all / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25
Hello! Today's puzzle for me ended up a neat exercise in fitting together simple parts into something fun.
To preface this, I do usually represent all my coordinates using V2 Int
the linear library, which
supports addition and scaling:
data V2 a = V2 !a !a
type Point = V2 Int
-- | You can add points using the Num instance
(+) :: Point -> Point -> Point
-- | You can do scaling
(*^) :: Int -> Point -> Point
And I have a utility type that represents a compass direction:
data Dir = North | East | South | West
dirPoint :: Dir -> Point
dirPoint = \case
North -> V2 0 1
East -> V2 1 0
South -> V2 0 (-1)
West -> V2 (-1) 0
rotPoint :: Num a => Dir -> V2 a -> V2 a
rotPoint = \case
North -> id
East -> \(V2 x y) -> V2 y (-x)
West -> \(V2 x y) -> V2 (-y) x
South -> negate
And I do like to define a Group
interface for my Dir
type, just for fun.
-- | If you consider a Dir as a turn, then `mulDir a b` is like turning a, then
-- turning b.
mulDir :: Dir -> Dir -> Dir
mulDir North = id
mulDir East = \case North -> East
East -> South
South -> West
West -> North
mulDir South = \case North -> South
East -> West
South -> North
West -> East
mulDir West = \case North -> West
East -> North
South -> East
West -> South
-- | '<>' is 'mulDir'.
instance Semigroup Dir where
(<>) = mulDir
-- | If you consider Dir as a turn, then turning by North is the same as not
-- turning at all.
instance Monoid Dir where
mempty = North
-- | Reverse a turn. Not needed for this puzzle, but still useful in general.
instance Group Dir where
invert = \case North -> South
East -> West
South -> North
West -> East
I did not write any of this for the puzzle --- this is just a nice way I like to think about directions and points in my head :)
One major advantage of defining a Semigroup
instance for Dir
is that you can
take advantage of the pow
function from
pow :: Group m => m -> Int -> m
which is like stimes
, but supporting negative numbers. pow x 3
is x <> x <> x
, and pow x (-3)
is invert x <> invert x <> invert x
, or invert (x <> x <> x)
(same thing, 'cause Group theory). We don't actually need the support
for negative numbers in this puzzle, so we could just use stimes
, but it's
nice that we can just use pow
and not think about our input range. And,
though it doesn't matter for this challenge, it also uses repeated
squaring so it can
do these operations in log-n time (pow x 1000000000
only takes 30
operations), which is pretty neat for a lot of different applications (like in
my writeup for 2019 Day
Anyway I think that's enough let's use it! :D Each instruction seems to be one of three forms: "go forward", "turn", or "move an absolute vector". So I represented these three as a data type, parameterized by the amount to go forward, the direction to turn, and the vector to move by, respectively.
And each first character gives us a different way to process the Int
argument, so I stored those instructions in a Map
. Then we can parse it by
just using readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
on a pattern match.
data Instr = Forward Int
| Turn Dir
| Move Point
deriving Show
-- | A map of a Char to the way to interpret the Int argument
mkInstr :: Map Char (Int -> Instr)
mkInstr = M.fromList
[ ('F', Forward)
, ('L', Turn . pow West . (`div` 90))
, ('R', Turn . pow East . (`div` 90))
, ('N', Move . (*^ dirPoint North))
, ('S', Move . (*^ dirPoint South))
, ('E', Move . (*^ dirPoint East ))
, ('W', Move . (*^ dirPoint West ))
parseInstr :: String -> Maybe Instr
parseInstr [] = Nothing
parseInstr (c:n) = M.lookup c mkInstr <*> readMaybe n
ghci> parseInstr "F30"
Forward 30
ghci> parseInstr "L270"
Turn East
ghci> parseInstr "N15"
Move (V2 0 15)
And now part 1, part 2 are basically just different ways of folding through a list of instructions:
toInstrs :: String -> [Instr]
toInstrs = traverse parseInstr . lines
-- | Use (ship heading, position) as the state
part1 :: [Instr] -> (Dir, Point)
part1 = foldl' go (East, V2 0 0)
go :: (Dir, Point) -> Instr -> (Dir, Point)
go (!dir, !p) = \case
Forward n -> (dir , p + n *^ dirPoint dir)
Turn d -> (dir <> d, p )
Move r -> (dir , p + r )
-- | Use (ship position, waypoint vector from ship) as the state
part2 :: [Instr] -> (Point, Point)
part2 = foldl' go (V2 0 0, V2 10 1)
go :: (Point, Point) -> Instr -> (Point, Point)
go (!shp, !wp) = \case
Forward n -> (shp + n *^ wp, wp )
Turn d -> (shp , rotPoint d wp)
Move r -> (shp , wp + r )
And that's it! For part1
, we want the mannhattan distance of the ship's
final position (the second item in the tuple), and for part2, we want the
manhattan distance of the ship's final position (the first item in the tuple).
mannDist :: Point -> Int
mannDist (V2 x y) = abs x + abs y
Back to all reflections for 2020
>> Day 12a
time 3.218 μs (3.088 μs .. 3.351 μs)
0.985 R² (0.970 R² .. 0.992 R²)
mean 2.910 μs (2.819 μs .. 3.080 μs)
std dev 371.3 ns (282.6 ns .. 558.0 ns)
variance introduced by outliers: 92% (severely inflated)
* parsing and formatting times excluded
>> Day 12b
time 7.870 μs (7.667 μs .. 8.341 μs)
0.984 R² (0.964 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 8.189 μs (7.772 μs .. 9.812 μs)
std dev 2.715 μs (100.2 ns .. 5.679 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 99% (severely inflated)
* parsing and formatting times excluded