reload
# rvm requirements run
# rvm install 2.4.0
# rvm use 2.4.0 --default
# gem install chef
# gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri berkshelf
# mkdir /tmp/chef-solo
# cd /tmp/chef-solo
# git clone https://github.com/mr-exz/chef_centos7_base.git
# cd ./chef_centos7_base/
# berks vendor cookbooks
# chef-solo -c solo/solo.rb -j solo/centos7_base.json