[0] smem ram ptable found: ver: 0 len: 5 [0] Minor socinfo format detected: 0.8 [0] smem ram ptable found: ver: 0 len: 5 [0] welcome to lk [0] calling constructors [0] initializing heap [0] initializing threads [0] initializing dpc [0] initializing timers [0] creating bootstrap completion thread [10] top of bootstrap2() [10] initializing platform [10] platform_init() [10] initializing target [10] target_init() [10] initializing lk2nd [20] Board: platform: 126, foundry: 0x0, platform_version: 0x20002, platform_hw: 0x96, platform_subtype: 0x0, target: 0x10096, baseband: 0x0, platform_hlos_subtype: 0x0 [30] pmic_info[0]: type: 0x10001, version: 0x30001, target: 0x30101 [40] pmic_info[1]: type: 0x10002, version: 0x20001, target: 0x20102 [40] Command line from primary bootloader: lk2nd uart_console=enable gpt=enable lge.kcal=0|0|0|x lge.rev=rev_11 androidboot.laf androidboot.emmc=true androidboot.serialno=0000000000000000 androidboot.bootloader=HHZ20h androidboot.baseband=msm bootreason=fastboot androidboot.hardware.sku=D821 androidboot.hardware.ddr=hynix androidboot.hardware.display=orise androidboot.revision=11 [80] Device model: LG Google Nexus 5 D821 [80] qcom,msm-id in device tree is (16) not a multiple of (12) [90] Found an appended flattened device tree (LG Google Nexus 5 D821 - 126 150 0x20002) [90] Device tree exact match the board: <126 150 0x20002> != <126 150 0x20002> [100] Weird DTB selected by bootloader. Need to override. Sad. [110] Device keymap: [110] key=0x115, gpio=2, type=1, pull=1, active=0 [110] key=0x116, gpio=3, type=1, pull=1, active=0 [130] Initializing MMC host data structure and clock! [140] Decoded CID fields: [140] Manufacturer ID: 45 [140] OEM ID: 0x100 [140] Product Name: SEM16G [150] Product revision: 0.7 [150] Product serial number: 00000000 [150] Manufacturing date: 0 2010 [160] Decoded CSD fields: [160] cmmc_structure: 3 [160] card_cmd_class: f5 [160] write_blk_len: 512 [170] read_blk_len: 512 [170] r2w_factor: 2 [170] sector_size: 0 [170] c_size_mult:7 [170] c_size: 4095 [180] nsac_clk_cycle: 0 [180] taac_ns: 10000000 [180] tran_speed: 0 kbps [180] erase_blk_len: 0 [180] read_blk_misalign: 0 [190] write_blk_misalign: 0 [190] read_blk_partial: 0 [190] write_blk_partial: 0 [190] wp_grp_size: 32768 [200] Card Capacity: 15758000128 Bytes [200] SDHC Running in HS200 mode [210] Done initialization of the card [220] erase_grpsize: 31 [220] erase_grpmult: 31 [220] wp_grpsize: 31 [220] wp_grpen: 1 [220] perm_wp: 0 [230] temp_wp: 0 [230] mbr partition table dump: [230] 0: status 0x0, type 0xee, start 0x1, len 0x1d59fff [240] 1: status 0x0, type 0x0, start 0x0, len 0x0 [240] 2: status 0x0, type 0x0, start 0x0, len 0x0 [240] 3: status 0x0, type 0x0, start 0x0, len 0x0 [250] found GPT [260] mbr partition table dump: [260] 0: status 0x80, type 0x83, start 0x800, len 0x79800 [260] 1: status 0x0, type 0x83, start 0x7a000, len 0x1916fd4 [270] 2: status 0x0, type 0x0, start 0x0, len 0x0 [270] 3: status 0x0, type 0x0, start 0x0, len 0x0 [280] calling apps_init() [280] Display Init: Start [280] Continuous splash detected: pipe: 1, base: 0xd200000, stride: 3240, source: 1080x1920 (0,0), output: 1080x1920 (0,0) (cmd mode: 1) [290] smem ram ptable found: ver: 0 len: 5 [300] smem ram ptable found: ver: 0 len: 5 [300] Display Init: Done [300] serial number: 00000000 [310] scm call is_secure_boot_enable failed [310] ptn[0]:Name[modem] Size[131072] Type[0] First[1024] Last[132095] [320] ptn[1]:Name[sbl1] Size[2048] Type[0] First[132096] Last[134143] [320] ptn[2]:Name[rpm] Size[1024] Type[0] First[134144] Last[135167] [330] ptn[3]:Name[tz] Size[1024] Type[0] First[135168] Last[136191] [340] ptn[4]:Name[sdi] Size[1024] Type[0] First[136192] Last[137215] [340] ptn[5]:Name[aboot] Size[1024] Type[0] First[137216] Last[138239] [350] ptn[6]:Name[pad] Size[4096] Type[0] First[138240] Last[142335] [350] ptn[7]:Name[sbl1b] Size[2048] Type[0] First[142336] Last[144383] [360] ptn[8]:Name[tzb] Size[1024] Type[0] First[144384] Last[145407] [370] ptn[9]:Name[rpmb] Size[1024] Type[0] First[145408] Last[146431] [370] ptn[10]:Name[abootb] Size[1024] Type[0] First[146432] Last[147455] [380] ptn[11]:Name[modemst1] Size[6144] Type[0] First[147456] Last[153599] [390] ptn[12]:Name[modemst2] Size[6144] Type[0] First[153600] Last[159743] [390] ptn[13]:Name[metadata] Size[1024] Type[0] First[159744] Last[160767] [400] ptn[14]:Name[misc] Size[32768] Type[0] First[160768] Last[193535] [400] ptn[15]:Name[persist] Size[32768] Type[0] First[193536] Last[226303] [410] ptn[16]:Name[imgdata] Size[6144] Type[0] First[226304] Last[232447] [420] ptn[17]:Name[laf] Size[45056] Type[0] First[232448] Last[277503] [420] ptn[18]:Name[boot] Size[44032] Type[0] First[278528] Last[322559] [430] ptn[19]:Name[recovery] Size[45056] Type[0] First[322560] Last[367615] [440] ptn[20]:Name[fsg] Size[6144] Type[0] First[367616] Last[373759] [440] ptn[21]:Name[fsc] Size[1024] Type[0] First[373760] Last[374783] [450] ptn[22]:Name[ssd] Size[1024] Type[0] First[374784] Last[375807] [460] ptn[23]:Name[DDR] Size[1024] Type[0] First[375808] Last[376831] [460] ptn[24]:Name[system] Size[2097152] Type[0] First[376832] Last[2473983] [470] ptn[25]:Name[crypto] Size[61440] Type[0] First[2473984] Last[2535423] [480] ptn[26]:Name[cache] Size[1433600] Type[0] First[2535424] Last[3969023] [480] ptn[27]:Name[userdata] Size[26808276] Type[0] First[3969024] Last[30777299] [490] ptn[28]:Name[grow] Size[11] Type[0] First[30777300] Last[30777310] [500] ptn[29]:Name[lk2nd] Size[1024] Type[0] First[277504] Last[278527] [500] fs-boot: Scanned devices: [510] fs-boot: Can't open hd2 [510] fs-boot: Looking at hd1: [510] hd1p25: system ( 1024 MiB): [510] hd1p27: cache ( 700 MiB): [520] hd1p28: userdata ( 13089 MiB): [520] hd1p28p0: ( 243 MiB): [530] | /hd1p28p0/. [530] | /hd1p28p0/.. [530] | /hd1p28p0/lost+found [530] | /hd1p28p0/vmlinuz-postmarketos-qcom-msm8974-dtb [540] | /hd1p28p0/System.map-postmarketos-qcom-msm8974 [540] | /hd1p28p0/initramfs-postmarketos-qcom-msm8974 [550] | /hd1p28p0/config-postmarketos-qcom-msm8974 [550] | /hd1p28p0/initramfs-postmarketos-qcom-msm8974-extra [560] | /hd1p28p0/vmlinuz-postmarketos-qcom-msm8974 [560] | /hd1p28p0/boot.img-postmarketos-qcom-msm8974 [570] | /hd1p28p0/lib [570] | /hd1p28p0/usr [570] | /hd1p28p0/sbin [570] | /hd1p28p0/initramfs-extra [580] hd1p28p1: ( 12845 MiB): [580] fastboot_init() [580] serial number: 00000000 [690] USB init ept @ 0xf979000 [710] udc_start() [840] -- reset -- [840] -- portchange -- [960] -- reset -- [970] -- portchange -- [1050] scm call is_secure_boot_enable failed [1080] creating fastboot menu keys detect thread [1110] fastboot: processing commands [21820] fastboot: oem lk_log