This repository contains supplemental material for the brief announcement Byzantine Consensus Under Dynamic Participation with a Well-Behaved Majority, DISC 2023.
The makefile typesets the specifications by default, and make tlc
runs the TLC model-checker.
See NoEquivocation.tla and its typeset version NoEquivocation.pdf.
NoEquivocation_MC.tla and NoEquivocation_MC.cfg are configuration files for the TLC model-checker. If you are using the TLA+ VSCode extension, you can model-check the specification by opening NoEquivocation_MC.tla and running TLC from this file.
An interesting bit is that the no-equivocation algorithm does not tolerate a growing adversary. To get a counter-example to the correctness properties under a growing adversary, uncomment the lines as indicated in NoEquivocation.tla and run the TLC model-checker.
See CommitAdopt.tla and its typeset version CommitAdopt.pdf.
CommitAdopt_MC.tla and CommitAdopt_MC.cfg are configuration files for the TLC model-checker. If you are using the TLA+ VSCode extension, you can model-check the specification by opening CommitAdopt_MC.tla and running TLC from this file.
We formalize the no-equivocation model in Isabelle/HOL and we prove the main lemma justifying the correctness of the commit-adopt algorithm.
You can browse the proof at DynamicConsensus/browser_info/document.pdf
or DynamicConsensus/browser_info/DynamicConsensus.html
The actual theory file (which must be opened using Isabelle) is DynamicConsensus/DynamicConsensus.thy