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Individual sandbox injection into widgets
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Turned sandbox modules into sandbox factories. Added RequireJS path
mapping to replace widget sandboxes with individual sandbox instances.

Allowing sandbox extensions through overriding a factory method in Core.

Added per-sandbox logging as first example of sandbox-specific
  • Loading branch information
atesgoral committed Nov 20, 2012
1 parent c737d0d commit a9c821b
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Showing 12 changed files with 141 additions and 107 deletions.
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions spec/SpecRunner.html
Expand Up @@ -60,9 +60,7 @@
// Set the base library
dom: 'src/aura/lib/dom',

core: 'src/extensions/backbone/core',
perms: 'src/extensions/backbone/permissions',
sandbox: 'src/extensions/backbone/sandbox',
backboneSandbox: 'src/extensions/backbone/sandbox',

aura_base: 'src/aura/base',
aura_core: 'src/aura/core',
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/apps/demo/js/app.js
Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,13 @@ if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') {

// Starts main modules
// Publishing from core because that's the way that Nicholas did it...
define(['core'], function(core) {
define(['aura_core', 'backboneSandbox'], function(core, backboneSandbox) {
'use strict';

core.getSandbox = function (sandbox) {
return backboneSandbox.extend(sandbox);

channel: 'todos',
options: {
Expand Down
44 changes: 39 additions & 5 deletions src/aura/core.js
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
// * [Nicholas Zakas: Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture](
// * [Writing Modular JavaScript: New Premium Tutorial](
// include 'deferred' if using zepto
define(['aura_base'], function(base) {
define(['aura_base', 'aura_sandbox'], function(base, sandbox) {

'use strict';

Expand All @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ define(['aura_base'], function(base) {
var emitQueue = [];
var isWidgetLoading = false;
var WIDGETS_PATH = 'widgets'; // Path to widgets
var sandboxSerial = 0; // For unique widget sandbox module names

// Load in the base library, such as Zepto or jQuery. the following are
// required for Aura to run:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,6 +107,13 @@ define(['aura_base'], function(base) {

// Handle logging request from channel
core.log = function(channel) {
var args =, 0);
args[0] = '[' + channel + ']';
console.log.apply(console, args);

// Subscribe to an event
// * **param:** {string} channel Event name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,7 +249,8 @@ define(['aura_base'], function(base) {
var l = list.length;
var promises = [];

function load(file, options) {
function load(channel, options) {
var file = decamelize(channel);
var dfd =;
var widgetsPath = core.getWidgetsPath();
var requireConfig = require.s.contexts._.config;
Expand All @@ -250,7 +259,33 @@ define(['aura_base'], function(base) {
widgetsPath = requireConfig.paths.widgets;

require([widgetsPath + '/' + file + '/main'], function(main) {
var widgetPath = widgetsPath + '/' + file;
// Unique sandbox module to be used by this widget
var widgetSandboxPath = 'sandbox$' + sandboxSerial++;

// Construct RequireJS map configuration
var sandboxMap = {};
// Every module whose path prefix matches widgetSandbox will get the unique sandbox for this widget
sandboxMap[widgetPath] = {
sandbox: widgetSandboxPath

var req = require.config({
map: sandboxMap

// Instantiate unique sandbox
var widgetSandbox = sandbox.create(core, channel);

// Apply application extensions
if (core.getSandbox) {
widgetSandbox = core.getSandbox(widgetSandbox, channel);

// Define the unique sandbox
define(widgetSandboxPath, widgetSandbox);

req([widgetPath + '/main'], function(main) {
try {
} catch (e) {
Expand All @@ -277,9 +312,8 @@ define(['aura_base'], function(base) {

for (; i < l; i++) {
var widget = list[i];
var file = decamelize(;

promises.push(load(file, widget.options || {}));
promises.push(load(, widget.options || {}));
}$, promises).done(core.emptyEmitQueue);
Expand Down
109 changes: 59 additions & 50 deletions src/aura/sandbox.js
Expand Up @@ -5,67 +5,76 @@
// Note: Handling permissions/security is optional here
// The permissions check can be removed
// to just use the mediator directly.
define(['aura_core', 'aura_perms'], function(mediator, permissions) {
define(['aura_perms'], function(permissions) {
'use strict';

var sandbox = {};
return {
create: function(mediator, channel) {
var sandbox = {};

// * **param:** {string} subscriber Module name
// * **param:** {string} channel Event name
// * **param:** {object} callback Module
sandbox.on = function(channel, subscriber, callback, context) {
if (permissions.validate(channel, subscriber)) {
mediator.on(channel, subscriber, callback, context || this);
sandbox.log = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.concat.apply([channel], arguments);
mediator.log.apply(mediator, args);

// * **param:** {string} channel Event name
sandbox.emit = function(channel) {
mediator.emit.apply(mediator, arguments);
// * **param:** {string} subscriber Module name
// * **param:** {string} channel Event name
// * **param:** {object} callback Module
sandbox.on = function(channel, subscriber, callback, context) {
if (permissions.validate(channel, subscriber)) {
mediator.on(channel, subscriber, callback, context || this);

// * **param:** {Object/Array} an array with objects or single object containing channel and element
sandbox.start = function(list) {
mediator.start.apply(mediator, arguments);
// * **param:** {string} channel Event name
sandbox.emit = function(channel) {
mediator.emit.apply(mediator, arguments);

// * **param:** {string} channel Event name
// * **param:** {string} el Element name
sandbox.stop = function(channel, el) {
mediator.stop.apply(mediator, arguments);
// * **param:** {Object/Array} an array with objects or single object containing channel and element
sandbox.start = function(list) {
mediator.start.apply(mediator, arguments);

sandbox.dom = {
// * **param:** {string} selector CSS selector for the element
// * **param:** {string} context CSS selector for the context in which
// to search for selector
// * **returns:** {object} Found elements or empty array
find: function(selector, context) {
return mediator.dom.find(selector, context);
// * **param:** {string} channel Event name
// * **param:** {string} el Element name
sandbox.stop = function(channel, el) {
mediator.stop.apply(mediator, arguments);
}; = {
// * **param:** {object} context Element to listen on
// * **param:** {string} events Events to trigger, e.g. click, focus, etc.
// * **param:** {string} selector Items to listen for
// * **param:** {object} data
// * **param:** {object} callback
listen: function(context, events, selector, callback) {, events, selector, callback);
sandbox.dom = {
// * **param:** {string} selector CSS selector for the element
// * **param:** {string} context CSS selector for the context in which
// to search for selector
// * **returns:** {object} Found elements or empty array
find: function(selector, context) {
return mediator.dom.find(selector, context);

sandbox.util = {
each: mediator.util.each,
extend: mediator.util.extend
}; = {
// * **param:** {object} context Element to listen on
// * **param:** {string} events Events to trigger, e.g. click, focus, etc.
// * **param:** {string} selector Items to listen for
// * **param:** {object} data
// * **param:** {object} callback
listen: function(context, events, selector, callback) {, events, selector, callback);
}; =;
sandbox.util = {
each: mediator.util.each,
extend: mediator.util.extend

sandbox.template = mediator.template; =;

return sandbox;
sandbox.template = mediator.template;

return sandbox;

3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/config.js
Expand Up @@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ define(function() {
widgets: "../../../widgets",

// Backbone Extension
core: '../../../extensions/backbone/core',
sandbox: '../../../extensions/backbone/sandbox',
backboneSandbox: '../../../extensions/backbone/sandbox',
text: '../../../extensions/backbone/lib/text',
backbone: '../../../extensions/backbone/lib/backbone',
i18n: '../../../i18n',
Expand Down
12 changes: 0 additions & 12 deletions src/extensions/backbone/core.js

This file was deleted.

52 changes: 27 additions & 25 deletions src/extensions/backbone/sandbox.js
@@ -1,38 +1,40 @@
// ## Sandbox Extension
// @fileOverview Extend the aura-sandbox (facade pattern)
// @todo This is a stupid place to include jquery ui
define(['aura_sandbox', 'core', 'perms', 'jquery_ui'], function(sandbox, core, perms) {
define(['perms', 'backbone', 'localstorage', 'jquery_ui'], function(perms, Backbone, Store) {
'use strict';

var auraSandbox = Object.create(sandbox); =;
auraSandbox.mvc = {};
auraSandbox.widgets = {};
return {
extend: function(sandbox, channel) { = Store;
sandbox.mvc = {};
sandbox.widgets = {};

auraSandbox.mvc.View = function(view) {
return core.mvc.View.extend(view);

auraSandbox.mvc.Model = function(model) {
return core.mvc.Model.extend(model);
sandbox.mvc.View = function(view) {
return Backbone.View.extend(view);

auraSandbox.mvc.Collection = function(collection) {
return core.mvc.Collection.extend(collection);
sandbox.mvc.Model = function(model) {
return Backbone.Model.extend(model);

auraSandbox.mvc.Router = function(router) {
return core.mvc.Router.extend(router);
sandbox.mvc.Collection = function(collection) {
return Backbone.Collection.extend(collection);

auraSandbox.widgets.stop = function(channel, el) {
return sandbox.stop.apply(this, arguments);
sandbox.mvc.Router = function(router) {
return Backbone.Router.extend(router);

auraSandbox.widgets.start = function(channel, options) {
return sandbox.start.apply(this, arguments);
sandbox.widgets.stop = function(channel, el) {
return sandbox.stop.apply(this, arguments);

return auraSandbox;
sandbox.widgets.start = function(channel, options) {
return sandbox.start.apply(this, arguments);

return sandbox;
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/widgets/boilerplate/main.js
Expand Up @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ define(['sandbox', './views/app'], function(sandbox, AppView) {
sandbox.emit('bootstrap', 'boilerplate');

sandbox.on('bootstrap', 'boilerplate', function(from) {
console.log('Boilerplate-bootstrap message from from: ' + from);
sandbox.log('Boilerplate-bootstrap message from: ' + from);

sandbox.on('*', 'calendar', function(from){
console.log('Wildcard event from:', from);
sandbox.log('Wildcard event from:', from);

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/widgets/calendar/main.js
Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ define(['sandbox', './views/app', './collections/events', 'fullcalendar'], funct
sandbox.emit('bootstrap', 'calendar');
sandbox.emit('*', 'calendar', 'bubblegum');
sandbox.on('bootstrap', 'calendar', function(from, data) {
console.log('Calendar-bootstrap message from from: ' + from);
console.log('Additional data:', data);
sandbox.log('Calendar-bootstrap message from: ' + from);
sandbox.log('Additional data:', data);
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/widgets/controls/main.js
Expand Up @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ define(['sandbox', './views/app'], function(sandbox, AppView) {
sandbox.emit('bootstrap', 'controls');

sandbox.on('bootstrap', 'controls', function(from) {
console.log('Controls-bootstrap message from from: ' + from);
sandbox.log('Controls-bootstrap message from: ' + from);
sandbox.on('*', 'calendar', function(from){
console.log('A wildcard was caught from:', from);
sandbox.log('A wildcard was caught from:', from);

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/widgets/router/main.js
Expand Up @@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ define(['sandbox', 'underscore'], function(sandbox, _) {

sandbox.emit('bootstrap', 'router');
sandbox.on('bootstrap', function(from) {
console.log('Router-bootstrap message from: ' + from);
sandbox.log('Router-bootstrap message from: ' + from);

sandbox.on('router', 'router', function() {
console.log('Route in router widget: ',;
sandbox.log('Route in router widget: ',;

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/widgets/todos/main.js
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ define(['sandbox', './views/app'], function(sandbox, AppView) {

sandbox.emit('bootstrap', 'todos');
sandbox.on('bootstrap', 'todos', function(from) {
console.log('Todos-bootstrap message from from: ' + from);
sandbox.log('Todos-bootstrap message from: ' + from);

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