BlendPCR: Seamless and Efficient Rendering of Dynamic Point Clouds captured by Multiple RGB-D Cameras
Paper | Video | Slides | Supplementary
C++/OpenGL implementation of our real-time renderer BlendPCR for dynamic point clouds derived from multiple RGB-D cameras. It combines efficiency with high-quality rendering while effectively preventing common z-fighting-like seam flickering. The software is equipped to load and stream the CWIPC-SXR dataset for test purposes and comes with a GUI.
Andre Mühlenbrock¹, Rene Weller¹, Gabriel Zachmann¹
¹Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality Research Lab (CGVR), University of Bremen
Presented at ICAT-EGVE 2024 (Best Paper Award)
If you only want to test the BlendPCR renderer, without editing the implementation, we also offer pre-built binaries:
- Download Windows (64-Bit), main branch, without CUDA for all graphic cards (approx. 60-80 fps²).
- Download Windows (64-Bit), async_optimized branch, without CUDA for all graphic cards (approx. 80-120 fps²). Optimized by asynchronious uploading point clouds to GPU and only processing them when changed. Currently, the high resolution version BlendPCR (HR) is not implemented in this branch.
²: Using 7 Microsoft Azure Kinects at 3580x2066 screen resolution on NVIDIA GeForce 4090 RTX (OpenGL 3.3 only implementation).
- CMake ≥ 3.11
- OpenGL ≥ 3.3
- C++ Compiler, e.g. MSVC v143
- Azure Kinect SDK 1.4.1: Required to load and stream the CWIPC-SXR dataset.
Note: As the C++ compiler, we have currently only tested MSVC, but other compilers that support the Azure Kinect SDK 1.4.1 are likely to work as well.
- CUDA Toolkit 12.1: CUDA Kernels are currently only used for a SpatialHoleFiller, ErosionFilter and ClippingFilter. We have reimplemented these filters as GLSL passes in case of BlendPCR, so even without CUDA almost the same visual quality is achieved as presented in the paper. To enable CUDA compilation, you need to explicitly set the CMake variable
Additionally, this project uses small open-source libraries that we have directly integrated into our source code, so no installation is required. You can find them in the lib
A big thank you to the developers of
Dear ImGui 1.88,
GLFW 3.3,
imfilebrowser, and
This project has been tested with Azure Kinect SDKs version 1.4.1, although other SDK versions may also be compatible.
On Windows, you can install Azure Kinect SDK 1.4.1.exe
from the official website using the default paths. Once installed, the program should be buildable and executable, since the CMakeLists.txt is configured to search at default paths.
If you use custom paths or are operating on Linux, please set the following CMAKE-variables:
to the directory containing thek4a
folders with the include files.K4A_LIB
to the file path ofk4a.lib
to the file path ofk4arecord.lib
Note: Current usage of the k4a and k4arecord libraries included with vcpkg might lead to errors, as both libraries seem to be configured to create an spdlog instance with the same name.
- After installing Azure Kinect SDK 1.4.1, simply clone the BlendPCR repository and run CMake.
- If you don't use Windows or installed the Azure Kinect SDK to a custom path, configure the variables above.
- Build & Run.
To use the renderer out-of-the-box, RGB-D recordings from seven Azure Kinect sensors are required, and these recordings must conform to the format of the CWIPC-SXR dataset.
You can download the CWIPC-SXR dataset here: CWIPC-SXR Dataset.
It is recommended to download only the dataset_hierarchy.tgz
, which provides metadata for all scenes, as the entire dataset is very large (1.6TB). To download a specific scene, such as the S3 Flight Attendant scene, navigate to the s3_flight_attendant/r1_t1/
directory and run the
file, which downloads the .mkv
recordings from all seven cameras. After downloading, ensure that the .mkv
recordings are located in the raw_files
folder. The scene is now ready to be opened in this software project.
When loading the CWIPC-SXR dataset, you have two options:
- CWIPC-SXR (Streamed): This mode streams the RGB-D camera recordings directly from the hard drive. Operations such as reading from the hard drive, color conversion (MJPEG to BGRA32), and point cloud generation are performed on the fly. Real-time streaming is usually not feasible when using seven cameras.
- CWIPC-SXR (Buffered): This mode initially reads the complete RGB-D recordings, performs color conversion, and generates point clouds. While this process can be time-consuming and requires significant RAM, it enables subsequent real-time streaming of the recordings. (Note: (1) Due to memory requirements, no high resolution color textures are loaded and (2) don't use this buffered version with CUDA filters, since the CUDA filters alter the buffer during playback)
After choosing your preferred mode, a file dialog will appear, prompting you to select the cameraconfig.json
file for the scene you wish to load. Playback will commence a few seconds or minutes after the selection, depending on the chosen Source Mode.
The filter section is intended for the implemented CUDA filters. If compiled without CUDA, no filters can be selected.
When compiled with CUDA, the used filter configuration which was used in the paper is activated by default.
You can switch between following rendering techniques:
- Splats (Uniform): Using uniform splats with a fixed (configurable) size.
- Naive Mesh: Separate Meshes reconstructed for each camera, which are not blended.
- BlendPCR: The BlendPCR implementation, which we described in our paper. Note that you can activate the 'Reimpl. Filters' option, which enables a GLSL reimplementation of the CUDA filters we used in the evaluation of our paper.
Note: For High Resolution Color Textures - named BlendPCR (HR) in the paper -, enable High Resolution Encoding both in the Source Mode and in the BlendPCR renderer.
In our research paper, we conducted visual comparisons among the SplatRenderer, Simple Mesh Renderer, TSDF, and BlendPCR. Each renderer used the same set of CUDA filters (ErosionFilter, SpatialHoleFilter, and ClippingFilter), located in the src/pcfilter/
folder. To use these CUDA filters instead of the reimplemented GLSL filters, enable them in the "Filter" section and disable "Reimpl. Filters" in the BlendPCR section. Note that CUDA filters can only be used if USE_CUDA
was set to ON
in the CMAKE configuration during compilation.
Please note that SpatialHoleFiller and ErosionFilter have also been implemented as an initial GLSL pass in the BlendPCR
renderer, which is enabled by default. This allows us to achieve similar visual quality even without CUDA.
Note on visual quality: Without CUDA, the SplatRenderer and Simple Mesh Renderer may display lower visual quality than shown in our paper, though the BlendPCR renderer will maintain almost the same quality. Nevertheless, there are further possibilities for improving quality, for example by improving the reimplemented erosion and hole filling filters (try to activate and deactive the reimpl. filters).
1: Note that both Pointersect and P2ENet are rendered from slightly different perspectives and use slightly different preprossesing filters (in terms of erosion & hole filling). Both renderings are taken from the Supplemental Material of HU Y., GONG R., SUN Q., WANG Y.: Low latency point cloud rendering with learned splatting. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops (June 2024), pp. 5752–5761.
1: Note that both Pointersect and P2ENet are rendered from slightly different perspectives and use slightly different preprossesing filters (in terms of erosion & hole filling). Both renderings are taken from the Supplemental Material of HU Y., GONG R., SUN Q., WANG Y.: Low latency point cloud rendering with learned splatting. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops (June 2024), pp. 5752–5761.
The performance in default configuration for different numbers of cameras, divided by point cloud passes and screen passes on an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 using a resolution of 3580 x 2066.
For further details, see our paper .
booktitle = {ICAT-EGVE 2024 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments},
editor = {Hasegawa, Shoichi and Sakata, Nobuchika and Sundstedt, Veronica},
title = {{BlendPCR: Seamless and Efficient Rendering of Dynamic Point Clouds captured by Multiple RGB-D Cameras}},
author = {Mühlenbrock, Andre and Weller, Rene and Zachmann, Gabriel},
year = {2024},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-530X},
ISBN = {978-3-03868-245-5},
DOI = {10.2312/egve.20241366}