This repository contains the supporting code for the paper:
author = {Staib, Matthew and Claici, Sebastian and Solomon, Justin and Jegelka, Stefanie},
title = {Parallel Streaming {Wasserstein} Barycenters},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31},
year = {2017}
- Eigen
- HDF5
- eigen3-hdf5
- cxxopts
- MOSEK (optional for estimating Wasserstein distances via LP)
- UCI skin segmentation dataset. We slightly changed the format and hence include a local copy in
- Edit the Makefile to point to your local copys of the dependencies.
- Compile the main barycenter function via
make barycenter_mpi
. - Then experiments are run by calling barycenter_mpi with various arguments. We include example shell scripts
. Full explanation of the various parameters can be found below (and also inparse_args.cpp
e,experiment -- Which experiment to run (skin,vmf,logit,gaussian) (the first two were run for the paper)
s,subsets -- Number of subsets to split into (for WASP)
k,skip -- Number of timesteps between MCMC samples
N,support -- Number of support points
o,outdir -- Output directory for .h5 files
d,saveincrement -- How often to save .h5 files
a,stepsize -- Stepsize for gradient ascent
w,movingwindow -- Width of histogram moving window (or 0 to keep full history)
m,driftrate -- Rate of drift of VMF distributions
b,burniniters -- Number of burn-in iters for MCMC chain
f,fullsampler -- Whether to get samples from the full MCMC chain
p,datapoints -- Number of datapoints to use (for the skin example; useful for testing more quickly)
- Plots can then be generated via the included Matlab scripts (be sure to point these scripts to your output directory!). Specifically,
compares our stochastic approach to the standard linear programming barycenter algorithm for WASP.plot_cpp_output_vmf
produces output images for our Von Mises-Fisher experimentsplot_cpp_output_skin
gives some example diagnostic plots for the UCI experiments- the scripts in
produce convergence plots of our barycenter estimate for the UCI experiments