{ "vessels": { "urn:mrn:signalk:uuid:6a59e3cd-7ce2-45a7-a156-0270e9be48d7": { "uuid": "urn:mrn:signalk:uuid:6a59e3cd-7ce2-45a7-a156-0270e9be48d7", "name": "WILHELM", "design": { "draft": { "value": { "maximum": null } }, "length": { "value": { "overall": 9 }, "values": { "undefined": { "value": { "overall": 12.5 } }, "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43": { "value": { "overall": 9 }, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:01.934Z", "pgn": 129810 } }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:01.934Z", "pgn": 129810 }, "beam": { "value": 4, "values": { "undefined": { "value": 7.3 }, "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43": { "value": 4, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:01.934Z", "pgn": 129810 } }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:01.934Z", "pgn": 129810 }, "airHeight": { "value": 19.2 }, "aisShipType": { "value": { "id": 36, "name": "Sailing" }, "values": { "undefined": { "value": { "name": "Sailing", "id": 36 } }, "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43": { "value": { "id": 36, "name": "Sailing" }, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:01.934Z", "pgn": 129810 } }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:01.934Z", "pgn": 129810 } }, "sensors": { "gps": { "fromBow": { "value": 10.5 } }, "ais": { "class": { "value": "B", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:51.596Z", "pgn": 129809 }, "fromBow": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the bow to the sensor location" }, "value": 6, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:01.934Z", "pgn": 129810 }, "fromCenter": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:01.934Z", "pgn": 129810 } } }, "electrical": { "switches": { "bank": { "0": { "1": { "state": { "value": 1, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 }, "order": { "value": 1, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 } }, "2": { "state": { "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 }, "order": { "value": 2, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 } }, "3": { "state": { "value": 1, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 }, "order": { "value": 3, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 } }, "4": { "state": { "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 }, "order": { "value": 4, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 } }, "5": { "state": { "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 }, "order": { "value": 5, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 } }, "6": { "state": { "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 }, "order": { "value": 6, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 } }, "7": { "state": { "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 }, "order": { "value": 7, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.32", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T15:20:06.280Z", "pgn": 127501 } } } } }, "batteries": { "0": { "voltage": { "meta": { "units": "V", "description": "Voltage measured at or as close as possible to the device" }, "value": 14.04, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.222Z", "pgn": 127508 } }, "1": { "voltage": { "meta": { "units": "V", "description": "Voltage measured at or as close as possible to the device" }, "value": 14.35, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:38.731Z", "pgn": 127508 } } }, "chargers": { "victron": { "load": { "value": "OFF", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "yieldTotal": { "value": 16.84, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "panelVoltage": { "value": 16.36, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "error": { "value": "No error", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "firmwareVersion": { "value": 1.19, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "current": { "meta": { "units": "A", "description": "Current flowing out (+ve) or in (-ve) to the device" }, "value": 1.72, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "productId": { "value": "0xA043", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "loadCurrent": { "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "maximumPowerToday": { "value": 90, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "yieldToday": { "value": 0.27, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "maximumPowerYesterday": { "value": 76, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "yieldYesterday": { "value": 0.35000000000000003, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "daySequenceNumber": { "value": 71, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "serialNumber": { "value": "HQ1546SXL7S", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "batteryVoltage": { "value": 14.18, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "mode": { "value": "charging bulk", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "modeValue": { "value": 3, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" }, "panelPower": { "value": 24, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.XX", "timestamp": "2020-04-19T18:51:24.052Z" } } } }, "notifications": { "autopilot": { "PilotWayPointAdvance": { "value": { "message": "Pilot Way Point Advance", "method": [ "visual" ], "state": "normal", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:24:04.996Z" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.204", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:24:04.996Z", "pgn": 65288 }, "PilotRouteComplete": { "value": { "message": "Pilot Route Complete", "method": [ "visual" ], "state": "normal", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T21:19:33.008Z" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.204", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T21:19:33.008Z", "pgn": 65288 }, "PilotOffCourse": { "value": { "message": "Pilot Off Course", "method": [ "visual" ], "state": "normal", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T22:00:25.425Z" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.204", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T22:00:25.425Z", "pgn": 65288 }, "PilotCUDisconnected": { "value": { "message": "Pilot CU Disconnected", "method": [ "visual" ], "state": "normal", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T22:12:54.709Z" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.204", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T22:12:54.709Z", "pgn": 65288, "values": { "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3": { "value": { "message": "Pilot CU Disconnected", "method": [ "visual" ], "state": "normal", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T22:12:51.156Z" }, "pgn": 65288, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T22:12:51.156Z" }, "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.204": { "value": { "message": "Pilot CU Disconnected", "method": [ "visual" ], "state": "normal", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T22:12:54.709Z" }, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T22:12:54.709Z", "pgn": 65288 } } } }, "propulsion": { "port": { "checkEngine": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Check Port Engine is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "overTemperature": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Over Temperature is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "lowOilPressure": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Low Oil Pressure is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "lowOilLevel": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Low Oil Level is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "lowFuelPressure": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Low Fuel Pressure is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "lowSystemVoltage": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Low System Voltage is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "lowCoolantLevel": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Low Coolant Level is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "waterFlow": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Water Flow is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "waterInFuel": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Water in Fuel is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "chargeIndicator": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Charge Indicator is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "preheatIndicator": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Preheat Indicator is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "highBoostPressure": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine High Boost Pressure is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "revLimitExceeded": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Rev Limit Exceeded is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "eGRSystem": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine EGR System is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "throttlePositionSensor": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Throttle Position Sensor is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "emergencyStopMode": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Emergency Stop Mode is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "warningLevel1": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Warning Level 1 is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "warningLevel2": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Warning Level 2 is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "powerReduction": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Power Reduction is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "maintenanceNeeded": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Maintenance Needed is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "commError": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Comm Error is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "subOrSecondaryThrottle": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Sub or Secondary Throttle is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "neutralStartProtect": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Neutral Start Protect is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "shuttingDown": { "value": { "state": "normal", "method": [ "visual" ], "message": "Port Engine Shutting Down is Normal" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 } } } }, "propulsion": { "starboard": { "revolutions": { "meta": { "units": "Hz", "description": "Engine revolutions (x60 for RPM)" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.915Z", "pgn": 127488 } }, "port": { "revolutions": { "meta": { "units": "Hz", "description": "Engine revolutions (x60 for RPM)" }, "value": 42.983333333333334, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:41.015Z", "pgn": 127488 }, "temperature": { "meta": { "units": "K", "description": "Engine temperature" }, "value": 327.98, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "oilPressure": { "meta": { "units": "Pa", "description": "Oil pressure" }, "value": 411400, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 }, "runTime": { "meta": { "units": "s", "description": "Total running time for engine (Engine Hours in seconds)" }, "value": 709651, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.736Z", "pgn": 127489 } } }, "navigation": { "speedOverGround": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 2.59, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.964Z", "pgn": 129026, "values": { "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3": { "value": 2.59, "pgn": 129026, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.964Z" }, "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43": { "value": 2.57, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:39.463Z", "pgn": 129039 } } }, "courseOverGroundTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Course over ground (true)" }, "value": 0.2339, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.964Z", "pgn": 129026, "values": { "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3": { "value": 0.2339, "pgn": 129026, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.964Z" }, "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43": { "value": 0.2339, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:39.463Z", "pgn": 129039 } } }, "headingMagnetic": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Current magnetic heading of the vessel, equals 'headingCompass adjusted for magneticDeviation'" }, "value": 0.478, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.204", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:41.075Z", "pgn": 127250 }, "rateOfTurn": { "meta": { "units": "rad/s", "description": "Rate of turn (+ve is change to starboard). If the value is AIS RIGHT or LEFT, set to +-0.0206 rads and add warning in notifications" }, "value": -0.0019940312, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.204", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:41.078Z", "pgn": 127251 }, "attitude": { "meta": { "description": "Vessel attitude: roll, pitch and yaw" }, "value": { "yaw": 0.478, "pitch": 0.0209, "roll": 0.0345 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.204", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:41.081Z", "pgn": 127257 }, "position": { "meta": { "description": "The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)" }, "value": { "longitude": -76.1847427, "latitude": 39.0706551 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:41.064Z", "pgn": 129025, "values": { "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3": { "value": { "longitude": -76.1847427, "latitude": 39.0706551 }, "pgn": 129025, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:41.064Z" }, "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43": { "value": { "longitude": -76.1847215, "latitude": 39.0706217 }, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:39.463Z", "pgn": 129039 } } }, "courseGreatCircle": { "bearingTrackTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "The bearing of a line between previousPoint and nextPoint, relative to true north." }, "value": 0.2269, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.462Z", "pgn": 129284 }, "nextPoint": { "distance": { "value": 2084, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.462Z", "pgn": 129284 }, "velocityMadeGood": { "value": 2.58, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.462Z", "pgn": 129284 }, "bearingTrue": { "value": 0.2269, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.462Z", "pgn": 129284 }, "position": { "value": { "longitude": -76.1793214, "latitude": 39.0889102 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.462Z", "pgn": 129284 }, "timeToGo": { "value": 806.538, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.462Z", "pgn": 129284 } }, "crossTrackError": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "The distance from the vessel's present position to the closest point on a line (track) between previousPoint and nextPoint. A negative number indicates that the vessel is currently to the left of this line (and thus must steer right to compensate), a positive number means the vessel is to the right of the line (steer left to compensate)." }, "value": 0.01, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.459Z", "pgn": 129283 } }, "speedThroughWater": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed through the water" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.35", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.247Z", "pgn": 128259 }, "speedThroughWaterReferenceType": { "value": "Paddle wheel", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.35", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.247Z", "pgn": 128259 }, "trip": { "log": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Total distance traveled on this trip / since trip reset" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.35", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.254Z", "pgn": 128275 } }, "log": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Total distance traveled" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.35", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.254Z", "pgn": 128275 }, "headingTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "The current true north heading of the vessel, equals 'headingMagnetic adjusted for magneticVariation'" }, "value": 0.2808, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.712Z", "pgn": 127250 }, "magneticVariation": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "The magnetic variation (declination) at the current position that must be added to the magnetic heading to derive the true heading. Easterly variations are positive and Westerly variations are negative (in Radians)." }, "value": -0.1983, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.713Z", "pgn": 127258 }, "currentRoute": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "Route", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.301Z", "pgn": 129285 }, "waypoints": { "value": [ { "name": "Waypoint 174", "position": { "value": { "latitude": 39.041584, "longitude": -76.1933705 } } }, { "name": "Waypoint 175", "position": { "value": { "latitude": 39.0889102, "longitude": -76.1793214 } } }, { "name": "Waypoint 177", "position": { "value": { "latitude": 39.0968134, "longitude": -76.1756924 } } } ], "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.301Z", "pgn": 129285 } }, "datetime": { "meta": { "description": "Time and Date from the GNSS Positioning System" }, "value": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.89900Z", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.969Z", "pgn": 126992 }, "gnss": { "satellites": { "meta": { "description": "Number of satellites" }, "value": 18, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.875Z", "pgn": 129029 }, "horizontalDilution": { "meta": { "description": "Horizontal Dilution of Precision" }, "value": 0.71, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.875Z", "pgn": 129029 }, "type": { "meta": { "description": "Fix type" }, "value": "GPS+SBAS/WAAS", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.875Z", "pgn": 129029 }, "methodQuality": { "meta": { "description": "Quality of the satellite fix" }, "value": "DGNSS fix", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.875Z", "pgn": 129029 }, "integrity": { "meta": { "description": "Integrity of the satellite fix" }, "value": "no Integrity checking", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.875Z", "pgn": 129029 } } }, "environment": { "current": { "meta": { "description": "Direction and strength of current affecting the vessel" }, "value": { "setTrue": 0.2325, "drift": 2.59 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.360Z", "pgn": 130577 }, "wind": { "speedApparent": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Apparent wind speed" }, "value": 2.88, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.367Z", "pgn": 130306 }, "angleApparent": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Apparent wind angle, negative to port" }, "value": -2.740185307179586, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.3", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.367Z", "pgn": 130306 } }, "depth": { "belowTransducer": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Depth below Transducer" }, "value": 6.09, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.35", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.251Z", "pgn": 128267 }, "surfaceToTransducer": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Depth transducer is below the water surface" }, "value": 0.121, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.35", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.251Z", "pgn": 128267 }, "belowSurface": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Depth from surface" }, "value": 6.211, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.35", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.251Z", "pgn": 128267 } }, "inside": { "engineRoom": { "temperature": { "meta": { "units": "K", "description": "Temperature" }, "value": 273.15, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.45.0", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:39.631Z", "pgn": 130312, "values": { "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.45": { "value": 273.15, "pgn": 130311, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:39.628Z" }, "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.45.0": { "value": 273.15, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:39.631Z", "pgn": 130312 } } } }, "temperature": { "meta": { "units": "K", "description": "Temperature" }, "value": 297.77, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.44.0", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.601Z", "pgn": 130312, "values": { "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.44": { "value": 297.77, "pgn": 130311, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.598Z" }, "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.44.0": { "value": 297.77, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.601Z", "pgn": 130312 } } } }, "outside": { "humidity": { "meta": { "units": "ratio", "description": "Current outside air relative humidity" }, "value": -0.00004, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.44", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.598Z", "pgn": 130311, "values": { "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.45": { "value": -0.00004, "pgn": 130311, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:39.628Z" }, "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.44": { "value": -0.00004, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.598Z", "pgn": 130311 } } } } }, "steering": { "rudderAngle": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Current rudder angle, +ve is rudder to Starboard" }, "value": -0.0019, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.204", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:41.085Z", "pgn": 127245, "values": { "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.204": { "value": -0.0019, "pgn": 127245, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:41.085Z" }, "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.172": { "value": -0.0019, "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:41.071Z", "pgn": 127245 } } }, "autopilot": { "target": { "headingMagnetic": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Target heading for autopilot, relative to Magnetic North" }, "value": 0.4781, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.204", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:41.093Z", "pgn": 65360 }, "windAngleApparent": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Target angle to steer, relative to Apparent wind +port -starboard" }, "value": 0.0001, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.204", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:23.582Z", "pgn": 65345 } }, "state": { "meta": { "description": "Autopilot state" }, "value": "route", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.204", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.995Z", "pgn": 65379 } } }, "entertainment": { "device": { "fusion1": { "state": { "value": "on", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:24:06.436Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "Wilhelm", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:58.641Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "output": { "zone1": { "source": { "value": "entertainment.device.fusion1.avsource.source11", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:24:10.732Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "isMuted": { "value": false, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:58.649Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "equalizer": { "value": { "bass": 0, "mid": 0, "treble": 0 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:58.651Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "volume": { "master": { "value": 14, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:24:08.493Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "Cockpit", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:58.659Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "zone2": { "source": { "value": "entertainment.device.fusion1.avsource.source11", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:24:10.732Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "isMuted": { "value": false, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:58.649Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "equalizer": { "value": { "bass": 0, "mid": 0, "treble": 0 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:58.651Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "volume": { "master": { "value": 14, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:24:08.493Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "Cabin", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:59.264Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "zone3": { "source": { "value": "entertainment.device.fusion1.avsource.source11", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:24:10.732Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "isMuted": { "value": false, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:58.649Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "equalizer": { "value": { "bass": 0, "mid": 0, "treble": 0 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:58.651Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "volume": { "master": { "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:24:08.493Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "Zone 3", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:59.265Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "zone4": { "source": { "value": "entertainment.device.fusion1.avsource.source11", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:24:10.732Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "isMuted": { "value": false, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:58.649Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "equalizer": { "value": { "bass": 0, "mid": 0, "treble": 0 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:58.651Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "volume": { "master": { "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:24:08.493Z", "pgn": 130820 } } } }, "avsource": { "source11": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "BT", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:24:10.732Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "track": { "length": { "value": 589.677, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.805Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "number": { "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.805Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "totalTracks": { "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.805Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "World Wide Web Inventor Worries About The Spread Of Disinformation", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:46:05.305Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "artistName": { "value": "Food", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:39:18.829Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "albumName": { "value": "NPR b\u0000\" Apr 14, 2017", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:46:05.330Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "elapsedTime": { "value": 94.898, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.652Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "playbackState": { "value": "Playing", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:40.805Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "source0": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "AM", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:59.267Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "source1": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "FM", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:59.269Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "source2": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "Pandora", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:59.271Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "source3": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "Pandora2", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:59.273Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "source4": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "SiriusXM", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T17:45:17.982Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "tuner": { "stationName": { "value": "PRX Public Radio", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T17:45:22.623Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "track": { "genre": { "value": "News/Politics", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T17:45:20.542Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "Irrational Econ", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T17:45:22.628Z", "pgn": 130820 }, "artistName": { "value": "Dan Ariely", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T17:45:22.631Z", "pgn": 130820 } } }, "source5": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "Aux1", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:59.880Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "source6": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "Aux2", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:59.274Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "source7": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "USB", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:59.274Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "source8": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "iPod", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:59.275Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "source9": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "iPod 2", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:59.275Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "source10": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "MTP", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:59.276Z", "pgn": 130820 } }, "source12": { "name": { "meta": { "description": "The common name of the vessel" }, "value": "DAB", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.10", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T14:57:59.278Z", "pgn": 130820 } } } } } }, "tanks": { "fuel": { "0": { "currentLevel": { "meta": { "units": "ratio", "description": "Level of fluid in tank 0-100%" }, "value": 0.56512, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:38.727Z", "pgn": 127505 }, "capacity": { "meta": { "units": "m3", "description": "Total capacity" }, "value": 49, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.17", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:38.727Z", "pgn": 127505 } } } }, "mmsi": "338184312" }, "urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:367469050": { "mmsi": "367469050", "navigation": { "speedOverGround": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:06.676Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "courseOverGroundTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Course over ground (true)" }, "value": 3.1119, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:06.676Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "position": { "meta": { "description": "The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)" }, "value": { "longitude": -76.4003499, "latitude": 39.13522 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:06.676Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "state": { "meta": { "description": "Current navigational state of the vessel" }, "value": "motoring", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:06.676Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "specialManeuver": { "value": "not available", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:06.676Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "destination": { "commonName": { "meta": { "description": "Common name of the Destination, eg 'Fiji', also used in ais messages" }, "value": "PHILADEPHIA", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:25:51.694Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "sensors": { "ais": { "class": { "value": "A", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:25:51.694Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromBow": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the bow to the sensor location" }, "value": 8, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:25:51.694Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromCenter": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port" }, "value": 0.5, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:25:51.694Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "name": "LARRY J HEBERT", "design": { "draft": { "meta": { "description": "The draft of the vessel" }, "value": { "maximum": 2.3 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:25:51.694Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "length": { "meta": { "description": "The various lengths of the vessel" }, "value": { "overall": 28 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:25:51.694Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "aisShipType": { "meta": { "description": "The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php" }, "value": { "id": 52, "name": "Tug" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:25:51.694Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "beam": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Beam length" }, "value": 9, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:25:51.694Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:338184312": { "mmsi": "338184312", "name": "WILHELM", "design": { "length": { "meta": { "description": "The various lengths of the vessel" }, "value": { "overall": 9 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:02.042Z", "pgn": 130842 }, "aisShipType": { "meta": { "description": "The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php" }, "value": { "id": 36, "name": "Sailing" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:02.042Z", "pgn": 130842 }, "beam": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Beam length" }, "value": 4, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:02.042Z", "pgn": 130842 } }, "sensors": { "ais": { "fromBow": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the bow to the sensor location" }, "value": 6, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:02.042Z", "pgn": 130842 }, "fromCenter": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:02.042Z", "pgn": 130842 } } } }, "urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:367515850": { "mmsi": "367515850", "navigation": { "speedOverGround": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 1.23, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.339Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "courseOverGroundTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Course over ground (true)" }, "value": 5.9324, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.339Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "position": { "meta": { "description": "The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)" }, "value": { "longitude": -76.3884532, "latitude": 39.0835767 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.339Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "rateOfTurn": { "meta": { "units": "rad/s", "description": "Rate of turn (+ve is change to starboard). If the value is AIS RIGHT or LEFT, set to +-0.0206 rads and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.339Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "headingTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "The current true north heading of the vessel, equals 'headingMagnetic adjusted for magneticVariation'" }, "value": 6.0388, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.339Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "state": { "meta": { "description": "Current navigational state of the vessel" }, "value": "motoring", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.339Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "specialManeuver": { "value": "not available", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.339Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "destination": { "commonName": { "meta": { "description": "Common name of the Destination, eg 'Fiji', also used in ais messages" }, "value": "POPLAR ISLAND", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:22:58.870Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "sensors": { "ais": { "class": { "value": "A", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:22:58.870Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromBow": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the bow to the sensor location" }, "value": 10, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:22:58.870Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromCenter": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:22:58.870Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "name": "DISCOVERY COAST", "design": { "draft": { "meta": { "description": "The draft of the vessel" }, "value": { "maximum": 4.3 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:22:58.870Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "length": { "meta": { "description": "The various lengths of the vessel" }, "value": { "overall": 31 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:22:58.870Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "aisShipType": { "meta": { "description": "The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php" }, "value": { "id": 52, "name": "Tug" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:22:58.870Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "beam": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Beam length" }, "value": 10, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:22:58.870Z", "pgn": 129794 } }, "registrations": { "imo": "IMO 9655406" } }, "urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:305730000": { "mmsi": "305730000", "sensors": { "ais": { "class": { "value": "A", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:30:11.985Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromBow": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the bow to the sensor location" }, "value": 112, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:30:11.985Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromCenter": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port" }, "value": -3, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:30:11.985Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "name": "BBC BALBOA", "navigation": { "destination": { "commonName": { "meta": { "description": "Common name of the Destination, eg 'Fiji', also used in ais messages" }, "value": "USNYC>>USPPO", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:30:11.985Z", "pgn": 129794 } }, "speedOverGround": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:12:44.637Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "courseOverGroundTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Course over ground (true)" }, "value": 5.4821, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:12:44.637Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "position": { "meta": { "description": "The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)" }, "value": { "longitude": -76.4057032, "latitude": 38.9501433 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:12:44.637Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "rateOfTurn": { "meta": { "units": "rad/s", "description": "Rate of turn (+ve is change to starboard). If the value is AIS RIGHT or LEFT, set to +-0.0206 rads and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:12:44.637Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "headingTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "The current true north heading of the vessel, equals 'headingMagnetic adjusted for magneticVariation'" }, "value": 0.0523, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:12:44.637Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "state": { "meta": { "description": "Current navigational state of the vessel" }, "value": "anchored", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:12:44.637Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "specialManeuver": { "value": "not available", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:12:44.637Z", "pgn": 129038 } }, "design": { "draft": { "meta": { "description": "The draft of the vessel" }, "value": { "maximum": 5.7 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:30:11.985Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "length": { "meta": { "description": "The various lengths of the vessel" }, "value": { "overall": 128 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:30:11.985Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "aisShipType": { "meta": { "description": "The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php" }, "value": { "id": 70, "name": "Cargo ship" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:30:11.985Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "beam": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Beam length" }, "value": 16, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:30:11.985Z", "pgn": 129794 } }, "registrations": { "imo": "IMO 9501667" } }, "urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:235118563": { "mmsi": "235118563", "navigation": { "speedOverGround": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:45:32.164Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "courseOverGroundTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Course over ground (true)" }, "value": 2.2585, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:45:32.164Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "position": { "meta": { "description": "The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)" }, "value": { "longitude": -76.4036699, "latitude": 38.91406 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:45:32.164Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "rateOfTurn": { "meta": { "units": "rad/s", "description": "Rate of turn (+ve is change to starboard). If the value is AIS RIGHT or LEFT, set to +-0.0206 rads and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:45:32.164Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "headingTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "The current true north heading of the vessel, equals 'headingMagnetic adjusted for magneticVariation'" }, "value": 0.2268, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:45:32.164Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "state": { "meta": { "description": "Current navigational state of the vessel" }, "value": "anchored", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:45:32.164Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "specialManeuver": { "value": "not available", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:45:32.164Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "destination": { "commonName": { "meta": { "description": "Common name of the Destination, eg 'Fiji', also used in ais messages" }, "value": "BALTIMORE", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:49.087Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "sensors": { "ais": { "class": { "value": "A", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:49.087Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromBow": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the bow to the sensor location" }, "value": 251, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:49.087Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromCenter": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port" }, "value": 4.5, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:49.087Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "name": "YORK", "design": { "draft": { "meta": { "description": "The draft of the vessel" }, "value": { "maximum": 10.9 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:49.087Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "length": { "meta": { "description": "The various lengths of the vessel" }, "value": { "overall": 292 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:49.087Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "aisShipType": { "meta": { "description": "The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php" }, "value": { "id": 70, "name": "Cargo ship" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:49.087Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "beam": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Beam length" }, "value": 45, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:49.087Z", "pgn": 129794 } }, "registrations": { "imo": "IMO 9698977" } }, "urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:244750715": { "mmsi": "244750715", "sensors": { "ais": { "class": { "value": "A", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:20.156Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromBow": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the bow to the sensor location" }, "value": 160, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:20.156Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromCenter": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:20.156Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "name": "TIBERBORG", "navigation": { "destination": { "commonName": { "meta": { "description": "Common name of the Destination, eg 'Fiji', also used in ais messages" }, "value": "TAMPA", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:20.156Z", "pgn": 129794 } }, "speedOverGround": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:50.033Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "courseOverGroundTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Course over ground (true)" }, "value": 1.5359, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:50.033Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "position": { "meta": { "description": "The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)" }, "value": { "longitude": -76.4161832, "latitude": 38.9388333 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:50.033Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "rateOfTurn": { "meta": { "units": "rad/s", "description": "Rate of turn (+ve is change to starboard). If the value is AIS RIGHT or LEFT, set to +-0.0206 rads and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:50.033Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "headingTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "The current true north heading of the vessel, equals 'headingMagnetic adjusted for magneticVariation'" }, "value": 1.5358, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:50.033Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "state": { "meta": { "description": "Current navigational state of the vessel" }, "value": "anchored", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:50.033Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "specialManeuver": { "value": "not available", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:43:50.033Z", "pgn": 129038 } }, "design": { "draft": { "meta": { "description": "The draft of the vessel" }, "value": { "maximum": 5.8 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:20.156Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "length": { "meta": { "description": "The various lengths of the vessel" }, "value": { "overall": 173 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:20.156Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "aisShipType": { "meta": { "description": "The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php" }, "value": { "id": 70, "name": "Cargo ship" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:20.156Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "beam": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Beam length" }, "value": 22, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:20.156Z", "pgn": 129794 } }, "registrations": { "imo": "IMO 9546473" } }, "urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:538003703": { "mmsi": "538003703", "navigation": { "speedOverGround": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:39:24.351Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "courseOverGroundTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Course over ground (true)" }, "value": 6.1261, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:39:24.351Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "position": { "meta": { "description": "The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)" }, "value": { "longitude": -76.4183332, "latitude": 38.926 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:39:24.351Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "rateOfTurn": { "meta": { "units": "rad/s", "description": "Rate of turn (+ve is change to starboard). If the value is AIS RIGHT or LEFT, set to +-0.0206 rads and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:39:24.351Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "headingTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "The current true north heading of the vessel, equals 'headingMagnetic adjusted for magneticVariation'" }, "value": 5.4803, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:39:24.351Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "state": { "meta": { "description": "Current navigational state of the vessel" }, "value": "anchored", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:39:24.351Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "specialManeuver": { "value": "not available", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:39:24.351Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "destination": { "commonName": { "meta": { "description": "Common name of the Destination, eg 'Fiji', also used in ais messages" }, "value": "BALTIMORE", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:35:19.424Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "sensors": { "ais": { "class": { "value": "A", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:35:19.424Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromBow": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the bow to the sensor location" }, "value": 165, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:35:19.424Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromCenter": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port" }, "value": 5, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:35:19.424Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "name": "TAMAR", "design": { "draft": { "meta": { "description": "The draft of the vessel" }, "value": { "maximum": 6.6 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:35:19.424Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "length": { "meta": { "description": "The various lengths of the vessel" }, "value": { "overall": 190 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:35:19.424Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "aisShipType": { "meta": { "description": "The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php" }, "value": { "id": 70, "name": "Cargo ship" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:35:19.424Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "beam": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Beam length" }, "value": 32, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:35:19.424Z", "pgn": 129794 } }, "registrations": { "imo": "IMO 9456226" } }, "urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:367169710": { "mmsi": "367169710", "navigation": { "speedOverGround": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 3.44, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:37.439Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "courseOverGroundTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Course over ground (true)" }, "value": 0.3089, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:37.439Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "position": { "meta": { "description": "The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)" }, "value": { "longitude": -76.3473265, "latitude": 39.083955 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:37.439Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "state": { "meta": { "description": "Current navigational state of the vessel" }, "value": "motoring", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:37.439Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "specialManeuver": { "value": "not available", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:37.439Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "destination": { "commonName": { "meta": { "description": "Common name of the Destination, eg 'Fiji', also used in ais messages" }, "value": "CALL VESSEL", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:52:23.341Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "sensors": { "ais": { "class": { "value": "A", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:52:23.341Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromBow": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the bow to the sensor location" }, "value": 10, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:52:23.341Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromCenter": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port" }, "value": -1.5, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:52:23.341Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "name": "CAPT TED", "design": { "draft": { "meta": { "description": "The draft of the vessel" }, "value": { "maximum": 2.8 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:52:23.341Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "length": { "meta": { "description": "The various lengths of the vessel" }, "value": { "overall": 32 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:52:23.341Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "aisShipType": { "meta": { "description": "The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php" }, "value": { "id": 52, "name": "Tug" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:52:23.341Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "beam": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Beam length" }, "value": 9, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:52:23.341Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:338226488": { "mmsi": "338226488", "navigation": { "speedOverGround": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 0.1, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:00:58.337Z", "pgn": 129039 }, "courseOverGroundTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Course over ground (true)" }, "value": 3.5936, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:00:58.337Z", "pgn": 129039 }, "position": { "meta": { "description": "The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)" }, "value": { "longitude": -76.2511832, "latitude": 38.97331 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:00:58.337Z", "pgn": 129039 } }, "design": { "length": { "meta": { "description": "The various lengths of the vessel" }, "value": { "overall": 15 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:51:12.768Z", "pgn": 130842 }, "aisShipType": { "meta": { "description": "The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php" }, "value": { "id": 37, "name": "Pleasure" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:51:12.768Z", "pgn": 130842 }, "beam": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Beam length" }, "value": 5, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:51:12.768Z", "pgn": 130842 } }, "sensors": { "ais": { "fromBow": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the bow to the sensor location" }, "value": 11, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:51:12.768Z", "pgn": 130842 }, "fromCenter": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port" }, "value": -0.5, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:51:12.768Z", "pgn": 130842 }, "class": { "value": "B", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:03:01.966Z", "pgn": 129809 } } }, "name": "IMPETUOUS" }, "urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:338168207": { "mmsi": "338168207", "sensors": { "ais": { "class": { "value": "B", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:41:49.167Z", "pgn": 129809 }, "fromBow": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the bow to the sensor location" }, "value": 4, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:41:51.038Z", "pgn": 130842 }, "fromCenter": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:41:51.038Z", "pgn": 130842 } } }, "name": "T/T STEEL MAGNOLIA", "navigation": { "speedOverGround": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:57:18.208Z", "pgn": 129039 }, "courseOverGroundTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Course over ground (true)" }, "value": 5.4856, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:57:18.208Z", "pgn": 129039 }, "position": { "meta": { "description": "The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)" }, "value": { "longitude": -76.2456015, "latitude": 38.9690283 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:57:18.208Z", "pgn": 129039 } }, "design": { "length": { "meta": { "description": "The various lengths of the vessel" }, "value": { "overall": 6 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:41:51.038Z", "pgn": 130842 }, "aisShipType": { "meta": { "description": "The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php" }, "value": { "id": 37, "name": "Pleasure" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:41:51.038Z", "pgn": 130842 }, "beam": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Beam length" }, "value": 2, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T19:41:51.038Z", "pgn": 130842 } } }, "urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:366999614": { "mmsi": "366999614", "navigation": { "speedOverGround": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 6.17, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:36.798Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "courseOverGroundTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Course over ground (true)" }, "value": 5.126, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:36.798Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "position": { "meta": { "description": "The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)" }, "value": { "longitude": -76.3452549, "latitude": 39.1509 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:36.798Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "state": { "meta": { "description": "Current navigational state of the vessel" }, "value": "motoring", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:36.798Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "specialManeuver": { "value": "not available", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:36.798Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "destination": { "commonName": { "meta": { "description": "Common name of the Destination, eg 'Fiji', also used in ais messages" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:20:50.123Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "sensors": { "ais": { "class": { "value": "A", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:20:50.123Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromBow": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the bow to the sensor location" }, "value": 14, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:20:50.123Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromCenter": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port" }, "value": -1, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:20:50.123Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "name": "CG SAILFISH", "design": { "draft": { "meta": { "description": "The draft of the vessel" }, "value": { "maximum": 1.7 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:20:50.123Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "length": { "meta": { "description": "The various lengths of the vessel" }, "value": { "overall": 26 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:20:50.123Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "aisShipType": { "meta": { "description": "The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php" }, "value": { "id": 51, "name": "SAR" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:20:50.123Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "beam": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Beam length" }, "value": 6, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:20:50.123Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:266210000": { "mmsi": "266210000", "navigation": { "speedOverGround": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 1.64, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.020Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "courseOverGroundTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Course over ground (true)" }, "value": 4.3371, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.020Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "position": { "meta": { "description": "The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)" }, "value": { "longitude": -76.5406432, "latitude": 39.2429333 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.020Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "rateOfTurn": { "meta": { "units": "rad/s", "description": "Rate of turn (+ve is change to starboard). If the value is AIS RIGHT or LEFT, set to +-0.0206 rads and add warning in notifications" }, "value": -0.0074375000000000005, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.020Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "headingTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "The current true north heading of the vessel, equals 'headingMagnetic adjusted for magneticVariation'" }, "value": 4.4854, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.020Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "state": { "meta": { "description": "Current navigational state of the vessel" }, "value": "motoring", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.020Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "specialManeuver": { "value": "not available", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:23:39.020Z", "pgn": 129038 } } }, "urn:mrn:imo:mmsi:369327000": { "mmsi": "369327000", "navigation": { "speedOverGround": { "meta": { "units": "m/s", "description": "Vessel speed over ground. If converting from AIS 'HIGH' value, set to 102.2 (Ais max value) and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 7.25, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:15.344Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "courseOverGroundTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "Course over ground (true)" }, "value": 2.8798, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:15.344Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "position": { "meta": { "description": "The position of the vessel in 2 or 3 dimensions (WGS84 datum)" }, "value": { "longitude": -76.3906165, "latitude": 39.0614667 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:15.344Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "rateOfTurn": { "meta": { "units": "rad/s", "description": "Rate of turn (+ve is change to starboard). If the value is AIS RIGHT or LEFT, set to +-0.0206 rads and add warning in notifications" }, "value": 0, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:15.344Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "headingTrue": { "meta": { "units": "rad", "description": "The current true north heading of the vessel, equals 'headingMagnetic adjusted for magneticVariation'" }, "value": 2.8797, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:15.344Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "state": { "meta": { "description": "Current navigational state of the vessel" }, "value": "moored", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:15.344Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "specialManeuver": { "value": "not available", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:47:15.344Z", "pgn": 129038 }, "destination": { "commonName": { "meta": { "description": "Common name of the Destination, eg 'Fiji', also used in ais messages" }, "value": "BALTIMORE", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:05.457Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "sensors": { "ais": { "class": { "value": "A", "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:05.457Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromBow": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the bow to the sensor location" }, "value": 38, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:05.457Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "fromCenter": { "meta": { "description": "The distance from the centerline to the sensor location, -ve to starboard, +ve to port" }, "value": -7, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:05.457Z", "pgn": 129794 } } }, "name": "FREEDOM", "design": { "draft": { "meta": { "description": "The draft of the vessel" }, "value": { "maximum": 8.9 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:05.457Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "length": { "meta": { "description": "The various lengths of the vessel" }, "value": { "overall": 190 }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:05.457Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "aisShipType": { "meta": { "description": "The ais ship type see http://www.bosunsmate.org/ais/message5.php" }, "value": { "id": 70, "name": "Cargo ship" }, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:05.457Z", "pgn": 129794 }, "beam": { "meta": { "units": "m", "description": "Beam length" }, "value": 32, "$source": "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream.43", "timestamp": "2017-04-15T20:42:05.457Z", "pgn": 129794 } }, "registrations": { "imo": "IMO 9129706" } } }, "self": "vessels.urn:mrn:signalk:uuid:6a59e3cd-7ce2-45a7-a156-0270e9be48d7", "version": "0.1.0", "sources": { "sbender9 n2k signalk autopilot stream": { "0": { "n2k": { "pgns": { "126996": "2017-04-15T20:43:27.474Z" }, "productName": "NMEA 2000 PC Interface (NGT-1)", "hardwareVersion": "NGT-1-USB hv1.03", "softwareVersion": "1.100, 2.210", "productID": 28199, "serialNumber": "177800", "nmea2000Version": 1300, "certificationLevel": 0, "loadEquivalency": 1, "src": "0" } }, "1": { "n2k": { "pgns": { "60928": "2017-04-15T20:45:13.967Z" }, "uniqueId": "750518", "manufacturerName": "Raymarine", "deviceFunction": 150, "deviceClass": "Instrumentation/general systems", "deviceInstanceLower": 4, "deviceInstanceUpper": 3, "systemInstance": 0, "deviceInstance": 28, "src": "1" } }, "2": { "n2k": { "pgns": { "60928": "2017-04-15T20:46:42.205Z", "126996": "2017-04-15T20:46:42.291Z" }, "uniqueId": "650670", "manufacturerName": "Raymarine", "deviceFunction": 150, "deviceClass": "Instrumentation/general systems", "deviceInstanceLower": 6, "deviceInstanceUpper": 3, "systemInstance": 0, "deviceInstance": 30, "src": "2", "productName": "E22172", "hardwareVersion": "Raymarine i70 Display", "softwareVersion": "3.07", 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