diff --git a/.eslintrc b/.eslintrc deleted file mode 100644 index 56b7ef8..0000000 --- a/.eslintrc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,268 +0,0 @@ ---- - env: - node: true - - globals: - debugger: false - - rules: -# Comment headers correspond to ESLint rule breakdowns in their docs. -# 0 -> disabled, 1 -> warning, 2 -> error -##### Possible Errors - comma-dangle: - - 2 - - "never" - no-cond-assign: - - 2 - - "always" - no-console: 1 - no-constant-condition: 2 - no-control-regex: 2 - no-debugger: 1 - no-dupe-args: 2 - no-dupe-keys: 2 - no-duplicate-case: 2 - no-empty-character-class: 2 - no-empty: 2 - no-ex-assign: 2 - no-extra-boolean-cast: 2 - no-extra-parens: - - 2 - - "all" - no-extra-semi: 2 - no-func-assign: 2 - no-inner-declarations: - - 2 - - "both" - no-invalid-regexp: 2 - no-irregular-whitespace: 2 - no-negated-in-lhs: 2 - no-obj-calls: 2 - no-regex-spaces: 2 - no-sparse-arrays: 2 - no-unreachable: 2 - use-isnan: 2 - # valid-jsdoc: 2 - valid-typeof: 2 - no-unexpected-multiline: 2 - -##### Best Practices - accessor-pairs: 2 - block-scoped-var: 2 - complexity: 1 - consistent-return: 2 - curly: - - 2 - - "all" - default-case: 2 - dot-notation: - - 2 - - allowKeywords: true - dot-location: - - 2 - - "property" - eqeqeq: - - 2 - - "allow-null" - guard-for-in: 2 - no-alert: 1 - no-caller: 2 - no-div-regex: 2 - no-else-return: 2 - no-empty-label: 2 - no-eq-null: 0 - no-eval: 2 - no-extend-native: 2 - no-extra-bind: 2 - no-fallthrough: 2 - no-floating-decimal: 2 - no-implicit-coercion: - - 2 - - string: true - number: true - boolean: true - no-implied-eval: 2 - no-invalid-this: 2 - no-iterator: 2 - no-labels: 2 - no-lone-blocks: 2 - no-loop-func: 2 - no-multi-spaces: 2 - no-multi-str: 2 - no-native-reassign: 2 - no-new-func: 2 - no-new-wrappers: 2 - no-new: 2 - no-octal-escape: 2 - no-octal: 2 - no-param-reassign: 0 - no-process-env: 0 - no-proto: 2 - no-redeclare: 2 - no-return-assign: 2 - no-script-url: 2 - no-self-compare: 2 - no-sequences: 2 - no-throw-literal: 2 - no-unused-expressions: 2 - no-useless-call: 2 - no-void: 2 - no-warning-comments: - - 1 - - terms: - - "todo" - - "fixme" - location: "anywhere" - no-with: 2 - radix: 2 - vars-on-top: 2 - wrap-iife: - - 2 - - "inside" - yoda: - - 2 - - "never" - -##### Strict Mode - strict: - - 2 - - "global" - -##### Variables - init-declarations: 0 - no-catch-shadow: 2 - no-delete-var: 2 - no-label-var: 2 - no-shadow-restricted-names: 2 - no-shadow: 2 - no-undef-init: 2 - no-undef: 2 - no-undefined: 2 - no-unused-vars: 2 - no-use-before-define: - - 2 - - "nofunc" - -##### Node.js (ignored) - -##### Stylistic Issues - array-bracket-spacing: - - 2 - - "never" - brace-style: - - 2 - - "1tbs" - - allowSingleLine: true - camelcase: 2 - comma-spacing: - - 2 - - before: false - after: true - comma-style: - - 2 - - "last" - computed-property-spacing: - - 2 - - "never" - consistent-this: - - 2 - - "self" - eol-last: 2 - func-names: 0 - func-style: - - 2 - - "declaration" - id-length: 0 - id-match: 0 - indent: - - 2 - - 2 - - SwitchCase: 1 - key-spacing: - - 2 - - beforeColon: false - afterColon: true - lines-around-comment: 0 - linebreak-style: - - 2 - - "unix" - max-nested-callbacks: 0 - new-cap: - - 2 - - newIsCap: true - capIsNew: true - new-parens: 2 - newline-after-var: 0 - no-array-constructor: 2 - no-continue: 0 - no-inline-comments: 0 - no-lonely-if: 2 - no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: 2 - no-multiple-empty-lines: - - 2 - - max: 1 - no-nested-ternary: 2 - no-new-object: 2 - no-spaced-func: 2 - no-ternary: 0 - no-trailing-spaces: 2 - no-underscore-dangle: 0 - no-unneeded-ternary: 2 - object-curly-spacing: - - 2 - - "never" - one-var: - - 2 - - uninitialized: "always" - initialized: "never" - operator-assignment: - - 2 - - "always" - operator-linebreak: - - 2 - - "after" - - overrides: - "?": "before" - ":": "before" - padded-blocks: - - 2 - - "never" - quote-props: - - 2 - - "as-needed" - quotes: - - 2 - - "single" - - "avoid-escape" - semi-spacing: - - 2 - - before: false - after: true -# - semi: - - 2 - - "always" - sort-vars: 0 - space-after-keywords: - - 2 - - "always" - space-before-blocks: - - 2 - - "always" - space-before-function-paren: - - 2 - - anonymous: "always" - named: "never" - space-in-parens: - - 2 - - "never" - space-infix-ops: 2 - space-return-throw-case: 2 - space-unary-ops: - - 2 - - words: true - nonwords: false - spaced-comment: - - 2 - - "always" - wrap-regex: 0 diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 131b7ac..5df96ee 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ "webroot" ], "scripts": { - "lint": "eslint src test", + "lint": "semistandard", "test": "npm run lint && mocha --recursive test --reporter dot", "start": "bin/stubby" }, @@ -56,12 +56,23 @@ }, "devDependencies": { "buffer-equal": "^1.0.0", - "eslint": "^1.2.1", "mocha": "^3.1.2", + "semistandard": "^9.2.1", "sinon": "^1.17.6" }, "license": "Apache-2.0", "engine": { "node": ">=0.10" + }, + "semistandard": { + "ignore": [ + "webroot/js/external" + ], + "globals": [ + "it", + "describe", + "beforeEach", + "afterEach" + ] } } diff --git a/src/console/args.js b/src/console/args.js index 6f3dd58..a456d9a 100644 --- a/src/console/args.js +++ b/src/console/args.js @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ var pp = require('./prettyprint'); var UNARY_FLAGS = /^-[a-zA-Z]+$/; var ANY_FLAG = /^-.+$/; -function findOption(option, argv) { +function findOption (option, argv) { var argIndex = -1; if (option.flag != null) { @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ function findOption(option, argv) { return argIndex; } -function indexOfFlag(option, argv) { +function indexOfFlag (option, argv) { var index = -1; argv.forEach(function (flag) { @@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ function indexOfFlag(option, argv) { return index; } -function optionSkipped(index, argv) { +function optionSkipped (index, argv) { return ANY_FLAG.test(argv[index + 1]); } -function unaryCheck(option, argv) { +function unaryCheck (option, argv) { if (option.name != null && argv.indexOf('--' + option.name) !== -1) { return true; } @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function unaryCheck(option, argv) { return indexOfFlag(option, argv) !== -1; } -function pullPassedValue(option, argv) { +function pullPassedValue (option, argv) { var argIndex; if (option.param == null) { return unaryCheck(option, argv); } @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ function pullPassedValue(option, argv) { return option.default; } -function parse(options, argv) { +function parse (options, argv) { var args = {}; if (argv == null) { argv = process.argv; } @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ function parse(options, argv) { return args; } -function helpText(options, programName) { +function helpText (options, programName) { var inlineList = []; var firstColumn = {}; var helpLines = []; diff --git a/src/console/cli.js b/src/console/cli.js index aa85405..8028e23 100644 --- a/src/console/cli.js +++ b/src/console/cli.js @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ var options = [{ name: 'cert', flag: 'c', param: 'file', - default: __dirname + '/../../tls/cert.pem', + default: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../tls/cert.pem'), description: 'Certificate file. Use with --key.' }, { name: 'data', @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ var options = [{ name: 'key', flag: 'k', param: 'file', - default: __dirname + '/../../tls/key.pem', + default: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../tls/key.pem'), description: 'Private key file. Use with --cert.' }, { name: 'location', @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ var options = [{ description: 'Auto-reload data file when edits are made.' }]; -function help(go) { +function help (go) { if (go == null) { go = false; } if (!go) { return; } @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ function help(go) { process.exit(); } -function version(go) { +function version (go) { var ver = (require('../../package.json')).version; if (!go) { return ver; } @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ function version(go) { process.exit(); } -function data(filename) { +function data (filename) { var filedata; if (filename === null) { return []; } @@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ function data(filename) { } } -function key(file) { return readFile('k', 'key', file, 'pem'); } -function cert(file) { return readFile('c', 'cert', file, 'pem'); } -function pfx(file) { return readFile('p', 'pfx', file, 'pfx'); } +function key (file) { return readFile('k', 'key', file, 'pem'); } +function cert (file) { return readFile('c', 'cert', file, 'pem'); } +function pfx (file) { return readFile('p', 'pfx', file, 'pfx'); } -function readFile(flag, option, filename, type) { +function readFile (flag, option, filename, type) { var filedata, extension; if (filename === null) { return null; } @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ function readFile(flag, option, filename, type) { return filedata.trim(); } -function getArgs(argv) { +function getArgs (argv) { var self = this; // eslint-disable-line var params; diff --git a/src/console/colorsafe.js b/src/console/colorsafe.js index c53d9fe..e0add38 100644 --- a/src/console/colorsafe.js +++ b/src/console/colorsafe.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 'use strict'; /* eslint-disable no-console */ -function stripper(args) { +function stripper (args) { var key, value; for (key in args) { if (!args.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function stripper(args) { return args; } -function colorsafe(console) { +function colorsafe (console) { if (process.stdout.isTTY) { return true; } console.raw = {}; diff --git a/src/console/prettyprint.js b/src/console/prettyprint.js index 8c7daf1..3f5ff9d 100644 --- a/src/console/prettyprint.js +++ b/src/console/prettyprint.js @@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ var times = require('../prototype/times'); // eslint-disable-line -function spacing(length) { +function spacing (length) { if (length == null) { length = 0; } return ' '.times(length); } -function wrap(tokens, continuation, columns) { +function wrap (tokens, continuation, columns) { var wrapped, gutter; if (continuation == null) { continuation = 0; } diff --git a/src/console/watch.js b/src/console/watch.js index 7bd4789..7ffd311 100644 --- a/src/console/watch.js +++ b/src/console/watch.js @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ var interval = 3000; var intervalId = null; var watching = false; -function Watcher(endpoints, filename) { +function Watcher (endpoints, filename) { var shasum; this.endpoints = endpoints; diff --git a/src/lib/clone.js b/src/lib/clone.js index 141441f..f0522da 100644 --- a/src/lib/clone.js +++ b/src/lib/clone.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 'use strict'; -module.exports = function clone(x) { +module.exports = function clone (x) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(x)); }; diff --git a/src/main.js b/src/main.js index d2b3ca0..a946a67 100644 --- a/src/main.js +++ b/src/main.js @@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ var https = require('https'); var contract = require('./models/contract'); var couldNotSave = "The supplied endpoint data couldn't be saved"; -function noop() {} +function noop () {} -function onListening(portal, port, protocol, location) { +function onListening (portal, port, protocol, location) { if (protocol == null) { protocol = 'http'; } out.status(portal + ' portal running at ' + protocol + '://' + location + ':' + port); } -function onError(err, port, location) { +function onError (err, port, location) { var msg; switch (err.code) { @@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ function onError(err, port, location) { process.exit(); } -function onEndpointLoaded(err, endpoint) { +function onEndpointLoaded (_, endpoint) { out.notice('Loaded: ' + endpoint.request.method + ' ' + endpoint.request.url); } -function setupStartOptions(options, callback) { +function setupStartOptions (options, callback) { var defaults, key; options = options == null ? {} : options; @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ function setupStartOptions(options, callback) { return [options, callback]; } -function createHttpsOptions(options) { +function createHttpsOptions (options) { var httpsOptions = options._httpsOptions || {}; if (options.key && options.cert) { @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ function createHttpsOptions(options) { return httpsOptions; } -function Stubby() { +function Stubby () { this.endpoints = new Endpoints(); this.stubsPortal = null; this.tlsPortal = null; diff --git a/src/models/contract.js b/src/models/contract.js index 1dab42f..32f6f0e 100644 --- a/src/models/contract.js +++ b/src/models/contract.js @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ var request = { } }; -function contract(endpoint) { +function contract (endpoint) { var results, property; var errors = []; diff --git a/src/models/endpoint.js b/src/models/endpoint.js index fa2c047..01a7c44 100644 --- a/src/models/endpoint.js +++ b/src/models/endpoint.js @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ var url = require('url'); var q = require('querystring'); var out = require('../console/out'); -function Endpoint(endpoint, datadir) { +function Endpoint (endpoint, datadir) { if (endpoint == null) { endpoint = {}; } if (datadir == null) { datadir = process.cwd(); } @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Endpoint.prototype.matches = function (request) { return matches; }; -function record(me, urlToRecord) { +function record (me, urlToRecord) { var recorder; var recording = {}; var parsed = url.parse(urlToRecord); @@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ function record(me, urlToRecord) { return recording; } -function normalizeEOL(string) { +function normalizeEOL (string) { return string.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').replace(/\s*$/, ''); } -function purifyRequest(incoming) { +function purifyRequest (incoming) { var outgoing; if (incoming == null) { incoming = {}; } @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ function purifyRequest(incoming) { return outgoing; } -function purifyResponse(me, incoming) { +function purifyResponse (me, incoming) { var outgoing = []; if (incoming == null) { incoming = []; } @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ function purifyResponse(me, incoming) { return outgoing; } -function purifyHeaders(incoming) { +function purifyHeaders (incoming) { var prop; var outgoing = {}; @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ function purifyHeaders(incoming) { return outgoing; } -function purifyAuthorization(headers) { +function purifyAuthorization (headers) { var auth, userpass; if (headers == null || headers.authorization == null) { return headers; } @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ function purifyAuthorization(headers) { return headers; } -function purifyBody(body) { +function purifyBody (body) { if (body == null) { body = ''; } if (typeof body === 'object') { @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ function purifyBody(body) { return body; } -function pruneUndefined(incoming) { +function pruneUndefined (incoming) { var key, value; var outgoing = {}; @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ function pruneUndefined(incoming) { return outgoing; } -function compareHashMaps(configured, incoming) { +function compareHashMaps (configured, incoming) { var key; var headers = {}; if (configured == null) { configured = {}; } @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ function compareHashMaps(configured, incoming) { return headers; } -function compareObjects(configured, incoming) { +function compareObjects (configured, incoming) { var key; for (key in configured) { @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ function compareObjects(configured, incoming) { return true; } -function matchRegex(compileMe, testMe) { +function matchRegex (compileMe, testMe) { if (testMe == null) { testMe = ''; } return String(testMe).match(RegExp(compileMe, 'm')); } diff --git a/src/models/endpoints.js b/src/models/endpoints.js index ff6394b..fa0420f 100644 --- a/src/models/endpoints.js +++ b/src/models/endpoints.js @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ var clone = require('../lib/clone'); var NOT_FOUND = "Endpoint with the given id doesn't exist."; var NO_MATCH = "Endpoint with given request doesn't exist."; -function noop() {} +function noop () {} -function Endpoints(data, callback, datadir) { +function Endpoints (data, callback, datadir) { if (callback == null) { callback = noop; } if (datadir == null) { datadir = process.cwd(); } @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Endpoints.prototype.create = function (data, callback) { if (callback == null) { callback = noop; } - function insert(item) { + function insert (item) { item = new Endpoint(item, self.datadir); item.id = ++self.lastId; self.db[item.id] = item; @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Endpoints.prototype.found = function (endpoint, captures, callback) { } }; -function applyCaptures(obj, captures) { +function applyCaptures (obj, captures) { var results, key, value; if (typeof obj === 'string') { return ejs.render(obj.replace(/<%/g, '<%='), captures); diff --git a/src/portals/admin.js b/src/portals/admin.js index 530268b..9b01f17 100644 --- a/src/portals/admin.js +++ b/src/portals/admin.js @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ var ns = require('node-static'); var path = require('path'); var status = new ns.Server(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../webroot')); -function Admin(endpoints) { +function Admin (endpoints) { Portal.call(this); this.server = this.server.bind(this); this.endpoints = endpoints; @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Admin.prototype.goDELETE = function (request, response) { if (!id) { return this.notSupported(response); } - function callback(err) { + function callback (err) { if (err) { self.notFound(response); } else { self.noContent(response); } } @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Admin.prototype.goGET = function (request, response) { return this.endpoints.retrieve(id, callback); } - callback = function (err, data) { + callback = function (_, data) { if (data.length === 0) { self.noContent(response); } else { self.ok(response, data); } }; @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Admin.prototype.processPUT = function (id, data, response) { errors = this.contract(data); if (errors) { return this.badRequest(response, errors); } - function callback(err) { + function callback (err) { if (err) { self.notFound(response); } else { self.noContent(response); } } @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Admin.prototype.processPOST = function (data, response, request) { errors = this.contract(data); if (errors) { return this.badRequest(response, errors); } - function callback(err, endpoint) { + function callback (_, endpoint) { self.created(response, request, endpoint.id); } diff --git a/src/portals/portal.js b/src/portals/portal.js index 20efdc1..59c4bd0 100644 --- a/src/portals/portal.js +++ b/src/portals/portal.js @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ var CLI = require('../console/cli'); var out = require('../console/out'); var http = require('http'); -function Portal() { +function Portal () { this.name = 'portal'; } diff --git a/src/portals/stubs.js b/src/portals/stubs.js index 2a7593a..9f20112 100644 --- a/src/portals/stubs.js +++ b/src/portals/stubs.js @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ var Portal = require('./portal').Portal; var qs = require('querystring'); -function Stubs(endpoints) { +function Stubs (endpoints) { Portal.call(this); this.server = this.server.bind(this); this.Endpoints = endpoints; @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Stubs.prototype.server = function (request, response) { query: extractQuery(request.url) }; - function callback(err, endpointResponse) { + function callback (err, endpointResponse) { if (err) { self.writeHead(response, 404, {}); self.responded(404, request.url, 'is not a registered endpoint'); @@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ Stubs.prototype.server = function (request, response) { }); }; -function extractUrl(url) { +function extractUrl (url) { return url.replace(/(.*)\?.*/, '$1'); } -function extractQuery(url) { +function extractQuery (url) { return qs.parse(url.replace(/^.*\?(.*)$/, '$1')); } diff --git a/src/prototype/times.js b/src/prototype/times.js index 6358c2e..6cdf2b1 100644 --- a/src/prototype/times.js +++ b/src/prototype/times.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 'use strict'; /* eslint-disable no-extend-native */ -function noop() {} +function noop () {} Object.defineProperty(Number.prototype, 'times', { configurable: true, diff --git a/test/e2e.admin.js b/test/e2e.admin.js index a742a2a..2aa506a 100644 --- a/test/e2e.admin.js +++ b/test/e2e.admin.js @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ describe('End 2 End Admin Test Suite', function () { var sut; var port = 8889; - function stopStubby(finish) { + function stopStubby (finish) { if (sut != null) { sut.stop(finish); } else { @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ describe('End 2 End Admin Test Suite', function () { } beforeEach(function (done) { - function finish() { + function finish () { sut = new Stubby(); return sut.start({ data: endpointData diff --git a/test/e2e.stubs.js b/test/e2e.stubs.js index 3f41930..2789657 100644 --- a/test/e2e.stubs.js +++ b/test/e2e.stubs.js @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ describe('End 2 End Stubs Test Suite', function () { var sut = null; var port = 8882; - function stopStubby(finish) { + function stopStubby (finish) { if (sut != null) { return sut.stop(finish); } @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ describe('End 2 End Stubs Test Suite', function () { port: port }; - function finish() { + function finish () { sut = new Stubby(); sut.start({ data: endpointData diff --git a/test/endpoint.js b/test/endpoint.js index 7b2b812..ab10c6b 100644 --- a/test/endpoint.js +++ b/test/endpoint.js @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ var Endpoint = require('../src/models/endpoint'); var assert = require('assert'); -function waitsFor(fn, message, range, finish, time) { +function waitsFor (fn, message, range, finish, time) { var temp, seconds, nanoseconds, elapsed; var min = range[0] != null ? range[0] : 0; var max = range[1] != null ? range[1] : range; @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ function waitsFor(fn, message, range, finish, time) { }, 1); } -function compareOneWay(left, right) { +function compareOneWay (left, right) { var key, value; for (key in left) { @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ function compareOneWay(left, right) { return true; } -function compareObjects(one, two) { +function compareObjects (one, two) { return compareOneWay(one, two) && compareOneWay(two, one); } diff --git a/test/endpoints.js b/test/endpoints.js index a99eb6b..ae9d780 100644 --- a/test/endpoints.js +++ b/test/endpoints.js @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ describe('Endpoints', function () { post: 'hello, there!' }; - sut.find(data, function (err, match) { + sut.find(data, function (_, match) { assert.strictEqual(match.body, 'you posted "hello, there!" and "hello, there!"'); done(); }); diff --git a/test/main.js b/test/main.js index 6fab214..3720637 100644 --- a/test/main.js +++ b/test/main.js @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ var Stubby = require('../src/main').Stubby; describe('main', function () { var sut, options; - function stopStubby(finish) { + function stopStubby (finish) { if (sut != null) { sut.stop(finish); } else { @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ describe('main', function () { } beforeEach(function (done) { - function finish() { + function finish () { sut = new Stubby(); done(); } diff --git a/webroot/js/scripts.js b/webroot/js/scripts.js index b5e72c2..3decfa8 100644 --- a/webroot/js/scripts.js +++ b/webroot/js/scripts.js @@ -1,134 +1,135 @@ -(function(window) { +/* global _, hljs */ +(function (window) { var stubby = window.stubby || {}; var template = [ // eww - '
  • ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' <% if(request.method) { %>', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' <% } if(request.query) { %>', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' <% } if(request.headers && Object.keys(request.headers).length > 0) { %>', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' <% } if(request.post) { %>', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' <% } if(request.file) { %>', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' <% } %>', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' <% if(response.status) { %>', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' <% } if(response.headers && Object.keys(response.headers).length > 0) { %>', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' <% } if(response[0].body) { %>', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' <% } if(response[0].file) { %>', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' <% } if(response[0].latency) { %>', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' <% } %>', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - ' ', - '
    Endpoint <%= id %>
    url<%= request.url %>
    method<%= request.method %>
    query<% print(queryParams(request.query)); %>
    ', - '
      ', - ' <% _.each(_.keys(request.query), function(key) { %>', - '
    • ', - '
      <%= key %>
      ', - '
      <%= request.query[key] %>
      ', - '
    • ', - ' <% }); %>', - '
    ', - '
    headers', - '
      ', - ' <% _.each(_.keys(request.headers), function(key) { %>', - '
    • ', - '
      <%= key %>
      ', - '
      <%= request.headers[key] %>
      ', - '
    • ', - ' <% }); %>', - '
    ', - '
    <%= request.post %>
    file<%= request.file %>
    status<%= response.status %>
    headers', - '
      ', - ' <% _.each(_.keys(response.headers), function(key) { %>', - '
    • ', - '
      <%= key %>
      ', - '
      <%= response[0].headers[key] %>
      ', - '
    • ', - ' <% }); %>', - '
    ', - '
    <%= response[0].body %>
    file<%= response[0].file %>
    latency<%= response[0].latency %>
    hits<%= hits %>
    ', - '
  • ', + '
  • ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' <% if(request.method) { %>', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' <% } if(request.query) { %>', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' <% } if(request.headers && Object.keys(request.headers).length > 0) { %>', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' <% } if(request.post) { %>', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' <% } if(request.file) { %>', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' <% } %>', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' <% if(response.status) { %>', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' <% } if(response.headers && Object.keys(response.headers).length > 0) { %>', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' <% } if(response[0].body) { %>', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' <% } if(response[0].file) { %>', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' <% } if(response[0].latency) { %>', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' <% } %>', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + ' ', + '
    Endpoint <%= id %>
    url<%= request.url %>
    method<%= request.method %>
    query<% print(queryParams(request.query)); %>
    ', + '
      ', + ' <% _.each(_.keys(request.query), function(key) { %>', + '
    • ', + '
      <%= key %>
      ', + '
      <%= request.query[key] %>
      ', + '
    • ', + ' <% }); %>', + '
    ', + '
    headers', + '
      ', + ' <% _.each(_.keys(request.headers), function(key) { %>', + '
    • ', + '
      <%= key %>
      ', + '
      <%= request.headers[key] %>
      ', + '
    • ', + ' <% }); %>', + '
    ', + '
    <%= request.post %>
    file<%= request.file %>
    status<%= response.status %>
    headers', + '
      ', + ' <% _.each(_.keys(response.headers), function(key) { %>', + '
    • ', + '
      <%= key %>
      ', + '
      <%= response[0].headers[key] %>
      ', + '
    • ', + ' <% }); %>', + '
    ', + '
    <%= response[0].body %>
    file<%= response[0].file %>
    latency<%= response[0].latency %>
    hits<%= hits %>
    ', + '
  • ' ].join('\n'); - function queryParams(query) { - var result = "?"; + function queryParams (query) { + var result = '?'; for (var key in query) { var value = query[key]; result += encodeURIComponent(key); - result += "="; + result += '='; result += encodeURIComponent(value); - result += "&"; + result += '&'; } - return result.replace(/\&$/, ''); - }; + return result.replace(/&$/, ''); + } var ajax = null; var list = null; - function success() { - var endpoint, _fn, _i, _len; + function success () { + var endpoint; var endpoints = JSON.parse(ajax.responseText); for (var i = 0; i < endpoints.length; i++) { - var endpoint = endpoints[i]; + endpoint = endpoints[i]; endpoint.queryParams = queryParams; endpoint.adminUrl = window.location.href.replace(/status/, endpoint.id); @@ -140,14 +141,13 @@ hljs.initHighlighting(); } - function complete(e) { + function complete (e) { if (ajax.readyState !== 4) { return; } - if (ajax.status === 200) { return success(); } - else { return console.error(ajax.statusText); } + if (ajax.status === 200) { return success(); } else { return console.error(ajax.statusText); } } - stubby.status = function() { + stubby.status = function () { list = document.getElementById('endpoints'); ajax = new window.XMLHttpRequest();