an electron moodboard app
Get the newest version here!
NOTE: this app is something i made for myself and decided to have publicly just in case it also suits anyone elses' needs. i have no real intentions of developing this "for" anyone, so many features will be very much suited to my own workflows and habits, and i probably won't add anything that i personally wouldn't use. Because this is in a constant state of floating development the packaged version is severely out of date to what's on git, if you're happy with the packaged version, cool! if you update it it's gonna change significantly! otherwise, i just recommend building it yourself from source since i personally have no real reason to use a packaged version when i'm making small changes all the time.
git clone && cd moodbored
npm start
git clone && cd moodbored
npm run package-[mac/win/linux]
or npm run package-all
Please either submit an issue or tweet at me