09-16 16:45:09.636 I/libpersona: KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10111 09-16 16:45:09.636 I/libpersona: KNOX_SDCARD not a persona 09-16 16:45:09.726 W/ResourcesManager: getTopLevelResources: /data/app/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo-1/base.apk / 1.0 running in com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo rsrc of package null 09-16 16:45:09.776 W/ResourcesManager: getTopLevelResources: /data/app/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo-1/base.apk / 1.0 running in com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo rsrc of package null 09-16 16:45:09.786 W/ResourcesManager: getTopLevelResources: /data/app/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo-1/base.apk / 1.0 running in com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo rsrc of package null 09-16 16:46:37.922 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/CameraCallbacks: dispatchOnCameraClosed 09-16 16:46:39.133 I/CameraCallbacks: clearListeners 09-16 16:46:39.133 D/InputMethodManager: windowDismissed mLockisused = false 09-16 16:46:39.143 D/SensorManager: unregisterListener :: 09-16 16:46:41.976 W/ResourcesManager: getTopLevelResources: /data/app/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo-1/base.apk / 1.0 running in com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo rsrc of package null 09-16 16:46:41.996 D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : false 09-16 16:46:41.996 D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor flags : -2139029248 [ 09-16 16:46:42.006 25012:25012 D/ ] actionWC : com.sec.android.intent.action.HOME_PAUSE rebootFlag = 1 [ 09-16 16:46:42.006 25012:25012 D/ ] getInstance 09-16 16:46:42.016 D/TextView: setTypeface with style : 0 09-16 16:46:42.016 D/TextView: setTypeface with style : 0 09-16 16:46:42.026 W/WorkerHandler: get: Reusing cached worker handler. CameraViewController 09-16 16:46:42.026 W/WorkerHandler: get: Reusing cached worker handler. CameraViewWorker 09-16 16:46:42.086 D/TextView: setTypeface with style : 0 09-16 16:46:42.096 D/TextView: setTypeface with style : 0 09-16 16:46:42.106 D/TextView: setTypeface with style : 0 09-16 16:46:42.106 D/TextView: setTypeface with style : 0 09-16 16:46:42.156 I/CameraCallbacks: addListener 09-16 16:46:42.166 D/SensorManager: registerListener :: 0, BMA254 Acceleration Sensor, 200000, 0, 09-16 16:46:42.166 I/CameraCallbacks: onDisplayOffsetChanged 0 09-16 16:46:42.186 D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled mFloatingMenuBtn : null 09-16 16:46:42.186 D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled return false 09-16 16:46:42.186 I/CameraCallbacks: onDisplayOffsetChanged 0 09-16 16:46:42.186 W/CameraView: onMeasure: surface is not ready. Calling default behavior. 09-16 16:46:42.186 W/CameraView: onMeasure: surface is not ready. Calling default behavior. 09-16 16:46:42.286 I/Preview: onSurfaceAvailable: w= 480 h= 600 09-16 16:46:42.286 I/Camera1: onSurfaceAvailable, size is 480x600 09-16 16:46:42.286 I/Preview: onSurfaceSizeChanged: w= 480 h= 600 09-16 16:46:42.316 W/PathParser: Points are too far apart 4.000000596046461 09-16 16:46:42.356 W/CameraView: onMeasure: surface is not ready. Calling default behavior. 09-16 16:46:42.356 W/CameraView: onMeasure: surface is not ready. Calling default behavior. 09-16 16:46:42.657 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:42.657 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:42.657 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: sizesFromList: [2576x1932, 2560x1536, 1920x1920, 2048x1536, 1600x1200, 640x480] 09-16 16:46:42.657 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: computeCaptureSize: computed 2576x1932 09-16 16:46:42.667 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: sizesFromList: [1280x960, 1280x720, 800x480, 640x480, 720x720, 720x480, 352x288, 320x240, 176x144] 09-16 16:46:42.667 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: computePreviewSize: targetRatio: 4:3 surface size: 480x600 09-16 16:46:42.667 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: matchSize: found consistent: 3 09-16 16:46:42.667 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: matchSize: found big enough and consistent: 1 09-16 16:46:42.667 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: matchSize: returning result 1280x960 09-16 16:46:42.667 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/CameraCallbacks: onCameraPreviewSizeChanged 09-16 16:46:42.667 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Preview: setDesiredSize: desiredW= 960 desiredH= 1280 09-16 16:46:42.667 I/Preview: crop: applied scaleX= 1.0 09-16 16:46:42.667 I/Preview: crop: applied scaleY= 1.0666667 09-16 16:46:42.687 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:42.687 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:42.687 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x600[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:42.687 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (960.0x1280.0) 09-16 16:46:42.687 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x600) 09-16 16:46:42.687 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:42.687 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:42.687 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x600[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:42.687 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (960.0x1280.0) 09-16 16:46:42.687 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x600) 09-16 16:46:43.367 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/CameraCallbacks: dispatchOnCameraOpened com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraOptions@2928fdbf 09-16 16:46:43.678 D/ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN 09-16 16:46:44.769 D/ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN 09-16 16:46:44.829 D/TextView: setTypeface with style : 0 09-16 16:46:45.009 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/CameraCallbacks: dispatchOnCameraClosed 09-16 16:46:45.520 D/ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN 09-16 16:46:45.520 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:45.520 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:45.530 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: sizesFromList: [2576x1932, 2560x1536, 1920x1920, 2048x1536, 1600x1200, 640x480] 09-16 16:46:45.530 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: computeCaptureSize: videoQuality: MAX_480P targetRatio: 4:3 09-16 16:46:45.530 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: matchSize: found consistent: 4 09-16 16:46:45.530 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: matchSize: found big enough and consistent: 4 09-16 16:46:45.530 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: matchSize: returning result 2576x1932 09-16 16:46:45.530 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: sizesFromList: [1280x960, 1280x720, 800x480, 640x480, 720x720, 720x480, 352x288, 320x240, 176x144] 09-16 16:46:45.530 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: computePreviewSize: targetRatio: 4:3 surface size: 480x600 09-16 16:46:45.530 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: matchSize: found consistent: 3 09-16 16:46:45.530 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: matchSize: found big enough and consistent: 1 09-16 16:46:45.530 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Camera1: matchSize: returning result 1280x960 09-16 16:46:45.530 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/CameraCallbacks: onCameraPreviewSizeChanged 09-16 16:46:45.530 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/Preview: setDesiredSize: desiredW= 960 desiredH= 1280 09-16 16:46:45.530 D/InputMethodManager: windowDismissed mLockisused = false 09-16 16:46:45.550 I/Preview: crop: applied scaleX= 1.0 09-16 16:46:45.550 I/Preview: crop: applied scaleY= 1.0666667 09-16 16:46:45.560 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:45.560 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:45.560 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x600[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:45.560 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (960.0x1280.0) 09-16 16:46:45.560 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x600) 09-16 16:46:45.560 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:45.560 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:45.560 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x600[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:45.560 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (960.0x1280.0) 09-16 16:46:45.560 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x600) 09-16 16:46:46.050 2604-2626/com.otaliastudios.cameraview.demo I/CameraCallbacks: dispatchOnCameraOpened com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraOptions@2c79b6db 09-16 16:46:46.841 D/ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN 09-16 16:46:46.901 D/Editor: isTwoFingerGestureRecognitionEnabled1 09-16 16:46:46.901 D/Editor: isTwoFingerGestureRecognitionEnabled1else 09-16 16:46:47.181 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:47.181 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:47.181 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x600[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:47.181 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (960.0x1280.0) 09-16 16:46:47.181 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x600) 09-16 16:46:47.181 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:47.181 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:47.181 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x600[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:47.181 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (960.0x1280.0) 09-16 16:46:47.191 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x600) 09-16 16:46:47.201 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:47.201 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:47.201 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x600[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:47.201 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (960.0x1280.0) 09-16 16:46:47.201 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x600) 09-16 16:46:47.201 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:47.201 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:47.201 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x600[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:47.201 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (960.0x1280.0) 09-16 16:46:47.201 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x600) 09-16 16:46:48.633 D/InputMethodManager: windowDismissed mLockisused = false 09-16 16:46:51.515 D/ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN 09-16 16:46:51.585 D/TextView: setTypeface with style : 0 09-16 16:46:51.595 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:51.595 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:51.595 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x480[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:51.595 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (960.0x1280.0) 09-16 16:46:51.595 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x480) 09-16 16:46:51.595 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:51.595 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:51.595 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x480[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:51.595 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (960.0x1280.0) 09-16 16:46:51.595 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x480) 09-16 16:46:51.615 I/Preview: onSurfaceSizeChanged: w= 480 h= 480 09-16 16:46:51.615 I/Camera1: onSurfaceChanged, size is 480x480 09-16 16:46:51.615 I/Camera1: sizesFromList: [1280x960, 1280x720, 800x480, 640x480, 720x720, 720x480, 352x288, 320x240, 176x144] 09-16 16:46:51.615 I/Camera1: computePreviewSize: targetRatio: 4:3 surface size: 480x480 09-16 16:46:51.615 I/Camera1: matchSize: found consistent: 3 09-16 16:46:51.615 I/Camera1: matchSize: found big enough and consistent: 2 09-16 16:46:51.615 I/Camera1: matchSize: returning result 640x480 09-16 16:46:51.615 I/CameraCallbacks: onCameraPreviewSizeChanged 09-16 16:46:51.716 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:51.716 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:51.716 I/Preview: setDesiredSize: desiredW= 480 desiredH= 640 09-16 16:46:52.066 I/Preview: crop: applied scaleX= 1.0 09-16 16:46:52.066 I/Preview: crop: applied scaleY= 1.3333334 09-16 16:46:52.066 I/Preview: crop: applied scaleX= 1.0 09-16 16:46:52.066 I/Preview: crop: applied scaleY= 1.3333334 09-16 16:46:52.076 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:52.076 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:52.076 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x480[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:52.076 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (480.0x640.0) 09-16 16:46:52.076 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x480) 09-16 16:46:52.076 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:52.076 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:52.076 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x480[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:52.076 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (480.0x640.0) 09-16 16:46:52.076 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x480) 09-16 16:46:53.577 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:53.577 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:53.577 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x480[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:53.577 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (480.0x640.0) 09-16 16:46:53.577 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x480) 09-16 16:46:53.577 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:53.577 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:53.577 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x480[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:53.577 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (480.0x640.0) 09-16 16:46:53.577 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x480) 09-16 16:46:53.597 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:53.597 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:53.597 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x480[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:53.597 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (480.0x640.0) 09-16 16:46:53.597 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x480) 09-16 16:46:53.597 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: mDeviceOrientation= 0 mSensorOffset= 90 09-16 16:46:53.597 I/Camera1: shouldFlip: sensorToDisplay= 90 09-16 16:46:53.597 I/CameraView: onMeasure: requested dimensions are (480[EXACTLY]x480[EXACTLY]) 09-16 16:46:53.597 I/CameraView: onMeasure: previewSize is (480.0x640.0) 09-16 16:46:53.597 W/CameraView: onMeasure: both are MATCH_PARENT or fixed value. We adapt. This means CROP_CENTER. (480x480) 09-16 16:46:53.657 D/InputMethodManager: windowDismissed mLockisused = false 09-16 16:46:54.028 D/ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN