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v0.30 Splitting FASTA files if results are too large to be processed …
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…by BLAST+ now supported. Removed comparison feature of contig comparison.

The MEGAN comparison feature was found to  prevent the ability to change LCA parameters, thus FASTA contigs are joined instead.
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Lythimus committed Dec 20, 2010
1 parent 1477904 commit 5b8bfde
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4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions README.TXT
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

PARSES: A Pipeline for Analysis of RNA-Sequencing Exogenous Sequences

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,8 +55,6 @@ rake alignSequence # Novoalign - Align reads in to base genome
rake blastInstall # Install latest version of BLAST+.
rake bowtieIndex # Create an index for bowtie/tophat of the h...
rake bowtieInstall # Install latest version of Bowtie.
rake clean # Remove any temporary products.
rake clobber # Remove any generated file.
rake denovoAssembleCluster # ABySS - Assemble reads associated with clu...
rake hgInstall # Install latest version of human genome dat...
rake install # Install latest version of everything.
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206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions fastasplitn.c
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
Version: 1.0.4 17-DEC-2007
Author: David Mathog, Biology Division, Caltech
Copyright: 2001 David Mathog and California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Splits a fasta file into a N files, with cycling entries among the N
output files. This does a better job of randomizing the split content
than did FASTASPLIT.C, which doesn't work well when there is a systematic
variation in the input file. For instance, in the NCBI "nt" database the
entries get longer and longer from the beginning to the end, so that
regular FASTASPLIT produced a final file 5 times bigger than the first one
(all with the same number of sequences though!)
If the optional P value is specified, it emits output to
stdout with contents identical to the Pth fragment of a full
N file set.
If in addition the optional C value is specified the number of sequential
entries emitted to each stream may be changed from the default of 1.
Very little error checking.
No input line may exceed 1M characters.
Compiles cleanly with:
gcc -Wall -ansi -pedantic -o fastasplitn fastasplitn.c
Arguments are:
1: infile (- or STDIN mean read from stdin)
2: N number of files to produce.
3: P phase. If specified and in range 1-N only a single
file is produced as if it was the Pth of the N files.
If P=0 then N files are produced. Anything else is an error.
4: C cycle. If specified must be >=1. If C=3, N=2 then
1,2,3,7,8,9, etc. -> file1
4,5,6,10,11,12, etc. -> file2
C=1 is the default.
License terms:
You may run this program on any platform. You may
redistribute the source code of this program subject to
the condition that you do not first modify it in any way.
You may distribute binary versions of this program so long
as they were compiled from unmodified source code. There
is no charge for using this software. You may not charge
others for the use of this software.
Bug reports: Please report bugs via email.
1.0.4 Slightly clarified command line usage, after
a suggestion by Bernd Brandt.
1.0.3 Added code to implement C value. Useful for splitting files
into sequential sequences if one knows ahead of time how many
sequences are present in the input file. Ie, if there are 20
and N=4 C=5 P=0 then 4 files will be produced with the first
holding seqs 1->5, the second 6->10, and so forth.
1.0.2 Added code to read symbol "SPLITFRAGTEMPLATE" which replaces
default value template for output filename creation. Cleaned
up printf so that all messages go to stderr.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h> /* for toupper */
#define MYMAXSTRING 100000
#define MAXOUTFILES 1000 /* WAY more than should ever be needed - or possible! */

int lcl_strcasecmp(char *s1, char *s2){
int c1;
int c2;
for(; ;s1++,s2++){
if(c1 < c2)return -1;
if(c1 > c2)return 1;
if(c1 == 0)return 0; /*c2 also is 0 in this case */

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
char *infile;
char bigstring[MYMAXSTRING];
char outname[200];
char *thetemplate;
int n,p,c,count,fragcount,cyccount;
FILE *fin;

if( (argc < 3) ||
(argc > 6) ||
(argc >=3 && (sscanf(argv[2],"%d",&n)==EOF)) ||
n < 1 ||
(argc >=4 &&
( (sscanf(argv[3],"%d",&p)==EOF) ||
p < 0 ||
p > n
) ||
(argc >=5 &&
( (sscanf(argv[4],"%d",&c)==EOF) ||
c < 1
(void) fprintf(stderr,"Fastasplitn: invalid input parameters: n %d p %d c %d\n\n", n, p, c);
(void) fprintf(stderr,"Function: Splits a fasta file into N data streams. \n");
(void) fprintf(stderr," Default is to send each stream to a separate output file.\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr," Optional command line parameters are indicated with [].\n\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr,"Usage: fastasplitn infile N [P [C]]\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr," infile = input file. \"-\" or \"stdin\" = read from stdin\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr," N = number of data streams to produce, N must be >0\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr," P = 0 or omitted, emit N streams to N files\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr," = 1->N, only emit contents of Pth stream (1-N), send to stdout\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr," C = emit C sequences in order for each stream, C>=1, 1 is default\n\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr,"Examples: in all cases input has 20 sequences\n\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr," N=4 P=0 C=5:\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr," 1->5 to file1, 6->10 to file2, 11->15 to file3, 16->20 to file4\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr," N=4 P=2 C=3:\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr," 4->6,16->17 to stdout\n\n");
(void) fprintf(stderr,"Default fragment file name template is \"frag%%3.3d\" \n");
(void) fprintf(stderr,"The string in the symbol SPLITFRAGTEMPLATE overrides this default\n");
if((n < 1) || (n > MAXOUTFILES)){
(void) fprintf(stderr,"The number of files must be between 1 and %d\n",MAXOUTFILES);


if(p==0)(void) fprintf(stderr,"Processing %s with n=%d p=%d c=%d\n",infile,n,p,c);

if(lcl_strcasecmp(infile,"-") == 0 || lcl_strcasecmp(infile,"stdin") == 0){
else {
(void) fprintf(stderr,"Could not open input file %s\n",infile);

/* see if template is to use default or from a symbol */

(void) strcpy(thetemplate,"frag%.3d");
if(p==0)(void) fprintf(stderr,"the template is %s\n",thetemplate);

/* open all the output files */

for(fragcount=0; fragcount<n ;fragcount++){
(void) sprintf(outname,thetemplate,fragcount+1);
(void) fprintf(stderr,"Opening output file %s\n",outname);
fout[fragcount] = fopen(outname,"w");
(void) fprintf(stderr,"Could not open output file %s\n",outname);
else if(p==fragcount+1){
fout[fragcount] = stdout;

/* now send fasta entries to each one */

count = 0;
while( fgets(bigstring,MYMAXSTRING,fin) != NULL){
if(bigstring[0] == '>'){
if(cyccount > c){
if(fragcount >= n)fragcount=0;
if(p==0 || p==fragcount+1)(void) fprintf(fout[fragcount],"%s",bigstring);
if(p==0)(void) fprintf(stderr,"All done, entries processed: %d\n",count);

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