A fast, clean, Hugo theme with minimal dependencies.
We've called it Peripheral because it is lightweight to reduce web-bloat introduced by the theme itself.
Source code: https://github.com/myquay/hugo-theme-peripheral-example
Life demo: https://myquay.github.io/hugo-theme-peripheral-example/

The theme is designed to be lean and to celebrate the content, infact there is even no JavaScript.
No large frameworks have been used, just one custom CSS style sheet. This is to make the theme as small as possible so your blog can be reached by the people on a wide range of connection types. It's ridiculous the amount of data you need to download to read a news article these days.
Related blog posts can be linked in a table to make it easier for readers to navigate though multiple related blog posts.
Series are configured using two settings in the page FrontMatter.
series: multi-tenant
concludeSeries: true
All posts in the same series linked so they can be easily traversed.
For the last post set concludeSeries
to true to disable the next post coming soon message.
In a fast moving industry like tech, posts can become obsolete pretty quickly. This theme includes the ability to automatically put a note on older content to give the reader a heads up that this is older content.
This can be disabled on a post explicitly by setting the obsolescence feature in the post FrontMatter.
series: multi-tenant
concludeSeries: true
If you're hosting your blog source code publicly you can encourage others to fix content by submitting a pull request or show the current commit of the website that has been pushed live.
To get the latest commit information displaying you will need to update the build server to update config.toml
with the latest commit details.
Install Hugo and create a new site. See the Hugo documentation for details.
Add Peripheral:
$ git submodule add https://github.com/myquay/hugo-theme-peripheral.git themes/peripheral
Start Hugo:
hugo serve
Update config.toml to use the new theme:
themesDir = "themes"
theme = "hugo-theme-peripheral"
There are both configuration for standard Hugo settings and theme specific settings. These are configured in your sites config.toml
Basic settings configuration things like the site title, if you want the Git integrated features to activate ensure GitInfo is enabled.
baseURL = "..."
languageCode = "..."
title = "..."
themesDir = "themes"
theme = "hugo-theme-peripheral"
enableGitInfo = true
DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
Code blocks can be configured with the built in Syntax Highligther. JS is not used in this template where we can help it so either enable noClasses
or output the CSS of the theme you'd like to your sites assets/css
anchorLineNos = false
codeFences = true
guessSyntax = true
hl_Lines = ''
lineAnchors = ''
lineNoStart = 1
lineNos = false
lineNumbersInTable = true
noClasses = false
style = '...'
tabWidth = 4
Generating CSS:
hugo gen chromastyles --style=monokai > syntax.css
The theme has several blocks of settings for each of the extra features it enables
Basic settings for the theme
- favicon: Location of the favicon in relation to the static folder.
- dateFormat: Format of outputted timestamps.
- subtitle: Blog subtitle in the header.
- location: Author location, also used in the header.
favicon = "favicon.png"
dateFormat = "January 2, 2006"
subtitle = "Blog subtitle"
location = "Auckland, New Zealand"
These settings control the two git integrations on the theme.
- The
Commit XYZ
message in the header which shows the version of the blog deployed and has a link to the changes in the last release - The submit a pull request message at the bottom of each blog post
- enabled: If the GIT settings are enabled or not.
- repository: The repository the blog is hosted at
- abbreviatedHash: The short commit hash
- hash: The full commit hash
- subject: The commit message
- branch: The branch which is deployed
To work propery enableGitInfo
in the standard settings must also be enabled.
enabled = true
repository = "..."
abbreviatedHash = "{{AbbreviatedHash}}"
hash = "{{Hash}}"
subject = "{{Subject}}"
branch = "main"
These settings control the obsolescence feature in the theme.
- enabled: If the feature is enabled or not
- years: Posts older than this in years have the message displayed
- message: The message to display on old posts
enabled = true
years = 3
message = "This content is more than 3 years old. Please read this keeping its age in mind."
These settings control the series feature in the theme.
- enabled: If the feature is enabled or not
- showToBeContinued: Show a next post is coming message on the table
enabled = true
showToBeContinued = true
This theme has minimal dependencies, on page load the following resources are requested
- Site CSS file (all CSS resources concatenated to a single file
- favicon
MIT Licensed, see LICENSE.