all / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25
So it is yet another "here's the algorithm, implement it" days again! Only the challenge this time should probably implement it to be really fast!
I don't think there is too much wiggle room in how to implement things here;
my original solution basically kept an IntMap
to the last seen time of any
value, and just repeatedly looked things up and modified the (current time,
last said) tuple.
My original solution took around 70 seconds to run, and that was what I used to submit things originally. But let's see if we can get it down to something a little less...perceptible :) This reflection can be a deep dive into writing tight, performant Haskell.
The data type we'll be using is an unboxed mutable
There's a trick we can use because we have a map from integers to values, we
can just use the integer keys as the index to an array. This is usually a bad
idea but for the fact that the keys we'll be using are bounded within a
decently small range (we won't ever say a number that is greater than 30
million), so we can definitely accumulate 30 million-item array into memory
without any major problems. We'll also store our last-said times as Int32
be a little bit more efficient since we're trying to eek out every last bit of
So overall we still keep some state: the current time and the last said item.
Since those are just integers, we can keep that as pure in memory using
running over ST s
(the mutable state monad, where our mutable
vectors will live).
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.State
import GHC.Int (Int32)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MV
data LoopState = LS
{ lsLastSaid :: !Int
, lsCurrTime :: !Int32
:: MV.MVector s Int32 -- ^ the mutable vector of last-seen times
-> StateT (T2 Int32 Int) (ST s) () -- ^ an 'ST s' action with some pure (T2 Int32 Int) state
sayNext v = do
L s i <- get -- get the current pure state
lst <- v x -- our last said is x, so look up the last time we saw it
MV.write v x i -- update the last-time-seen
let j | lst == 0 = 0 -- we haven't seen it
| otherwise = i - lst -- we have seen it
put (LS (fromIntegral j) (i + 1)) -- update last seen and current time
{-# INLINE sayNext #-}
We will want to INLINE this so that it gets inlined directly into our main loop code.
Oh, let's also write a function to initialize our sequence with starting inputs:
:: MV.MVector s Int32 -- ^ the mutable vector of last-seen times
-> Int -- ^ a number to "say"
-> StateT (T2 Int32 Int) (ST s) () -- ^ an 'ST s' action with some pure (T2 Int32 Int) state
saySomething v y = do
LS x i <- get
MV.unsafeWrite v x i -- write the last seen number with the right time
put (LS y (i + 1)) -- queue up the write of the number to say
{-# INLINE saySomething #-}
And now we're good to go to put it all together! We can use whileM_
to emulate a while loop, where our condition is whenever lsCurrTime
the maximum value.
-- | Returns 'True' until we need to stop
stopCond :: Int32 -> StateT (T2 Int32 Int) m Bool
stopCond n = gets $ \(LS _ i) -> i < n
{-# INLINE stopCond #-}
-- gets f = f <$> get, it maps a function on top of a get
looper :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
looper n xs = runST $ flip evalStateT (LS 0 0) $ do
v <- MV.replicate n 0 -- initialize our vector with zeros
traverse_ (saySomething v) xs
whileM_ (stopCond n) (sayNext v)
gets lsLastSaid
On my machine (with some minor optimizations, like using
), this runs in 230ms for part 2...a much more
reasonable improvement over my original 70 seconds! :)
part1 :: [Int] -> Int
part1 = looper 2020
part2 :: [Int] -> Int
part2 = looper 30000000
Back to all reflections for 2020
>> Day 15a
time 2.523 μs (2.390 μs .. 2.614 μs)
0.986 R² (0.986 R² .. 0.989 R²)
mean 2.320 μs (2.266 μs .. 2.409 μs)
std dev 203.6 ns (138.6 ns .. 256.9 ns)
variance introduced by outliers: 85% (severely inflated)
* parsing and formatting times excluded
>> Day 15b
time 291.7 ms (281.8 ms .. 304.4 ms)
0.999 R² (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 302.0 ms (296.4 ms .. 312.7 ms)
std dev 9.904 ms (3.637 ms .. 13.04 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 16% (moderately inflated)
* parsing and formatting times excluded