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Added install.answers.example file to illustrate answers t…
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mrash committed Apr 21, 2012
1 parent e575fc6 commit ec89e67
Showing 1 changed file with 16 additions and 0 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions install.answers.example
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Would you like to merge the config from the existing psad installation: n;
Preserve any user modfications in etc psad signatures: y;
Preserve any user modfications in etc psad icmp_types: y;
Preserve any user modfications in etc psad icmp6_types: y;
Preserve any user modfications in etc psad posf: y;
Preserve any user modfications in etc psad auto_dl: y;
Preserve any user modfications in etc psad snort_rule_dl: y;
Preserve any user modfications in etc psad pf os: y;
Preserve any user modfications in etc psad ip_options: y;
Would you like alerts sent to a different address: y;
Email addresses: root@localhost;
Would you like psad to only parse specific strings in iptables messages: n;
First is it ok to leave the HOME_NET setting as any: y;
Would you like to enable DShield alerts: n;
Would you like to install the latest signatures from http www cipherdyne org psad signatures: n;
Enable psad at boot time: y;

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