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Merry Christmas everyone, it's December 25th :D
The Christmas Problem is usually supposed to be a quick and concise one, since Eric wants people to spend the holiday with their family. This one is a bit obscured in the jargon, but once you sort through it, the solution ends up being pretty tidy :)
In the end you are exponentiating the number 7 by a given number of times (the
loop count) to get the number you see. So you're solving 7^x = <your number> that's basically a logarithm!
The arithmoi library (which I previously used in problems like Day 13) offers a nice discrete logarithm function, so that's really all we need to use:
type Magic = 20201227
magicGroup :: CyclicGroup Integer Magic
Just magicGroup = cyclicGroup
primBase :: PrimitiveRoot Magic
Just primBase = isPrimitiveRoot magicGroup 7
findSecret :: Mod Magic -> Maybe Natural
findSecret = fmap (discreteLogarithm magicGroup primBase)
. isMultElement
And so our final solution is just (after converting the input numbers to the
Mod Magic
data type)...
day25 :: Mod Magic -> Mod Magic -> Maybe Integer
day52 x y = do
secret <- findSecret x
pure . getVal $ y ^% secret -- exponentiate by the loop count
Merry Christmas to everyone, and happy New Years too. Thank you for reading these reflections, and I hope they have been helpful in some way :) Special thanks to Eric Wastl too for such a great event as always. Until next year!
Back to all reflections for 2020
>> Day 25a
time 1.997 ms (1.971 ms .. 2.023 ms)
0.998 R² (0.997 R² .. 0.999 R²)
mean 2.042 ms (2.019 ms .. 2.066 ms)
std dev 73.99 μs (63.56 μs .. 100.2 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 22% (moderately inflated)
* parsing and formatting times excluded