Python-based command-line debugger for Microchip PIC processors.
Debugger written in Python, and requires jython for execution. Interacts with the Java mdbcore API provided by Microchip in the MPLAB X installation. This is the same API used by Microchip's currently incomplete "mdb.sh", and MPLAB X itself.
For now this is an early demonstration, working only with the PICkit3 and tested only with the PIC32MX150F128B processor.
I wrote this because mdb.sh is currently incomplete, and nearly unusable, so loading or debugging PIC code at the command-line was impossible.
- Verify path to JARs is correct in picdb.sh
- run picdb.sh.
- Basic debugger commands
- connect (connect to debugger and target device)
- load (load ELF file onto target)
- break (add breakpoints)
- breakpoints (list breakpoints)
- continue (run target)
- step (step target -- currently StepOver only)
- print (print information about something -- currently only Program Counter)
- help (list possible commands, or display specific command's help)
- debug (drop to a Python debugger, so you can debug while you debug.)
- quit
- Readline input handling supports up/down keys, and history.
- Address-to-Source-Line conversions when stepping.
- Partial assembly code output when stepping.
Basic functionality:
- Display source code
- View memory
- View disassembly
- View global and local symbols
- View registers
- Delete/modify/disable breakpoints
- Advanced breakpoints (conditional, watchpoints)
More advanced:
- Recover nicely from losing the debugger/target
- Command line arguments
- Scripting
$ picdb.sh
PICdb> connect PIC32MX150F128B
Connecting to PICkit3...
Nov 8, 2012 4:09:08 PM com.microchip.mplab.mdbcore.RealICETool.RIMessages OutputMessage
PICdb> load test.elf
Loading ELF file...
Resetting target...
PC: 0xBFC00000
PICdb> break 0x9D00B8C8
New breakpoint at 0x9D00B8C8 (MainDemo.c:431)
PICdb> break 0x9D00B982
New breakpoint at 0x9D00B982 (MainDemo.c:534)
PICdb> breakpoints
All breakpoints:
0: 0x9D00B8C8 (MainDemo.c:431) *
1: 0x9D00B982 (MainDemo.c:534) *
PICdb> continue
Breakpoint 1: Stopped at 0x9D00B982 (MainDemo.c:534)
PICdb> step
PC: 0x9D00B982 (MainDemo.c:534) (LW V0, -32416(S0))
PICdb> print $pc
PC: 0x9D00B9AC
PICdb> continue
Breakpoint 0: Stopped at 0x9D00B8C8 (MainDemo.c:431)
PICdb> help
Type 'help <topic>' for help.
step Step over next source line.
connect Conects to a PIC target.
help Displays this help.
quit Quits this program.
load Load ELF file onto target.
PICdb> help connect
Connects to a PIC target.
Usage: connect <PIC device>
ex: connect PIC32MX150F128B
Get public methods from classes in a jar: $ i=debugger; javap -classpath com-microchip-mplab-open-hid.jar -s $(jar -tf com-microchip-mplab-open-hid.jar |grep class |sed 's/.class//g') |less
Save all public methods into text files:
$ for i in ls *.jar
;do echo $i; javap -classpath
Microchip's terrible command-line interface: $ /Applications/microchip/mplabx/mplab_ide.app/Contents/Resources/mplab_ide/bin/mdb.sh
Edit mdb.sh to launch with: $jvm -javaagent:/Users/trevor/Downloads/intrace-agent.jar ...
Trace java method calls with InTrace.app
Examples and some documentation available in PIC SDK. Must register here: http://www.opensource4pic.org/