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Whot Server

An HTTP server serving a REST API for hosting Whot! games.

Setup and Usage

npm install
npm start


The following routes are available:

Category Verb Url Description
Default GET/POST ~/ Welcomes you to the API
Games GET ~/games Lists games
Games POST ~/games Creates a new Game
Game WebSockets ~/game/:id Participate in a Game

Socket Signals

Event Originator Parameters Description
player:play Client index, iNeed Player selects a card by index to play
market:pick Client -- Pleyer opts to pick from market
player:hand Server hand Shows Player's hand (cards)
game:start Server pile Start Game
turn:switch Server -- Tell Player it's his turn
pile:top Server pile Show card at the top of the pile
error:player-out-of-turn Server -- player is out of turn
error:invalid-card-index Server -- card index played is our of bounds
error:card-not-match-pile Server -- card played doesn't match card at the top of the pile
error:could-not-play-card Server -- Hopefully, this never happens, but the card could not be played for some reason


This project has been setup to use docker to create a development environment, so prepare to be dazzled. The readme assumes docker version >= 1.9.1 installed on your system.

The project contains bash scripts to simplify the interaction with docker and enable dynamic code changes. These can be found in


To start up disposable containers use:


The command will attempt to start up containers based on a specific image. If the image cannot be found, it will be downloaded automatically. If the project's image cannot be found, it will be built from the Dockerfile automatically.

When all is complete, you will be taken directly to the shell of the container with the application started for you.

At this point the app will be accessible with base url:


Thus your adventure begins...

Test Mock Script

Copy and paste this in your browser console:

(() => {
  const makeRandomPlay = (ws) => {
    if (ws.canPlay()) {
      const compatibles = ws.hand.filter(card => card.matches(ws.pile))
      const compatibleCardIndex = ws.hand.indexOf(compatibles[Math.floor(Math.random() * compatibles.length)])
      let iNeed = null
      if (ws.hand[compatibleCardIndex].shape === 'Whot') {
        const eligibleCards = ws.hand.filter(card => card.shape != 'Whot')
        iNeed = (eligibleCards[Math.floor(Math.random() * eligibleCards.length)] || {}).shape || 'Circle'
      ws.send(JSON.stringify({ message: 'player:play', index: compatibleCardIndex, card: ws.hand[compatibleCardIndex], iNeed }))
    else {
      ws.send(JSON.stringify({ message: 'market:pick' }))

  const setupCard = (c) => {
    c.matches = (card = new Card()) => {
      return (c.shape === 'Whot') ||
        (card.shape === 'Whot' && c.iNeed && (c.iNeed === card.shape)) || (card.shape === c.shape) || (card.value === c.value)
    return c

  var wss = [1, 2, 3, 4].map(function () {
    const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8800/game/1')
    ws.onmessage = (msg) => {
      try {
        const data = JSON.parse(
        switch(data.message) {
        case 'player:hand':
          ws.hand =
        case 'game:start':
          ws.pile = setupCard(data.pile)
        case 'turn:switch':
        case 'player:play':
        case 'pile:top':
          ws.pile = data.card
      catch (ex) {
    ws.onerror = (err) => console.error(err)
    ws.onopen = () => {
      console.log('WebSocket connection opened')
      ws.send(JSON.stringify({ message: 'hello' }))
    ws.canPlay = () => (ws.hand.findIndex(card => card.matches(ws.pile)) >= 0)
        return ws

    return wss