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Pack of scripts to do performance evaluation on our logger


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Python Matplotlib NumPy SciPy

Data Acquisition and Analysis Project

This project is a Python script for acquiring and analyzing 16 bit data from a microcontroller via a serial connection. The script collects 16 bit split data sent by Serial.write() into High and Low bytes, performs statistical analysis and plot the results.

Table of Contents


The script requires Python and several libraries. First of all clone the repository on your IDE and install the libraries by typing the following commands on the terminal or if you're using VSCode just execute the task 'Install dependencies' by clicking the search bar then run task. In some IDE you have to install the libraries in other ways so please check the documentation.

pip install --upgrade pip | pip install pyserial | pip install numpy | pip install matplotlib | pip install scipy

What the script does

The script opens a serial connection, sends a start command to the microcontroller, and waits for the microcontroller to send the current mode and data rate. It then starts acquiring data.

Data is read from the serial connection, and measurements are added to an array. When the array reaches the desired length (defined by the data rate), it is added to a matrix, and the array is reset.

If the script is interrupted (e.g. by a KeyboardInterrupt), it saves the matrix to a text file and closes the serial connection.

The script then performs several analyses on the data:

  • It calculates the mean and standard deviation for each row of the matrix.
  • It calculates the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the data.

Finally, it creates several graphs:

  • A graph of the data over time.
  • A graph of the mean value over time.
  • A graph of the standard deviation over time, with a 95% confidence interval.
  • A graph of the FFT of the data.

Importing Libraries

These lines import the necessary libraries. serial is used for serial communication, time for timing functions, numpy for data processing, and matplotlib for data visualization, and scipy for useful tools about statistics.

import serial
import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats

Code explanation

Establishing Serial Connection

The script establishes a serial connection with the microcontroller. The port and baud rate are specified in the serial.Serial() function:


the port must be set in accordance with the port used by the microcontroller

ser = serial.Serial('COM14', 250000)

Sending Start Command

The script sends a start command in bytes ('F') to the microcontroller and waits for the microcontroller to send the current mode and data rate:


Receiving Data

The script then get into a loop where it waits for data from the microcontroller. When data is available, it reads the data, decodes it, and checks if it has received the "START" command:

while True:
    if ser.in_waiting > 0:
        line = ser.readline().decode('utf-8').strip()
        if line == "START":
            print("START command received!")

Data Acquisition

The script get into another loop where it waits for the microcontroller to send the current mode and data rate. It prints these values and starts the data acquisition process:

while True:
    if ser.in_waiting > 0:
        current_mode = ser.readline().decode('utf-8').strip()
        print("Current mode: " + current_mode)
        data_rate = int(ser.readline().decode('utf-8').strip()) # This value is stored to be used for the array's lenght
        print("Data rate: ", data_rate)

        print("\nStarting data acquisition...")

Data Collection

The script initializes a matrix which it will collect the data, a single data array for each loop and a timestamp array. It then enters a loop where it continuously reads data from the microcontroller. When the start byte is verified, it reads the high and low bytes, merges them into a measurement and adds the measurement to the array. When the array reaches the desired length (defined by the data rate), it adds the array to the matrix and resets the array:

data_matrix = []
data_array = []
timestamp_array = []

time_old = time.time()

    while True:
        if ser.in_waiting > 0:
            start_byte =  # Read the start byte
            if start_byte == b'\xCC':  # Verify the start byte
                high_byte =  # Read the high byte
                low_byte =  # Read the low byte
                measurement = (ord(high_byte) << 8) | ord(low_byte)  # Merge the bytes
                data_array.append(measurement)  # Add the measurement to the array
                if len(data_array) == data_rate:  # If the array has reached the desired length
                    data_matrix.append(data_array)  # Add the array to the matrix
                    data_array = []  # Reset the array
                    new_time = time.time()
                    print('Time:', new_time - time_old)
                    time_old = new_time

Saving Data

If the script is interrupted (e.g. by a KeyboardInterrupt), it saves the matrix to a text file and closes the serial connection:

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # When the program is interrupted, save the matrix in a text file
    data_matrix = data_matrix[1:]  # Remove the first row (various errors)
    utils = 'Current mode: ' + current_mode + '\nData rate: ' + str(data_rate) + ' SPS\n\n'
    np.savetxt('data_matrix.txt', data_matrix, header=utils, fmt='%d')
    print("\n\n\n\n\nData saved in 'data_matrix.txt'")
    ser.close()  # Close the serial connection

Data Analysis

The script then performs the following analyses on the data:

  • It calculates the mean and standard deviation for each row of the matrix.
  • It calculates the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the data.

Data Visualization

Finally, it creates several graphs:

  • A graph of the data over time.
  • A graph of the mean value over time.
  • A graph of the standard deviation over time, with a 95% confidence interval.
  • A graph of the FFT of the data.

Performance Evaluation

While True:
    If there is data waiting in the serial buffer:
        Read the start byte
        If the start byte is equal to '\xCC':
            Read the high byte
            Read the low byte
            Merge the high and low bytes to form the measurement
            Append the measurement to the data array
            If the length of the data array is equal to the data rate:
                Append the data array to the data matrix
                Append the current time to the timestamp array
                Reset the data array
                Calculate the new time
                Print the time difference between the new time and the old time
                Update the old time with the new time

This code snippet is an empirical error evaluation, calculating the time taken to fill an array. The time should be as close to 1 as possible, with a maximum tolerance equal to the period that the ADC takes to make the measurement.

The while True loop continuously checks if there is data waiting in the serial buffer. If data is available, it reads the start byte and verifies it. If the start byte is correct, it reads the high and low bytes of the measurement, merges them, and appends the result to the data_array.

When data_array reaches the desired length (data_rate), it is appended to data_matrix, and the current time is appended to timestamp_array. data_array is then reset for the next set of measurements.

The time taken to fill the array is printed to the console. This time is expected to be as close to 1 as possible, providing an empirical evaluation of the code's performance.


UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x86 in position 6: invalid start byte


This script can generate an error like this after uploading cpp code on the ESP, simply re-execute the script


Contributions are welcome. Please open an issue to discuss your ideas before making changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.