Portfolio optimized for researchers and those who strive for a minimal, file-based "content management" (Datafolio).
The complete site's content is based on a json/xml file per section (e.g., contact.json
, projects.json
, publications.json
, talks.json
, and teaching.json
) as well as the pages _config.yml
Amir Semmo (adapted, older revision of Datafolio)
Maximilian Söchting (adapted)
- responsive single-page using Bootstrap 4
- multi-language support
- sections for publications, projects, talks/keynotes, teaching, contact, and more
- section contents loaded from json data-files (_data)
- unique, distinguishable layouts per section
- dynamic integration of Flickr photo sets (with basic caching)
- php and javascript free contact form using Formspree
- optimized for GitHub Pages deployment (uses no unsupported plugins)
- minimizes html and css (currently using compress layout method)
- takes advantage of jsDelivr and Google Fonts
- easy BibTeX provisioning (show, select, and copy to clipboard, as well as download .bib)
- valid html5 output (nearly-valid css, due to some issues in bootstrap)
- responsive navigation (with scrollspy) comprising a top-page link (author or icon), section links (nav-links or dropdown-items), and a language toggle for all used languages
- support for vCard via file and QR Code
- basic Travis CI integration
Datafolio uses Jekyll, Bootstrap 4, Blueimp Gallery, can access the Flickr API and relies on jsDelivr, Google Fonts, and Formspree.
For the development and testing of the website jekyll (https://jekyllrb.com/) is required. A fast and simple setup of jekyll, is possible via chocolatey (https://chocolatey.org/) either using the setup.bat
script or proceed as follows (for non-Windows platforms the specific package managers, e.g., apt-get, can be used instead of Chocolatey):
- For installing chocolatey open a command prompt as administrator and run the following command:
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin
- Now close the command prompt and open a new one (not necessarily with administrative priviliges) to install jekyll (which requires ruby) by running:
choco install ruby -y
gem install jekyll
For deployment of the website, the following optimizations (mostly minimizations) that require node, npm as well as uncss, cssmin, and svgo should be considered.
- Open a command prompt and run;
choco install nodejs -y
npm install
npm update
This should already install all required packages listed in package.json
- However, if a package was not found (e.g., svgo), try manually installing it by running:
npm install -g svgo
- Auto rebuilding (on any change) and watching the website (stored in '_site') can be done by running (requires only jekyll)
jekyll serve
With the server running, the website should be available at http://localhost:4000.