Live demo: Tweet Tracker
Tweet Tracker is a Rails CRUD app that allows you to search for tweets by user's Twitter handle or by keywords, and save them for future reference.
gem 'twitter'
gem 'omniauth'
gem 'omniauth-twitter'
Retrieve 5 most recent tweets from an user timeline by making a GET request to '' + twitter_handle
Use of Twitter API gem to fetch content.
Sign up at for an API key and API secret and put them in your environment. For example, in ~/.bash_profile
export ST_TWITTER_KEY ="[API key]" export ST_TWITTER_SECRET="[API secret]"
Or on heroku:
heroku config:set ST_TWITTER_KEY ="[API key]" ST_TWITTER_SECRET="[API secret]
- Start app:
$ bundle exec rails s
- Create the database:
bin/rails db:create