From e366b0bc36e92e4cfcbef420bef83a1aa737e1a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Roy Ivy III Date: Wed, 16 May 2018 01:30:14 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 1/6] Update/improve AppVeyor CI * fixes/improves AppVeyor CI * similar in spirit to @haarg's Travis CI helper scripts * *robustly flexible*, working with make, build, and prove-compatible distributions * supports integration of both CodeCov and Coveralls coverage testing * overcomes bugs in AppVeyor and perl tooling * robust in cases of inaccessible or downloads * ".appveyor.yml" can be a simple drop-in for most distributions * see for more information --- .appveyor.cmd | 53 --------------- .appveyor.yml | 180 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 2 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .appveyor.cmd diff --git a/.appveyor.cmd b/.appveyor.cmd deleted file mode 100644 index 58554a9..0000000 --- a/.appveyor.cmd +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -@echo off -call :%* -goto :eof - -:perl_setup -if not exist "c:\tmp" mkdir c:\tmp -if not defined perl_type set perl_type=system -if "%perl_type%" == "cygwin" ( - start /wait c:\cygwin\setup-x86.exe -q -P perl -P make -P gcc -P gcc-g++ -P libcrypt-devel -P openssl-devel - set "PATH=C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin;C:\cygwin\bin;%PATH%" - set "PERL_MM_OPT=CCFLAGS='-fno-stack-protector -I.' CXXFLAGS='-fno-stack-protector -I.'" - set "PERL_MB_OPT=--config ccflags='-fno-stack-protector -I.' --config cppflags='-fno-stack-protector -I.'" -) else if "%perl_type%" == "strawberry" ( - if not defined perl_version ( - cinst -y StrawberryPerl - ) else ( - cinst -y StrawberryPerl --version %perl_version% - ) - set "PATH=C:\Strawberry\perl\bin;C:\Strawberry\perl\site\bin;C:\Strawberry\c\bin;%PATH%" -) else if "%perl_type%" == "system" ( - mkdir c:\dmake - cinst -y curl - curl -o c:\dmake\ - 7z x c:\dmake\ -oc:\ >NUL - set "PATH=c:\dmake;C:\MinGW\bin;%PATH%" -) else ( - echo.Unknown perl type "%perl_type%"! 1>&2 - exit /b 1 -) -for /f "usebackq delims=" %%d in (`perl -MConfig -e"print $Config{make}"`) do set make=%%d -set "perl=perl" -set "cpanm=call .appveyor.cmd cpanm" -set "cpan=%perl% -S cpan" -set "dzil=%perl% -S dzil" -set TAR_OPTIONS=--warning=no-unknown-keyword -set PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 -set PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC=1 -set TZ=UTC -goto :eof - -:cpanm -%perl% -S cpanm >NUL 2>&1 -if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( - curl -V >NUL 2>&1 - if ERRORLEVEL 1 cinst -y curl - curl -k -L -o "%TEMP%\cpanm" - %perl% "%TEMP%\cpanm" App::cpanminus -) -set "cpanm=%perl% -S cpanm" -%cpanm% %* -goto :eof - -:eof diff --git a/.appveyor.yml b/.appveyor.yml index 0c64cd8..57d6b5b 100644 --- a/.appveyor.yml +++ b/.appveyor.yml @@ -1,25 +1,173 @@ ---- -clone_folder: C:\projects\perl-text-template +# .appveyor.yml (for Perl distributions) -cache: - - C:\strawberry - - C:\cygwin +# * (APIv1) for usage instructions, see + +# ref: [`@`]( +# * "appveyor.yml" validation tool @ + +version: "{build} ~ {branch}" + +branches: + except: + - gh-pages + +skip_tags: true ## do not build on tags + +matrix: + allow_failures: + - AUTHOR_TESTING: 1 + - TEST_SIGNATURE: 1 + - CI_HELPER_BRANCH: canary + - Perl_VERSION: "5.8.8" ## allow perl v5.8.8 failures; (v5.8.8 is problematic for many projects) environment: matrix: - - perl_type: cygwin - - perl_type: strawberry + - Perl_VERSION: "latest" + COVERAGE: "Codecov Coveralls" ## note: case sensitive! + AUTHOR_TESTING: 1 + RELEASE_TESTING: 1 + - Perl_VERSION: "5.28" + - Perl_VERSION: "5.26" + - Perl_VERSION: "5.24" + - Perl_VERSION: "5.22" + - Perl_VERSION: "5.20" + - Perl_VERSION: "5.16" + - Perl_VERSION: "5.14" + - Perl_VERSION: "5.12" + - Perl_VERSION: "5.10" + - Perl_VERSION: "5.8.9" + - Perl_VERSION: "5.8.8" + - Perl_VERSION: "latest" + CI_HELPER_BRANCH: "canary" + TEST_SIGNATURE: 1 + global: + AUTOMATED_TESTING: 1 + CI_CACHE_DIR: "C:\\cache" + # + # debug? + # CI_DEBUG: 1 ## [ "" == false, == true ]; "true" enables detailed output for the helper scripts + # + ## configuration (CI/network-side settings and then ".appveyor_init.{BAT,PS1}" [if present], may override these values [by design]) + ## --- + # * standard perl distribution test configuration signals + AUTHOR_TESTING: "" + RELEASE_TESTING: "" + # * .appveyor.yml configuration variables + CI_HELPER_API_VERSION: "1" ## * API version (the expected/requested helper API version) + CI_HELPER_BRANCH: "" ## "" => auto-set, valid alternates are [ "stable" (the default), "canary", BRANCH, or TAG ] + CI_HELPER_REPO: "" ## "" => auto-set; allows easier use of alternate helper scripts (ie, alternate forks) + DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS: "" ## "" => auto-set, value determined by DIST_TOOLING; quoted whitespace (eg, " ") is an empty/neutral setting which also blocks auto-set + DIST_EXTRA_DEPS: "" ## additional required/requested dependencies for build and/or testing + DIST_SUPPRESS_DEPS: "" ## [ "" == false, == true ]; "true" can be useful for CORE modules, suppressing discovery and installation of dependencies, unless otherwise required (by COVERAGE or DIST_EXTRA_DEPS) + DIST_TOOLING: "" ## [ "build", "make" ]; "" => auto-set based on existence of "Build.PL" and/or "Makefile.PL" + TEST_METHOD: "" ## "" => auto-set based on DIST_TOOLING (`perl Build test`, `%make% test`, or `prove -bl`) + TEST_FILES: "" ## "" => auto-set to "" for build/make distributions, otherwise "t" or "t xt" depending on AUTHOR_TESTING and/or RELEASE_TESTING and directory existence + ## --- + +cache: +# note: unused, because, unfortunately, the available cache is too small to be helpful (unshared; 1GB across all projects) +# - '%CI_CACHE_DIR% -> .appveyor.yml' install: - - 'call .appveyor.cmd perl_setup' - - '%perl% -V' - - '%cpanm% --quiet --notest --skip-satisfied Dist::Zilla Test::Pod' - - '%dzil% authordeps --missing | %cpanm% --quiet --notest' - - '%dzil% listdeps --missing | %cpanm% --verbose' - - git config --global "AppVeyor" - - git config --global "" + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].install" -f $($mark = get-date; $mark)) -f darkgray + # ensure CWD is project main directory + - cd "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%" + # perform any special preparation (optional; distribution specific) + # * note: optional external file(s), global scope => allows ".appveyor.yml" to remain more stable and similar [or the same] between different distributions [eg, for automated distribution of ".appveyor.yml" changes] + - if EXIST ".appveyor_init.BAT" ( call .appveyor_init.BAT ) + - ps: if ( test-path ".appveyor_init.PS1" ) { . ".\.appveyor_init.PS1" } + # save current-point-in-time environment (for later logging of environment variable overrides) + - ps: $baseline_env = @(get-childitem env:) + # create a working area + - ps: if ( ! $env:CI_TEMP_DIR ) { $env:CI_TEMP_DIR = "${env:TEMP}\${env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID}" ; mkdir -force $env:CI_TEMP_DIR | out-null } + # create cache area, if missing + - if NOT DEFINED CI_CACHE_DIR ( set "CI_CACHE_DIR=%CI_TEMP_DIR%\cache" ) + - if NOT EXIST "%CI_CACHE_DIR%" ( mkdir "%CI_CACHE_DIR%" ) + # finalize HELPER repository location + - if NOT DEFINED CI_HELPER_API_VERSION ( set "CI_HELPER_API_VERSION=1" ) + - if NOT DEFINED CI_HELPER_REPO ( set "CI_HELPER_REPO=" ) + - if NOT DEFINED CI_HELPER_BRANCH ( set "CI_HELPER_BRANCH=stable" ) + - if /i "%CI_HELPER_BRANCH%"=="canary" ( set "CI_HELPER_BRANCH=canary.APIv%CI_HELPER_API_VERSION%" ) + - if /i "%CI_HELPER_BRANCH%"=="stable" ( set "CI_HELPER_BRANCH=stable.APIv%CI_HELPER_API_VERSION%" ) + # find / download helpers + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].install (helpers)" -f $($mark_sub = get-date; $mark_sub)) -f darkgray + # * use "vendored" copy if present + - ps: if ( ! $env:CI_HELPERS -and (test-path ".appveyor_bin") ) { $env:CI_HELPERS=[IO.Path]::GetFullPath(".appveyor_bin") ; ${env:CI_HELPER_REPO} = ${env:APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME} ; ${env:CI_HELPER_BRANCH_DESC} = ${env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT} ; } + # * clone/download helpers from HELPER repo (via `git`) if needed + - ps: if ( ! $env:CI_HELPERS ) { $repo_path = $( mkdir "${env:CI_TEMP_DIR}\helpers" ).Fullname ; $git_cmd = "git clone ${env:CI_HELPER_REPO} `"${repo_path}`" -b ${env:CI_HELPER_BRANCH} 2>&1" ; write-host "[``${git_cmd}``]" ; & 'CMD' @( '/c', $git_cmd ) ; $err = $LASTEXITCODE ; $env:CI_HELPERS = "${repo_path}\.appveyor_bin" ; if ($err -ne 0) { exit $err } ; } + - ps: if ( ! $env:CI_HELPER_BRANCH_DESC ) { ${env:CI_HELPER_BRANCH_DESC} = $( pushd "${env:CI_HELPERS}" ; & 'git' @( 'describe', '--always' ) 2>&1 ; popd ) ; } + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].install (helpers) ... (${env:CI_HELPER_REPO}@${env:CI_HELPER_BRANCH_DESC})") + # resolve requested coverage with needed configuration + - ps: . "${env:CI_HELPERS}\#install.determine-coverage.PS1" + ## + # highlight any overrides within baseline environment + - ps: $baseline_env | & "${env:CI_HELPERS}\log.env-overrides.PS1" + ## + # move "C:\mingw" to avoid cross library linking (a problem with older perl versions, breaking dll compilation with "/mingw/lib/dllcrt2.o:(.text+0xd1): undefined reference to `__dyn_tls_init_callback'") + # * only truly needed for modules containing XS compilation, but ok for all modules + - move c:\mingw c:\mingw.o >NUL + # force branch checkout (if knowable), then reset to the specific commit ## (needed for accurate code coverage info) + # * this allows later apps to see the branch name using standard `git branch` operations, yet always builds the correct specific commit + # * ref: [`@`]( + - if DEFINED APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH if /i "%APPVEYOR_REPO_SCM%"=="git" ( git checkout "%APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH%" >NUL & git reset --hard "%APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT%" ) + # install perl (strawberry variant) + version verification + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].install (perl)" -f $($mark_sub = get-date; $mark_sub)) -f darkgray + - ps: . "${env:CI_HELPERS}\#install.install-perl.PS1" + - perl -V + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].install (perl) ... done ({1:0.0}s)" -f $(get-date; $($(get-date) - $mark_sub).totalseconds)) -f gray + # determine build tooling + - ps: . "${env:CI_HELPERS}\#install.determine-tooling.PS1" + # setup DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS, if needed + - ps: if (! $env:DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS) { . "${env:CI_HELPERS}\#install.setup-cover_options.PS1" } + # setup testing method/options and test files + - ps: . "${env:CI_HELPERS}\#install.setup-testing.PS1" + # distribution prep prior to the build/make process (ie, build dependencies and OS_unsupported check) + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].install (distribution requirements and recommendations)" -f $($mark_sub = get-date; $mark_sub)) -f darkgray + - ps: . "${env:CI_HELPERS}\#install.setup-dist.PS1" + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].install (distribution requirements and recommendations) ... done ({1:0.0}s)" -f $(get-date; $($(get-date) - $mark_sub).totalseconds)) -f gray + # coverage prep + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].install (coverage requirements)" -f $($mark_sub = get-date; $mark_sub)) -f darkgray + - ps: . "${env:CI_HELPERS}\#install.setup-coverage.PS1" + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].install (coverage requirements) ... done ({1:0.0}s)" -f $(get-date; $($(get-date) - $mark_sub).totalseconds)) -f gray + # + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].install ... done ({1:0.0}s)" -f $(get-date; $($(get-date) - $mark).totalseconds)) -f green -build: off +before_build: + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].build.before_build" -f $($mark = get-date; $mark)) -f darkgray + # ensure CWD is project main directory + - cd "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%" + # * for non-COVERAGE builds, enable parallel processing (COVERAGE builds need sequential, correctly interleaved, output to avoid warnings) + - if NOT DEFINED COVERAGE (set "HARNESS_OPTIONS=j") + - set HARNESS_TIMER=1 + # * for COVERAGE builds, enable coverage for `prove` testing + - if DEFINED COVERAGE (set HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES=-MDevel::Cover %HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES%) + # * for COVERAGE builds, preload JSON:PP to avoid JSON::PP::Boolean redefine warning (see ) + - if DEFINED COVERAGE (set HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES=-MJSON::PP %HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES%) + # + - ps: . "${env:CI_HELPERS}\#build-before_build.PS1" + # show final build-related environment variables + - ps: . "${env:CI_HELPERS}\log.env.PS1" + # + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].build.before_build ... done ({1:0.0}s)" -f $(get-date; $($(get-date) - $mark).totalseconds)) -f green + +build_script: + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].build.build_script" -f $($mark = get-date; $mark)) -f darkgray + - ps: . "${env:CI_HELPERS}\#build-build_script.PS1" + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].build.build_script ... done ({1:0.0}s)" -f $(get-date; $($(get-date) - $mark).totalseconds)) -f green test_script: - - '%dzil% smoke --release --author' + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].test.test_script" -f $($mark = get-date; $mark)) -f darkgray + - ps: . "${env:CI_HELPERS}\#test-test_script.PS1" + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].test.test_script ... done ({1:0.0}s)" -f $(get-date; $($(get-date) - $mark).totalseconds)) -f green + +after_test: + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].test.after_test" -f $($mark = get-date; $mark)) -f darkgray + # reporting + # * report any code coverage information + - ps: if (-not $env:OS_unsupported -and $env:COVERAGE) { $env:COVERAGE.split() | foreach { & 'CMD' @( '/c', "cover -report $_ 2>&1" ) } } + - ps: ; write-host $("[{0:HH:mm:ss}].test.after_test ... done ({1:0.0}s)" -f $(get-date; $($(get-date) - $mark).totalseconds)) -f green + # end with any informational or warning messages, if needed + - ps: if ($env:CI_SKIP) { write-host -f magenta "info:` CI_SKIP enabled" ; Add-AppveyorMessage -Message "CI_SKIP enabled" -Category Info } + - ps: if ($env:CI_SKIP_TEST) { write-host -f magenta "info:` CI_SKIP_TEST enabled" ; Add-AppveyorMessage -Message "CI_SKIP_TEST enabled" -Category Info } + # * prominent "unsupported" warning + - ps: if ($env:OS_unsupported) { write-host -f magenta "WARN:` OS unsupported" ; Add-AppveyorMessage -Message "OS unsupported" -Category Warning } From c9c7d98136acdfa9b7105c73000c0646a0e794c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Roy Ivy III Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2018 19:32:35 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 2/6] fix ~ add "module missing" skip gates for tests requiring non-CORE modules --- t/template-encoding.t | 8 ++++++-- t/warnings.t | 5 ++++- 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/t/template-encoding.t b/t/template-encoding.t index 198f992..cfd76a0 100755 --- a/t/template-encoding.t +++ b/t/template-encoding.t @@ -3,10 +3,14 @@ use utf8; use strict; use warnings; -use Test::More tests => 3; +use Test::More; use Encode; use File::Temp; -use Test::More::UTF8; + +# Non-CORE module(s) +if (! eval { require Test::More::UTF8; 1; } ) { plan skip_all => '[ Test::More::UTF8 ] is required for testing' }; + +plan tests => 3; use_ok 'Text::Template' or exit 1; diff --git a/t/warnings.t b/t/warnings.t index e38c95a..a34d061 100755 --- a/t/warnings.t +++ b/t/warnings.t @@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; -use Test::Warnings; + +# Non-CORE module(s) +if (! eval { require Test::Warnings; 1; } ) { plan skip_all => '[ Test::Warnings ] is required for testing' }; + use Text::Template; my $template = <<'EOT'; From 9ccc967e066301c57206dbd48384d4756e86a8b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Roy Ivy III Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2018 11:10:47 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 3/6] fix ~ skip/todo tests which fail under coverage monitoring --- t/safe2.t | 9 +++++++++ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+) diff --git a/t/safe2.t b/t/safe2.t index d6ce168..dcae9ce 100755 --- a/t/safe2.t +++ b/t/safe2.t @@ -44,8 +44,11 @@ is $text, 'package is safe root'; # (4) When a package is specified in safe mode, we should use the # default safe root, after aliasing to the specified package +TODO: { +local $TODO = "test fails when tested with TAP/Devel::Cover" if defined $Devel::Cover::VERSION; $text = $t->fill_in(SAFE => $c, PACKAGE => 'Q'); is $text, 'package is Q'; +} # Now let's see if hash vars are installed properly into safe templates $t = Text::Template->new( @@ -64,14 +67,20 @@ $text = $t->fill_in(HASH => { H => 'good6' }, PACKAGE => 'Q'); is $text, 'hash is good6'; # (7) Now in the default root of the safe compartment +TODO: { +local $TODO = "test fails when tested with TAP/Devel::Cover" if defined $Devel::Cover::VERSION; $text = $t->fill_in(HASH => { H => 'good7' }, SAFE => $c); is $text, 'hash is good7'; +} # (8) Now in the default root after aliasing to a package that # got the hash stuffed in our $H; +TODO: { +local $TODO = "test fails when tested with TAP/Devel::Cover" if defined $Devel::Cover::VERSION; $text = $t->fill_in(HASH => { H => 'good8' }, SAFE => $c, PACKAGE => 'Q2'); is $text, 'hash is good8'; +} # Now let's make sure that none of the packages leaked on each other. # (9) This var should NOT have been installed into the main package From 41646907f5afee5cc660499c2b3f1ffad269999b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Roy Ivy III Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2018 11:12:43 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 4/6] fix ~ add workaround for known File::Temp failures under taint checking --- t/taint.t | 10 +++++++++- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/t/taint.t b/t/taint.t index 57f910c..385c43d 100755 --- a/t/taint.t +++ b/t/taint.t @@ -9,7 +9,15 @@ use File::Temp; use_ok 'Text::Template' or exit 1; -my $tmpfile = File::Temp->new( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? (DIR => '.') : () ); +if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { + # File::Temp (for all versions up to at least 0.2308) is currently bugged under MSWin32/taint mode [as of 2018-09] + # ... fails unless "/tmp" on the current windows drive is a writable directory OR either $ENV{TMP} or $ENV{TEMP} are untainted and point to a writable directory + # ref: [File-Temp: Fails under -T, Windows 7, Strawberry Perl 5.12.1]( + ( $ENV{TEMP} ) = $ENV{TEMP} =~ m/^.*$/gmsx; # untaint $ENV{TEMP} + ( $ENV{TMP} ) = $ENV{TMP} =~ m/^.*$/gmsx; # untaint $ENV{TMP} + } + +my $tmpfile = File::Temp->new; my $file = $tmpfile->filename; # makes its arguments tainted From 14cd4549a8a4297f6c06672768fd6e024b2a1f3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Roy Ivy III Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2019 09:25:41 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 5/6] fix ~ add "Test::More" minimum version (0.94) skip gates for tests using `done_testing` --- t/nested-tags.t | 4 +++- t/warnings.t | 4 +++- 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/t/nested-tags.t b/t/nested-tags.t index 472cd3e..a0ebe39 100755 --- a/t/nested-tags.t +++ b/t/nested-tags.t @@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ use strict; use warnings; use Text::Template; -use Test::More; + +# Minimum Test::More version; 0.94+ is required for `done_testing` +BEGIN { if (! eval { require Test::More; "$Test::More::VERSION" >= 0.94; } ) { use Test::More; plan skip_all => '[ Test::More v0.94+ ] is required for testing' } }; my $tmpl = Text::Template->new( TYPE => 'STRING', diff --git a/t/warnings.t b/t/warnings.t index a34d061..cab9eaf 100755 --- a/t/warnings.t +++ b/t/warnings.t @@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ use strict; use warnings; -use Test::More; + +# Minimum Test::More version; 0.94+ is required for `done_testing` +BEGIN { if (! eval { require Test::More; "$Test::More::VERSION" >= 0.94; } ) { use Test::More; plan skip_all => '[ Test::More v0.94+ ] is required for testing' } }; # Non-CORE module(s) if (! eval { require Test::Warnings; 1; } ) { plan skip_all => '[ Test::Warnings ] is required for testing' }; From ad050b99514927a1f9a0e0a5d89752a3c65df165 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Roy Ivy III Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2019 09:34:55 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 6/6] add dependencies for AppVeyor testing with older perl versions --- .appveyor_init.BAT | 10 ++++++++++ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .appveyor_init.BAT diff --git a/.appveyor_init.BAT b/.appveyor_init.BAT new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ccba89 --- /dev/null +++ b/.appveyor_init.BAT @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +:: configuration +@prompt $g$s &:: minimize output "noise" +@echo ON + +:: add extra testing dependencies +:: * Test::More v0.94+ needed for `done_testing` + extra non-CORE modules +set "DIST_EXTRA_DEPS=Test::More~0.94 Test::More::UTF8 Test::Warnings" + +@echo OFF +@echo.