Originally posted by Justin Le on January 23, 2020. Read online!
mutable: documentation / reference / github
I'm excited to announce the first release of the mutable library!
The library offers what I call beautiful mutable values1 --- automatic,
composable piecewise-mutable references for your data types. Sort of like an
automatically generated MVector
, but for all your ADT
My high-level goal was a composable and overhead-free solution for dealing with mutable values in Haskell in a type-safe and clean way. After all, why do imperative languages have to have all the fun? In Haskell, we can have the best of both worlds: efficient and clean mutable algorithms and type safety.
The official documentation and homepage is here, so it's a good read if you want to be introduced to how to use the library and where it is most effective. But I'm going to use this blog post to talk about why I wrote the library, some of the neat things you can do with it, and the techniques that went into writing it.
The original motivation for this comes from my development of backprop and backprop-learn, as I was trying to adapt my Functional Models framework to efficient Haskell code.
To properly train Artificial Neural Networks with Haskell, you need to do a lot of independent piecewise mutations to matrices and vectors. This becomes inefficient, quickly, because you have to do a lot of copying in the process for pure vectors and neural network weights. This problem also comes up for efficient simulations that require mutating many different components independently under a tight loop.
First of all, what do I mean by "piecewise-mutable"? Well, a simple example is the mutable vector type, where piecewise-mutable edits are able to save a lot of time and memory allocation.
If we want to edit the first item in a vector multiple times, this is extremely inefficient with a pure vector:
addFirst :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
addFirst xs = iterate incr xs !! 1000000
incr v = v V.// [(0, (v V.! 0) + 1)]
That's because addFirst
will copy over the entire vector for every step ---
every single item, even if not modified, will be copied one million times. It is
in memory
updates --- it is very bad for long vectors or large matrices.
However, this is extremely efficient with a mutable vector:
addFirst :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
addFirst xs = runST $ do
v <- V.thaw xs
replicateM_ 1000000 $ do
MV.modify v 0 (+ 1)
V.freeze v
This is because all of the other items in the vector are kept the same and not copied-over over the course of one million updates. It is in memory updates. It is very good even for long vectors or large matrices.
This situation is somewhat contrived, but it isolates a problem that many programs face. A more common situation might be that you have two functions that each modify different items in a vector in sequence, and you want to run them many times interleaved, or one after the other.
That was an example of using piecewise mutability for vectors, but it's not
exactly scalable. That's because it always requires having a separate type for
the pure type and the value type. We're lucky enough to have one for
...but what about for our own custom types? That's a lot of headache.
data TwoVec = TV { tv1 :: Vector Double
, tv2 :: Vector Double
deriving Generic
To use this in a "piecewise-mutable" way, we would need a separate "mutable" version:
data TwoVecRef s = TVR { tvr1 :: MVector s Double
, tvr2 :: MVector s Double
Then we can do things like "mutate only the first item in the first vector" a million times, and be efficient with it.
We'd have to write functions to "thaw" and "freeze"
thawTwoVec :: (s ~ PrimState m) => TwoVec -> m (TwoVecRef s)
thawTwoVec (TV x y) = TVR <$> V.thaw x <*> V.thaw y
freezeTwoVec :: (s ~ PrimState m) => TwoVecRef s -> m TwoVec
freezeTwoVec (TVR u v) = TV <$> V.freeze u <*> V.freze v
It just doesn't scale in a composable way. You'd have to create a second version of every data type.
The library provides the Mutable
typeclass and the GRef
type, where
GRef m X
is the automatically derived piecewise-mutable version of X
instance PrimMonad m => Mutable m TwoVec where
type Ref m TwoVec = GRef m TwoVec
The type GRef m TwoVec
is exactly the TwoVecRef
that we defined earlier:
it is a tuple of two MVector
s. It can do this because Vector
itself has a
instance, where its mutable version is MVector
. GRef m TwoVec
essentially the "MVector" of TwoVec
This now gives us thawRef :: TwoVec -> m (GRef m TwoVec)
freezeRef :: GRef m TwoVec -> m TwoVec
, for free, so we can write:
addFirst :: TwoVec -> TwoVec
addFirst xs = runST $ do
v <- thawRef xs
replicateM_ 1000000 $ do
withField #tv1 v $ \u ->
MV.modify u 0 (+ 1)
freezeRef v
This will in-place edit only the first item in the tv1
field one million
times, without ever needing to copy over the contents tv2
. Basically, it gives
you a version of TwoVec
that you can modify in-place piecewise. You can
compose two functions that each work piecewise on TwoVec
mut1 :: PrimMonad m => Ref m TwoVec -> m ()
mut1 v = do
withField #tv1 v $ \u ->
MV.modify u 0 (+ 1)
MV.modify u 1 (+ 2)
withField #tv2 v $ \u ->
MV.modify u 2 (+ 3)
MV.modify u 3 (+ 4)
mut2 :: PrimMonad m => Ref m TwoVec -> m ()
mut2 v = do
withField #tv1 v $ \u ->
MV.modify u 4 (+ 1)
MV.modify u 5 (+ 2)
withField #tv2 v $ \u ->
MV.modify u 6 (+ 3)
MV.modify u 7 (+ 4)
doAMillion :: TwoVec -> TwoVec
doAMillion xs = runST $ do
v <- thawRef xs
replicateM_ 1000000 $ do
mut1 v
mut2 v
freezeRef v
The end result? You can now modify only a single component of your large composite data type (and even single items in vectors in them) without making nested copies every time.
While developing the library, I accidentally also stumbled into a way of
automatically deriving useful mutable sum types and data structures in Haskell.
This was more or less a complete accident --- I was writing the code to
automatically generate GRef
, and needed to account for sum types somehow. The
result was actually useful!
For example, it is a publicly kept secret that Haskell's list type --- "linked
lists", are actually very different from the mutable linked
lists encountered as a standard data
structure in languages like Java and C++. As it turns out, using GRef m [a]
gives us exactly the mutable linked list type ... for free!
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
deriving (Show, Generic)
infixr 5 `Cons`
instance (Mutable m a, PrimMonad m) => Mutable m (List a) where
type Ref m (List a) = GRef m (List a)
Here we are re-implementing the List
data structure from scratch just to show
that there is nothing arbitrary going on with the default list --- it works for
any appropriately defined ADT. We could even do binary trees!
Right away we can write functions to flesh out the API for a mutable linked list. For example, a function to check if a linked list is empty:
-- | Check if a mutable linked list is currently empty
:: (PrimMonad m, Mutable m a)
=> Ref m (List a)
-> m Bool
isEmpty = hasBranch (constrMB #_Nil)
Here is a function to "pop" a mutable linked list, giving us the first value and shifting the rest of the list up.
:: (PrimMonad m, Mutable m a)
=> Ref m (List a)
-> m (Maybe a)
popStack xs = do
c <- projectBranch (constrMB #_Cons) xs
forM c $ \(y, ys) -> do
o <- freezeRef y
moveRef xs ys
pure o
And a function to concatenate a second linked list to the end of a first one:
:: (PrimMonad m, Mutable m a)
=> Ref m (List a)
-> Ref m (List a)
-> m ()
concatLists l1 l2 = do
c <- projectBranch consBranch l1
case c of
Nothing -> moveRef l1 l2
Just (_, xs) -> concatLists xs l2
I'm rather enamoured by the "higher-kinded data" pattern made popular by Sandy Maguire. It essentially eliminates the need for explicit getters and setters by making the data type itself the thing that offers what you want, and you can get at it by just pattern matching.
Because of this, if your data type is written in the "higher-kinded data"
pattern, then MyType f
doubles as both the pure type and the mutable type,
just by choice of f
. MyTypeF Identity
would be the pure version, and
MyTypeF (RefFor m)
would be the mutable version.
data MyTypeF f = MTF
{ mtfInt :: HKD f Int
, mtfDouble :: HKD f Double
, mtfVec :: HKD f (V.Vector Double)
deriving Generic
type MyType' = MyTypeF Identity
instance PrimMonad m => Mutable m MyType' where
type Ref m MyType' = MyTypeF (RefFor m)
We can directly use it like a normal data type:
MTF 3 4.5 (V.fromList [1..100])
:: MyType'
But now, MyTypeF (RefFor m)
literally has mutable references as its fields.
You can pattern match to get rI :: MutVar s Int
, rD :: MutVar s Double
, and
rV :: MVector s Double
MTF rI rD rV :: MyTypeF (RefFor m)
and the accessors work as well:
:: (s ~ PrimState m)
-> MyTypeF (RefFor m)
-> MVector s Double
You can use it like:
runST $ do
r@(MTF rI rD rV) <- thawRef $ MTF 0 19.3 (V.fromList [1..10])
replicateM_ 1000 $ do
-- rI is just the 'Int' ref
modifyMutVar rI (+ 1)
-- rV is the 'MVector'
MV.modify rV (+1) 0
freezeRef r
-- => MTF 1000 19.3 [1001.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0]
The "mutable version" of a type literally is the ADT, if you use the higher-kinded data pattern!
This library is pretty much powered 95% by GHC Generics, as the name GRef
implies. GHC Generics is probably one of the single most powerful tools we have
in Hasekll-the-language for writing typesafe abstractions and eliminating all
the boilerplate.
The structure of the GRef
data type is completely determined by using the
GHC.Generics Rep
of an algebraic data type with a Generic
instance. It
breaks apart the products and sums and turns them into the mutable references
you would normally write by hand.
Writing GRef
itself was actually very pleasant: it just involves matching up
generic pieces with the references they represent. "What is the reference for a
constant value? What is the reference for a product type? What is the reference
for a sum type?" And, in the process of answering those questions, I ended up
discovering something new (as shown in the section above about mutable linked
Generics also powers the higher-kinded data based systems, which can add a lot of syntactic niceness to everything if you decide to use it.
Still, I understand not everyone wants to restructure their data types in terms of higher-kinded data ... there are a lot of practical issues to doing so, and it doesn't really work well with nested data types. For that, I turned to generic-lens.
generic-lens is what powers the OverloadedLabels-based field accessor methods
that let you work with GRef
s in a seamless way, by being able to do
withField #blah
, etc., instead of having to directly match on the GRef
value's internal contents (which can be messy, admittedly). It also allows you
to do withPos @2
to get the second item in your GRef
, and withTuple
allow you to get the mutable fields in your data type as a tuple.
I was originally going to implement the field accessors myself, looking to generic-lens for inspiration. However, when I looked at the library's internals, I realized there was a lot more going on than I had originally thought. But, looking at what was exported, I realized that the library was well-designed enough that I could actually directly use its generic implementations for mutable! As a result, the field/position/tuple accessor code actually required no mucking around with generics at all --- I could leverage generic-lens, which was powerful enough to allow me to eliminate all of my generics code.
I strongly recommend anyone looking to do things involving generic access to fields to look at generic-lens to see if it can eliminate all your generics code as well!
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to re-use the code for the "constructor" access (as
seen with constrMB #_Cons
earlier) --- but I could use it as inspiration to
write my own. The library offers a very clean and well-written pattern to doing
things like this that I probably would have spent a long time trying to figure
out, if I had to do it from scratch.
I learned a lot from GHC Generics writing this library --- in a sense, the library is pretty much completely an application of GHC Generics, without much new concepts beyond that.
My next step is to equip backprop to use Mutable
instead of its Backprop
typeclass, so it can do in-place mutation of composite data types for much
faster backpropagation.
However, my newly gained experience with generics from writing this library can
actually do a lot to improve the ergonomics of backprop as well --- in
particular, with BVar
, which has always been very annoying to work with, even
with the lens-based API offered. Working with a BVar
as if it were a normal
value has always been annoying, especially with product types. There are a lot
of ways GHC generics can help this, that I am now only learning about. Check
back soon --- hopefully I'll have something to show by then.
Until then, happy mutating! And please let me know if you find any interesting applications of the library :D
Hi, thanks for reading! You can reach me via email at justin@jle.im, or at twitter at @mstk! This post and all others are published under the CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 license. Corrections and edits via pull request are welcome and encouraged at the source repository.
If you feel inclined, or this post was particularly helpful for you, why not consider supporting me on Patreon, or a BTC donation? :)
Okay so I don't actually think the library is beautiful, I just like the way that "beautiful mutable values" sounds when you say it out loud. ↩