The documentation is hosted on github pages:
The System for Atmospheric Modeling (SAM) is a key part of the pre-processing pipeline and prognostic evaluation of this machine learning project, but it is not necessary for offline evaluation or training.
If you want access to SAM, please email the author Marat Khairoutdinov (cc'ing me) to ask for permission. Then, I can give you access to the slightly modified version of SAM used for this project.
Once you have arranged this access, the SAM source code can be download to the
path ext/sam
git submodule --init --recursive
This project uses two dependency management systems. Docker is needed to run the SAM model and SAM-related preprocessing steps. you do not need this if you are only training a model from pre-processed data (the data in zenodo). Poetry is a simpler pure python solution that should work for most common scenarios.
To use docker, you first need to build the image:
make build_image
If you get an error make: nvidia-docker: Command not found
, edit the
Makefile to have DOCKER = docker
instead of nvidia-docker
. (Assuming
docker is already installed.) Then, the docker environment can be entered by
make enter
This opens a shell variable in a docker container with all the necessary software requirements.
To use poetry, you can install all the needed packages and enter a sandboxed environment by running
poetry install
poetry shell
The instructions below assume you are in one of these environments
To run train the models, type
snakemake -j <number of parallel jobs>
This will take a long time! To see all the steps and the corresponding commands in this workflow, type
snakemake -n -p
This whole analysis is specified in the Snakefile, which is the first place to look.
To reproduce the plots for the Journal of Atmospheric science paper, run
make jas2020
The figures for this paper requires you to install chromedriver to export to svg format. I did this on my mac with these commands:
# for svg saving from altair
brew install chromedriver
# on mac os to allow unverified developers
xattr -d /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
You also need to install Inkscape to convert the svg to pdf format.
Evaluating ML Paramerizations is somewhat different than normal ML scoring.
Some useful metrics which work for xarray data are available in
. In particular uwnet.metrics.r2_score
computes the ubiquitous
R2 score.
SAM has been modified to call arbitrary python functions within it's time stepping loop. These python functions accept a dictionary of numpy arrays as inputs, and store output arrays with specific names to this dictionary. Then SAM will pull the output contents of this dictionary back into Fortran and apply any computed tendency.
To extend this, one first needs to write a suitable function, which can be tested using the data stored at assets/
. The following steps explore this data
In [5]: state = torch.load("assets/")
In [6]: state.keys()
Out[6]: dict_keys(['layer_mass', 'p', 'pi', 'caseid', 'case', 'liquid_ice_static_energy', '_DIMS', '_ATTRIBUTES', 'total_water_mixing_ratio', 'air_temperature', 'upward_air_velocity', 'x_wind', 'y_wind', 'tendency_of_total_water_mixing_ratio_due_to_dynamics', 'tendency_of_liquid_ice_static_energy_due_to_dynamics', 'tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_dynamics', 'tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_dynamics', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'sea_surface_temperature', 'surface_air_pressure', 'toa_incoming_shortwave_flux', 'surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux', 'surface_upward_latent_heat_flux', 'air_pressure', 'air_pressure_on_interface_levels', 'dt', 'time', 'day', 'nstep'])
In [7]: qt = state['total_water_mixing_ratio']
In [8]: qt.shape
Out[8]: (34, 64, 128)
In [9]: state['sea_surface_temperature'].shape
Out[9]: (1, 64, 128)
In [10]: state['air_pressure_on_interface_levels'].shape
Out[10]: (35,)
In [11]: state['p'].shape
Out[11]: (34,)
In [12]: state['_ATTRIBUTES']
{'liquid_ice_static_energy': {'units': 'K'},
'total_water_mixing_ratio': {'units': 'g/kg'},
'air_temperature': {'units': 'K'},
'upward_air_velocity': {'units': 'm/s'},
'x_wind': {'units': 'm/s'},
'y_wind': {'units': 'm/s'},
'tendency_of_total_water_mixing_ratio_due_to_dynamics': {'units': 'm/s'},
'tendency_of_liquid_ice_static_energy_due_to_dynamics': {'units': 'm/s'},
'tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_dynamics': {'units': 'm/s'},
'tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_dynamics': {'units': 'm/s'},
'latitude': {'units': 'degreeN'},
'longitude': {'units': 'degreeN'},
'sea_surface_temperature': {'units': 'K'},
'surface_air_pressure': {'units': 'mbar'},
'toa_incoming_shortwave_flux': {'units': 'W m^-2'},
'surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux': {'units': 'W m^-2'},
'surface_upward_latent_heat_flux': {'units': 'W m^-2'},
'air_pressure': {'units': 'hPa'}}
In [13]: # tendence of total water mixing ratio expected units = g/kg/day
In [14]: # tendence of tendency_of_liquid_ice_static_energy expected units =K/day
Write uwnet.sam_interface.call_random_forest
rule sam_run in Snakefile actually runs the SAM model.
parameters as a json file are passed to src.sam.create_case via -p flag.
Example parameters at assets/parameters_sam_neural_network.json.
parameters['python'] configures which python function is called.