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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 15, 2021. It is now read-only.

Individual project focussing on implmentations of ECN under different transport protocols and how they interact with the wider network, with focusses on, removal of ECT fields by network devices, comparisons between the interactions of ECN under TCP and QUIC(UDP)



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Dissertation: Where is ECN stripped on the network?

Individual project focussing on implmentations of ECN under different transport protocols and how they interact with the wider network, with focusses on, removal of ECT fields by network devices, comparisons between the interactions of ECN under TCP and QUIC(UDP)

Directory Structure

  • dissertation contains the complete source for the dissertation
  • ethics contains ethics approval related documents
  • presentation contains the source for the presentation that was submitted
  • status_report contains the status report that was submitted at the end of the winter semester
  • src contains the source produced to realise the project (additional readme within)


Individual project focussing on implmentations of ECN under different transport protocols and how they interact with the wider network, with focusses on, removal of ECT fields by network devices, comparisons between the interactions of ECN under TCP and QUIC(UDP)








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