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JavaScript Interview Questions

Easy Questions

No. Question
1 What is JavaScript?
2 Who developed JavaScript, and what is the first name of JavaScript?
3 What are the differences between Java and JavaScript?
4 What are the JavaScript Data Types?
5 Difference between var, const, and let keyword in JavaScript.
6 What is the basic use of the isNaN function in JavaScript?
7 What do you mean by negative infinity?
8 What are undeclared and undefined variables?
9 What is a prompt box?
10 What do you mean by the 'this' keyword in JavaScript? Explain it.
11 How do we Define comments in JavaScript?
12 What do you mean by the "===" operator?
13 Does JavaScript support automatic type conversion (AutoConversion)?
14 How should we change the style/class of an element?
15 What are all the loops available in JavaScript?
16 What is called Variable typing in JavaScript?
17 Explain the difference between the "==" and "===" operator?
18 What Should be the answer of 3+2+ "7"?
19 What is a continue statement in JavaScript?
20 Is JavaScript case-sensitive?
21 What are the different functional components of JavaScript?
22 What do you mean by the unshift() method?
23 What are the unescape() and escape() functions in JavaScript?
24 Are ECMAScript and JavaScript related? How?
25 What do you mean by NULL in JavaScript?
26 What is the use of the delete operator?
27 What do you mean by undefined value in JavaScript?
28 Name all the types of Pop-up boxes available in JavaScript?
29 Define the use of Void(0) in JavaScript?
30 What is the data type of variables in JavaScript?
31 State the Difference between an Alert Box and a Confirmation Box?
32 Is JavaScript a statically typed or a dynamically typed language?
33 What is NaN property in JavaScript?
34 How to include JavaScript code in HTML?
35 When to use scripts in the head and when to use scripts in the body?
36 What is Promises in JavaScript?
37 What is Async/Await in JavaScript?
38 How JavaScript promotes Asynchronous Programming?
39 Which keywords are used to handle exceptions?
40 What is the fetch() Method in JavaScript?
41 What is an Event Loop?
42 What is context execution?
43 What is a call stack?
44 What is stack and Heap Memory?
45 What are event handlers?
46 What is debouncing?
47 What is module pattern?
48 What is throttling?
49 What is a pure function?
50 What are lambda or arrow functions?
51 What is a Temporal Dead Zone?
52 Define an anonymous function.
53 What are JavaScript prototypes?
54 What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?
55 What are JavaScript Modules?
56 What are template literals in JavaScript?
57 Explain destructuring in JavaScript.
58 What are default parameters in JavaScript functions?
59 What is the spread operator and how is it used?
60 How does JavaScript handle asynchronous code?
61 What is event delegation in JavaScript?
62 Explain the map, filter, and reduce methods in JavaScript.
63 What are JavaScript mixins?
64 What is function currying in JavaScript?
65 Explain the concept of memoization in JavaScript.
66 What is scope in JavaScript?
67 Explain global and local scope in JavaScript.
68 Explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous JavaScript.
69 How do you handle API requests with JavaScript?
70 Explain Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
71 How do you handle memory leaks in JavaScript?
72 How does JavaScript handle Garbage Collection?
73 Explain the role of JavaScript in web accessibility.
74 What are the latest ECMAScript features?
75 How do you ensure your JavaScript code follows best practices?
76 Explain the role of JavaScript in server-side development (Node.js).
77 What is the new keyword in JavaScript?
78 How do you perform form validation using JavaScript?
79 How do you handle cross-browser compatibility issues in JavaScript?
80 What are the different ways to create objects in JavaScript?
81 Explain the difference between Object-Oriented Programming and Functional Programming in JavaScript.
82 What is promise chaining?
83 What is promise.all?
84 What are the differences between cookie, local storage, and session storage?
85 What is a callback hell?
86 What is the difference between null value and undefined value in JavaScript?
87 What is the difference between a double equal to sign and a triple equal to sign?
88 What is the difference between a PROMISE and a CALLBACK?
89 What is the difference between equality and strict equality?
90 Explain about setTimeout and setInterval?
91 Is it possible to declare an array with random numbers and alphabets as well?

Medium Questions

No. Question
1 How do you manipulate the DOM using JavaScript?
2 What is a callback function?
3 Explain the working of timers in JavaScript?
4 Explain Hoisting in JavaScript.
5 Explain Implicit Type Coercion in JavaScript.
6 How closures work in JavaScript?
7 How Cookies work in JavaScript?
8 Explain the use of the bind, call, and apply methods.
9 Explain event bubbling and event capturing.
10 Describe the role of deferred scripts in JavaScript.
11 Explain the concept of higher-order functions.
12 Explain the concept of a singleton in JavaScript.
13 How do you handle exceptions in JavaScript?
14 What is stack and Heap Memory?
15 What is debouncing?
16 What is throttling?
17 Explain the concept of memoization in JavaScript.
18 Explain Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
19 How do you handle memory leaks in JavaScript?
20 How does JavaScript handle Garbage Collection?
21 Explain the role of JavaScript in web accessibility.
22 How do you ensure your JavaScript code follows best practices?
23 Explain the role of JavaScript in server-side development (Node.js).
24 How do you handle cross-browser compatibility issues in JavaScript?
25 What is promise chaining?
26 What is promise.all?
27 What are the differences between cookie, local storage, and session storage?
28 Can you tell me the most basic advantage of using arrow function?
29 What are Axios?
30 What is the difference between Fetch and Axios?
31 When should you use asynchronous programming?
32 Where is the DOM created? Server side or client side?
33 What is a timeout?
34 How we can avoid callback hells?
35 What is ES6?
36 What's the difference between an arrow function and a normal function?

Hard Questions

No. Question
1 Explain about Read and Write of a file using JavaScript?
2 Functions for converting a string of any base to integer in JavaScript?
3 List the disadvantages of using innerHTML in JavaScript.
4 What are all the loops available in JavaScript?
5 What is an Immediately Invoked Function in JavaScript?
6 How to include JavaScript code in HTML?
7 How do you handle exceptions in JavaScript?
8 What is an Event Loop?
9 What is context execution?
10 What is a call stack?
11 What is module pattern?
12 What is a pure function?
13 What is a Temporal Dead Zone?
14 What are JavaScript prototypes?
15 What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?
16 What are default parameters in JavaScript functions?
17 How does JavaScript handle asynchronous code?
18 Explain the map, filter, and reduce methods in JavaScript.
19 What are JavaScript mixins?
20 What is function currying in JavaScript?
21 Explain global and local scope in JavaScript.
22 How do you handle API requests with JavaScript?
23 How do you perform form validation using JavaScript?
24 What are the different ways to create objects in JavaScript?
25 Explain the difference between Object-Oriented Programming and Functional Programming in JavaScript.
26 What are observables?
27 What are event emitters in JavaScript?
28 Is JavaScript single-threaded or multi-threaded?


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